Post by Camilla Summers on Nov 8, 2016 22:49:56 GMT -5
Camilla Summers
Rank: Topaz Champion
Dice: 2d46
Hit Points: 36 ( 23 (Half Dice) + 3 (Endurance) + 2 (Willpower) + 5 (Diehard) + 3 (Brutish Durability) )
Defense DC: 16 ( 10 + 6 QCK )
Initiative: 6 (QCK)
Physical Strike: 6 (physical|QCK) | Damage: 0 (melee|STR) | Damage: 9 (ranged|QCK) (ranged sniper)
• Strength [0]
• Quickness [6]
• Endurance [3]
• Willpower [2]
• Intelligence [0]
• Perception [0]
• Charisma [0]
• Bluff [-2] (CHA) (-2 aloof)
• Diplomacy [-2] (CHA) (-2 aloof)
• Disguise [-4] (CHA) (-2 aloof, -2 distinctive)
• Insight [0] (PER)
• Intimidation [0/-2] (STR/CHA) (-2 aloof)
• Stealth [6] (QCK)
• Acrobatics [11] (QCK) (+5 acrobatics) | (nimble feet/daredevil athlete)
• Appraise [0] (PER)
• Athletics [0/3] (STR/END) (daredevil athlete)
• Gather Info [-2] (CHA) (-2 aloof)
• Knowledge [0] (INT) (+10 to Nature)
• Listen [5] (PER) (+5 alert)
• Locate Trap [0] (PER)
• Nature [10] (INT) (+10 Knowledge)
• Ride [6] (QCK) (daredevil athlete)
• Rogue [6] (QCK) (includes: Disable Trap/Lockpicking/Thievery/Escape ) (daredevil athlete)
• Search [0] (PER)
• Sleight of Hand [6] (QCK)
• Spot [5] (PER) (+5 alert)
• Use Object [6] (QCK)
Race: Human
Racial Weakness: N/A
Size: Medium
Racial Skills:
• Versatility – This skill allows you to choose skills that have a (V) marked on the A-Z skill list.
• Diehard – You have the ability to stay within combat longer than normal. You gain 5 extra hp. You may take this skill as many times as you desire. This is an innate skill.
• Alert – You gain a +5 to Spot and Listen Checks.
• Aloof – Your manner is cold and unapproachable, distancing you from friends and strangers alike. Your preternatural intelligence lends itself to viewing others as slow-witted and a waste of your precious time. Penalty: -2 on all Charisma based checks
• Curiosity – You're a naturally curious person and you find mysteries of any sort irresistible. In most circumstances, alas, your curiosity overrides your common sense. Penalty: Once per game session, the DM or another player can activate this flaw to force you to investigate something unusual, even if it looks like it might be dangerous. You must roll a willpower check (DC15) to keep yourself from otherwise touching, pressing, or investigating what has caught your eye. In addition, you suffer a -2 penalty to checks such as Insight when being seduced, being tricked into a trap of some sort, or any similar situation in which your curiosity can be piqued and may outweigh your better judgement.
• Distinctive: Ice Blue Eyes – You have some distinctive physical feature such as a scar, a prominent nose, a limp, or some similar characteristic that is hard to disguise or conceal. Characters with this trait might be sensitive about it, or they might play up its presence to gather attention, sympathy, or notoriety. Penalty: -2 on Disguise Checks
• Coming – Soon.
Primary Class: Combat
Class Bonus: Extra 1d, 1/combat
Secondary Class: --
Class Bonus: --
Primary Profession: --
Profession Bonus: --"Silent Tracker" You can move in complete silence, outdoors, negating any need to roll for moving quietly. You gain low-light vision, seeing three times further than normally in starlight, moonlight, torchlight and other conditions of poor lighting. You are able to track just about anything that leaves a trail of any kind, scent, etc. You also get "Ranger's Boon" which gives a +3 damage (DMG) and +2 Strike to your ranged attacks only.
Secondary Profession: --
Profession Bonus: --
Class/Prof Skills:
• Combat Affinity (class free) – You have an innate or learned fighting style. You cannot use combat maneuvers in OH without this skill.
