
Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts NPC's - 11 Viewing

Reserved NPC's are specific, developed characters that belong to a member of OH, and can only be played by them (or approved individuals). You can also make storyline or organizational NPC's for storylines that anyone can play, or find an NPC for your storyline, mission or quest here!

Moderator: Head Moderator

Sub-boards: Class/Profession NPC's, General Storyline NPCs

48 50 Dex Maxim [The Syndicate NPC-R]
by Cordelia de Clare
Aug 11, 2016 20:03:21 GMT -5
No New Posts Pamela's Dossiers

Various builds of all classes and professions, used in various storylines and roleplay. Both normally played characters, and NPC's.

Moderator: Head Moderator

Sub-boards: Pamela's NPC's, Currently Shelved Characters, Pamela's Private Board ♥ Keep Out!

80 167 Tatyana Arcene • chaiiceoflethe
by Tatyana Arcene
Jun 7, 2017 15:28:19 GMT -5
No New Posts Andy's Stuff - 1 Viewing

Just what the name says it is.

Moderator: Dorian Thales

Sub-boards: Andy's Private Board, Retired Characters

19 25 The Space Man
by Dorian Thales
Jun 17, 2016 19:50:10 GMT -5
No New Posts Badger's Dossiers

Badger's Characters!

Moderator: badger

19 26 ruin novos ·· unburnt witch
by Ruin Novos
Mar 16, 2017 15:41:04 GMT -5
No New Posts Mark's Dossiers

The characters played by swordofatrophy.

Moderator: Ellis Strata

11 21 Drancent (Yule/TFM Free Slot)(swordofatrophy)
by Ellis Strata
Dec 12, 2016 3:17:00 GMT -5
No New Posts Tim's Dossiers - 3 Viewing

Tim's Characters!

Moderator: Kythin Steelfang

10 21 Animal Companion: Asher
by Kythin Steelfang
Oct 26, 2016 17:54:34 GMT -5
No New Posts Scarred Lands SL

All of the characters involved in the Scarred Lands SL, members of The Porcelain Eye. For more information, talk to Mark (swordofatrophy).

Moderator: Ellis Strata

8 20 Ceridwen ♥ Elensar
by Scarred Grace
Feb 24, 2017 21:12:48 GMT -5
No New Posts Character Storage

These are characters whose players have decided to "shelf" them for now, or their players have disappeared. It's a storehouse of dossiers of little used to unused characters.
*If anyone wishes a dossier to be put here for safe keeping, please contact tesarikone. You cannot gain XP, GP, Loot, Craft or anything with characters in this section.

Sub-board: Vault of Removed Characters

221 326 spectra arc de velle ( arcdevelle )
by Spectra
Jan 31, 2017 22:19:33 GMT -5


Status    Subject Created By Replies Views Last Post
new!BookmarkLockedFalling Behr Leif (ofruggedways)
behrleif 0 279 by behrleif
Aug 27, 2016 20:19:12 GMT -5
new!BookmarkLockedFalling Adara Mathias
Adara Mathias 0 279 by Adara Mathias
Aug 20, 2016 1:54:21 GMT -5
new!BookmarkLockedFalling Feyharra Ta'Dromadal (CascadingMemory)
Feyharra 0 230 by Feyharra
Aug 19, 2016 22:12:15 GMT -5
new!BookmarkLockedFalling Eva Korin
Eva Korin 0 130 by Eva Korin
Aug 18, 2016 20:18:31 GMT -5
new!BookmarkLockedFalling Ragnar Koda (rageofnocturne) (Free Triple Tie character) 2 938 by
Aug 15, 2016 18:47:38 GMT -5
new!BookmarkLockedFalling Mallick Rendall (iyieldtonone)
Mallick Rendall 0 240 by Mallick Rendall
Aug 14, 2016 17:48:05 GMT -5
new!BookmarkLockedFalling Dossier - Jessica (TrueRedBlood)
jessica 0 302 by jessica
Aug 4, 2016 16:05:40 GMT -5
new!BookmarkLockedFalling Harlequin King( Free Human Character 1 515 by
Jun 29, 2016 19:47:11 GMT -5
new!BookmarkLockedFalling Rogue in the Name
Connor Sleight 3 321 by Connor Sleight
Jun 28, 2016 12:30:11 GMT -5
new!BookmarkLockedFalling Achilles
Daemian Berazalle 2 132 by Daemian Berazalle
Jun 17, 2016 18:11:25 GMT -5
new!BookmarkLockedFalling The Quiet Touch
feng 0 234 by feng
Jun 8, 2016 18:36:15 GMT -5
new!BookmarkLockedFalling Branwen O’ Rinn (path rewritten)
Branwen O' Rinn 2 954 by Branwen O' Rinn
Feb 28, 2016 20:10:31 GMT -5
new!BookmarkLockedFalling Naaria Gladomain ♦ grim expectation
Naaria Gladomain 2 518 by Naaria Gladomain
Feb 27, 2016 22:35:04 GMT -5
new!BookmarkLockedFalling Nikolai "Niko" Ruslan [myobsidiansouls]
Nikolai 1 316 by Nikolai
Feb 21, 2016 23:16:16 GMT -5
new!BookmarkLockedFalling "Deathblow" Georg Pryme (georgpryme)
Georg Pryme 5 1,176 by Georg Pryme
Feb 20, 2016 1:04:02 GMT -5
new!BookmarkLockedFalling Yvette Rosenquist (abject focus)
Yvette 💎 Rosenquist 0 668 by Yvette 💎 Rosenquist
Feb 3, 2016 15:50:27 GMT -5
new!BookmarkLockedFalling Qivara ( a stray howl )
Qivara 1 548 by Qivara
Jan 30, 2016 16:14:13 GMT -5
new!BookmarkLockedFalling Reinard(thewyldtyger)
reinardcaerllyon 3 851 by reinardcaerllyon
Jan 12, 2016 17:41:05 GMT -5
new!BookmarkLockedFalling Avarice [visceralrancor]
visceralrancor 0 350 by visceralrancor
Jan 7, 2016 18:36:18 GMT -5
new!BookmarkLockedFalling « Wedilen Skordal | grim mater »
Wedilen Foxbone Skordal 3 621 by Wedilen Foxbone Skordal
Dec 29, 2015 15:59:57 GMT -5
new!BookmarkLockedFalling Felix Stark [ ibrushstrokei ]
Felix Stark 2 279 by Felix Stark
Dec 11, 2015 20:58:12 GMT -5
new!BookmarkLockedFalling Paragus Tarble (rageofnocturne) 1 992 by
Nov 12, 2015 21:46:57 GMT -5
new!BookmarkLockedFalling Hyo Jin Pyo
Hyo Jin Pyo 1 703 by Hyo Jin Pyo
Nov 9, 2015 21:29:33 GMT -5
new!BookmarkLockedFalling Duchess Cordelia de Clare of Drowsing ( ardent idolatry )
Cordelia de Clare 4 1,353 by Cordelia de Clare
Oct 24, 2015 16:01:13 GMT -5
new!BookmarkLockedFalling Magnus
magnus 0 430 by magnus
Oct 14, 2015 22:27:04 GMT -5
new!BookmarkLockedFalling Vilkas Silverblood (rageofnocturne) 1 1,492 by
Sept 8, 2015 11:20:26 GMT -5
new!BookmarkLockedFalling Kyna Aednat
timelost 0 456 by timelost
Sept 5, 2015 16:40:36 GMT -5
new!BookmarkLockedFalling Sorcha ni Fiona
sorcha 1 538 by sorcha
Sept 3, 2015 11:33:07 GMT -5
new!BookmarkLockedFalling The Fury of the North
ranuifr 0 619 by ranuifr
Jul 2, 2015 20:59:55 GMT -5
new!BookmarkLockedFalling Ic'anthe Lysea ( radiant anima )
Ic'anthe Lysea 2 156 by Ic'anthe Lysea
Apr 5, 2015 19:25:30 GMT -5
new!BookmarkLockedFalling Cato Harrington
Daemian Berazalle 1 322 by Daemian Berazalle
Feb 25, 2015 0:47:19 GMT -5
new!BookmarkLockedFalling Nerezza [Gemmedwings]
Celeste 1 312 by Celeste
Feb 16, 2015 17:29:41 GMT -5
new!BookmarkLockedFalling Brendan Pearce, The Lunar Beacon
brendanpearce 2 674 by brendanpearce
Dec 22, 2014 18:05:05 GMT -5
new!BookmarkLockedFalling Lorcan Murdough Fayden (rageofnocturne) 0 633 by
Dec 15, 2014 0:58:51 GMT -5
new!BookmarkLockedFalling Swamp Ranger (stiliborn dawn)
Stillborn Dawn 0 392 by Stillborn Dawn
Dec 7, 2014 20:13:06 GMT -5
new!BookmarkLockedFalling De'vin Sharmantious
sharmantious 0 483 by sharmantious
Nov 3, 2014 20:22:27 GMT -5
new!BookmarkLockedFalling Bryce Thomson(Cloaked Fists)
brycethomson 3 377 by brycethomson
Jul 21, 2014 0:23:47 GMT -5
new!BookmarkLockedFalling Scaled Zorcan
GriotsvenValbeinen 2 378 by GriotsvenValbeinen
Jul 12, 2014 5:05:02 GMT -5
new!BookmarkLockedFalling Daemian Berazalle (daemianberazalle)
Daemian Berazalle 5 843 by Daemian Berazalle
Jun 5, 2014 10:36:30 GMT -5
new!BookmarkLockedFalling Akito Takano [ xsilverheatx ]
Akito Takano 0 339 by Akito Takano
Jul 3, 2013 2:13:47 GMT -5


Thread Announcement Sticky Locked new! New Poll Bookmark

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Every character in OH has their own dossier, if it's not in your dossier it doesn't exist in our gaming world.
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Total Posts:857
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Rumors, Intrigue, Gossip - If you've got information to share, this is the place to let all of Arith know! "It happened again you know. Yes, but this time it was a child who screamed as if being killed. But when the guards and all showed the kid was perfectly fine and said nothing happened at all. Strange going ons lately..." --Gossip within the Markets-- Apr 26, 2017 22:03:12 GMT -5
Ellis Strata: (Anyone wondering about the quests this week, pushing them back a day. Quest tomorrow, tower on Thursday) Apr 4, 2017 15:42:07 GMT -5
Kythin Steelfang: "Ordering that poison like it's normal. " -Bartender. Apr 2, 2017 22:04:35 GMT -5 *
Kythin Steelfang: "An unamused Vishkanya has been seen darkening the Blue Rose Inn of late as if waiting for someone. " - Old Minow Fisherman Apr 2, 2017 22:03:28 GMT -5
Ellywick Fizzlespark: Quote of the day: Logen: "Behr... You know how long it'd be for you on your back and all fours?" Mar 9, 2017 23:03:23 GMT -5 "There seems to have been something strange in the skies lately. Like a stray shooting star, though the astrologers say it is no star at all...what do you think it is? --Whispers throughout Sarkotos-- Mar 1, 2017 23:51:21 GMT -5
Ellywick Fizzlespark: "There were people bit during the Full Moons that are changing even though we all got cures. Poor saps. Apparently the Hal Bennett can't cure it at all." -- Navahla resident in Archgate Jan 22, 2017 20:02:32 GMT -5 * "Did anyone else hear of the shark in Pincer Lake? How the hell did one get in there? Let alone still be living??" -- Navahla merchant Jan 14, 2017 22:51:24 GMT -5
Spyder: Nefelibata: (noun) Lit. "Cloud walker"; one who lives in the clouds of their own imagination or dreams or one who does not obey the conventions of society, literature, or art. Jan 10, 2017 10:17:35 GMT -5
Dorian Thales: "Well, I'll be damned. Turns out one of the Hastings family was taken in by the king before..well..before it all went badly. Least there won't be nobody there, last thing we need is some civil war over the territory. Bad for business." -Doxenian merchant Jan 9, 2017 18:36:27 GMT -5
Spyder: Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back. Those who wish to sing always find a song. At the touch of a lover, everyone becomes a poet. -Plato Dec 16, 2016 6:11:25 GMT -5 *
Ellywick Fizzlespark: "I'm tellin' you. I saw an old gnome lady hobblin' 'round naked as the day she was born. I asked 'er if she was cold and she turned her eyes right to me and said 'Does it look like I'm cold?' I had to tell her why yes, yes it did. Made her laugh." Dec 12, 2016 13:53:29 GMT -5
Head Moderator: C R A C K -- "The fuck was that?" said all around Feld, and across Pincer Lake, even into Navahla. Dec 9, 2016 20:58:57 GMT -5
deedlitgalanodel: "Who wants to be in a stuffy building? The outdoors is the best choice" Dec 9, 2016 16:46:53 GMT -5
Ellywick Fizzlespark: "I'm not letting some astrologer tell me I can't protect myself on my own farm!" -- Man near Kilvery, refusing to leave. Dec 7, 2016 16:26:56 GMT -5
Head Moderator: "I'm scared." Dec 6, 2016 21:06:54 GMT -5
Camilla Summers: "Did you hear that an entire group of The Heart members were running amuck in the mud yesterday?" Scoffs a passerby. "Completely unseemly, acting like children not adventurers. And who was playing that ominous music?" Nov 13, 2016 20:11:01 GMT -5
Dorian Thales: "Of course it wasn't you, Vixen! I doubt even you have the clout to take out the Hastings family. Hm. Maybe the king decided he didn't like them anymore? Or maybe it were an inside job." -Man a bit too far into his cups. Nov 11, 2016 17:51:12 GMT -5
Cordelia de Clare: "Well, it wasn't me!" Vixen could be heard in protest at the news of another dead Doxenian noble family. Nov 10, 2016 14:26:12 GMT -5
Head Moderator: Kneeling at a fresh grave, a snowy haired creature in black mourning attire places a red rose down, and tears mingle with the upturned ground. Nov 5, 2016 20:27:28 GMT -5
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