• Bank Shot (prof free) – Bank Shot allows you to ricochet projectiles and thrown weapons off objects on the way to their target. This means you do not need to have a straight shot, but can attack them while remaining hidden. A Bank Shot also bypasses any shield a target might be holding or using. This can be used once per combat.
General/Combat Skills:
• Acrobatic (c) – You have excellent coordination, and can take a +5 to all Acrobatics Checks.
• Darksight (c) – The ability to see in total darkness up to 60 feet. This is a constant effect.
• Ranged Sniper (c) – You are adept in lining up accurate, deadly shots with your ranged weapon. This skill allows you to add a bonus of half your Quickness to the damage of each ranged attack that you make, including firearms. This is a constant skill.
• Combat Marksman (c) – You can send your ranged weapon into melee fighting without fear of hitting allies. If you do NOT have this skill, if you send any ranged weapon into melee, a roll will be made to see if you hit the baddie or one of your companions. This is a constant effect.
• Favored Enemy (c) – A ranger can choose a certain kind of creature whose nature and habits he knows inside and out as a favored enemy. Thereafter, he gains +5 damage anytime he faces this enemy as a bonus. Must name your enemy upon taking this skill, and your enemy must be stated in your CHARACTER SHEET clearly. At Amber, Emerald, Obsidian and Diamond Rank you may choose a second, third, fourth and fifth favored enemy giving you a total of FIVE favored enemies by the time you reach Diamond Rank. Please choose one of the following types. If you choose "Humanoid" Or "Outsider" choose a subtype. This is a constant effect. {Topaz: Animals
• Disabling Strike (t) – Sometimes the goal of the hunt is not to kill, only to capture. You take this ideal and apply it into the field of combat, your blow putting your target down long enough for you to get away or close upon. Once per combat, your target is stunned and loses as many turns as allowed per rank. Willpower save vs the Ranger's DC10 + Quickness. Save allowed each round.
• Point Blank Shot (t) – You are adept at using your ranged weapon, in close combat. In close combat your ranged weapon gets a +1 to damage. At Amber, it is now +2, at Emerald +3, at Ruby +4 and at Obsidian +5, Diamond +6. This is a constant skill.
• Brutish Durability (t) – This skill makes you harder to kill. Each time you rank up a gemstone, you may add 3 hp. This is NOT retroactive, it starts when you take the skill, so please mark on your dossier the gemstone you take this skill. This is an innate skill.
Teamwork Skill:
• to be chosen –
Defense Skills:
• Deflecting Shot (flaw) – A knight or fighter can choose to shield one person, once per combat, by firing a projectile to impact with the weapon coming to harm the protected. The force of the impact knocks the weapon off it's path and no one takes damage. They must use a ranged weapon in combat to use this skill.
Flavor Skills:
• Daredevil Athlete (c) – You are capable of pulling off amazing stunts. Three times per day, you can immediately gain a +5 bonus on a single Acrobatics or Athletics, Escape or Ride check. Must be stated BEFORE you roll for check.
• Knowledge (c) – You have accrued knowledge of one specific source. You also gain a +10 to each knowledge check asked for in that area. You may choose ONE type of knowledge per Gemstone rank you attain to gain your boost in! This is retroactive, you may choose as many knowledges as your gemstone ranks. Without Knowledge, you normally cannot make knowledge checks unless untrained is allowed. You may take this skill more than once.
- Nature
• Nimble Feet (c) – You can run across treacherous surfaces with ease. Once per adventure you can use this skill to cross a treacherous surface without taking an Acrobatics check.
• Primary –
• Secondary –
• Ranged – Spellshocked Composite Longbow (2d10)
(Paragon +2, Unerring Accuracy**, Impact **, Distance*)
• Hidden –
• Hidden –
• Attack –
• Defense –
Equipped Items:
• Head/Headband –
• Face/Eyes –
• Neck –
• Torso/Body –
• Armor –
• Cloak –
• Arms/Wrist –
• Hands – Gauntlets of Extended Range (double range of weapon)
• Waist –
• Legs –
• Feet –
• Body Mod –
• Ring 1 –
• Ring 2 –
• Free Slot – Obsidian Heart Ring
• Free Slot – Obsidian Heart Insignia
Packed Consumables: (up to 5)
Books: (up to 3)
Magical Pack Items: (up to 5 magical/wondrous items)
Mundane Pack Items: