Post by Head Moderator on Apr 29, 2015 23:39:11 GMT -5
Tesarik One: ^v^ 4/29/2015 10:45:00 PM ^v^
Tesarik One: --start quest state--
Tesarik One: OH Mission "Spring is in the Air"
Tesarik One: Your leader is Pamela.
Tesarik One: If you have questions please IM me or one of the Moderators.
Tesarik One: Estimated time is 1 to 1.5 hours from when we actually BEGIN
our roleplay.
Tesarik One: You can die on our adventures and there are consequences if you
Tesarik One: Make sure your dossier is updated! If it's not on your dossier
you do not have it and this includes mundane gear.
Tesarik One: Remember when you first use something to tell me how you are
able to use it - after that you can merely state the numbers.
Tesarik One: Now state your info: Rank - Name - Class/Profession - Dice -
Hit Points - Defense DC - Healing Points if applicable
Tesarik One: FLAWS and your WEAKNESS. Keep up with your own self-healing
Tesarik One: ---end state---
SoI Knight: || Ralen Ansig ||Ruby Shield|| Primary Class[Profession]:
Combat[Fighter] ||Secondary Class Support [Profession]: Noble|| 2d80 || 58 HP
[Spellborn body] || DC 17 || Healing Affinity - 26 points ||
SwordOfAtrophy: Olan Rauko - Amber Champion- Combat/Brawler - 2d54 - 32 HP
(27 + 5 Diehard) - 14 DDC (4 Qck) - Weakness: Unholy - Flaws: Easygoing,
Ignorant, Musclebound
SoI Knight: Flaws: Impatient; Muscle bound;Tithe[-10% Gold] || Weakness:
None || [Power Attack] ||
Tesarik One: Sessa Ekkion, Emerald Defender, 2d72, 47hp, DDC 18, Weakness:
RageofNocturne: Gabriel Mallaose/ Emerald Adept/ 2d70/ HP-35/ DC-22/ Devout/
Druid/ Arcane/ Heal others- 22/ Self Heal- 27/ Flaws: Magically Inept, Arcane
Parasites, Easy Going/ Weakness: Unholy//
OnlineHost: x Silver Heat x has left the room.
Tesarik One: (brb)
AMarieDarkrose: (( Alexis, Racial Weakness: Holy (1.5 Dmg), Combat, Extra 1d
1/combat, Topaz, 2d36.Defense DC: 16 (10 + Quickness,Hit Points: 20, )
Tesarik One: Roll for init, add QCK, give me final number.
OnlineHost: SwordOfAtrophy rolled 1 20-sided die: 16
SwordOfAtrophy: (+4 qck, -5 medium tech) = 15
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 19
OnlineHost: RageofNocturne rolled 1 20-sided die: 6
Tesarik One: (QCK 9, Med Armor -5, Muscle Reactions 12) +16 = 35
OnlineHost: RageofNocturne has left the room.
OnlineHost: RageofNocturne has entered the room.
OnlineHost: SoI Knight rolled 1 20-sided die: 13
SoI Knight: +7+10 = 30
RageofNocturne: +8= 14)
OnlineHost: AMarieDarkrose rolled 1 20-sided die: 7
AMarieDarkrose: Qck 6 + 7 = 13)?
Tesarik One: Yep.
Tesarik One: You wear medium armor don't you? that's -5 as well.
Tesarik One: so 13-5 = 8
AMarieDarkrose: ok
Tesarik One: Sessa 0/47 [18] || Ralen 0/58 [17] (0/26) || Olan 0/32 [14] ||
Gabriel 0/35 [22] (0/22) || Alexis 0/20 [16]
Tesarik One: Mistakes?
Tesarik One: Very well then.
Tesarik One: ^v^ 4/29/2015 10:58:22 PM ^v^
SoI Knight: [Don't have god mode turned on!]
SoI Knight: [kidding]
Tesarik One: I always have god mode turned on :)
SoI Knight: [Can I gt a bucket of chicken wings then?]
SwordOfAtrophy: (I miss Doom now)
SoI Knight: [;.;]
Tesarik One: Zumyandyn is soon approaching, this Friday in fact, and
Zumyandyn Eve is tomorrow! Zumyan being our god of fire, and this being our
world's version of Beltaine - a celebration of spring, fertility, and
Tesarik One: the hope for a good harvest to come from fruitful growth all
summer. So basically a fertility celebration! Already decorations are put up
through town making it look quite festive in yellows, greens, light blues,
and pale purples.
Tesarik One: Paper sunflowers decorate windows, and flowers are blooming
everywhere! In the Obsidian Heart Inne, every table has a vase of fresh
flowers, and there is a large bowl of colored eggs on the bar but if anyone
tries to touch them,
Tesarik One: Hana gives them a smack. "No touching yet!" she tells them. So
you are all either coming to the inne, or already at the inne having dinner
or drinks. (Begin RP)
RageofNocturne: :: Gabriel was at the inne sitting at a table looking at the
eggs and the flowers as he sat there with his hot tea and sighed as he
relaxed a bit after his little fight with Lexis-D-
AMarieDarkrose: :: moves over the bowl of eggs and looks at them as she
cants her head to the side then turns and leans against the bar, her ice
blue eyes takes the sight in with all the colors around her ::
Tesarik One: Sessa was already in the inne, sitting her big 7 foot 3 inch
body in one of the bigger chairs that Maria had provided for the "big folks",
with a feast before her. She liked ot eat, and she liked to each rich and
fancy feasts. It
SoI Knight: ::Hearing that there was going to be a celebration of fertility.
Ralen just stared at the decorations around.:: So we're celebracting
fertility with pretty flowers and eggs. Any naked women...? ::He'd had to
ask...seeing the other
SoI Knight: woman, Sessa there he'd stare for a moment.:: All diffent kinds
of beauty to say the least. [d]
Tesarik One: was somewhat of a quirk of hers. She glanced over to Ralen and
grinned, "Eggs have been a symbol of fertility for many cultures. If you want
naked women though, you need only ask."
SwordOfAtrophy: Olan was sitting cross legged on the floor by the fire. He
was supposed to be meditating, but the whole fertility festival was making it
difficult. And well, Sessa was quite beautiful too. Being a Monk was hard...
was that.. an
AMarieDarkrose: :: she looks to Gabe as she sighs shakeing her head she
should go talk to him as she places one foot in front of the otherand moves
to Gabe , she speaks :: well Sir you done being pissy ?
Tesarik One: Maria moved behind the bar and winked to Alexis as she saw her
looking at the bowl of eggs. "Soon." She helped Hana get food and drink out
to everyone, it was just supposed to be a lazy day at the inne. That never
really happened
SwordOfAtrophy: offer? Now he wasn't going to get any peace. Lirre was safe
upstairs, so it wouldn't hurt to stick around and.. see what happened.
SoI Knight: Maybe when I take my rightful place will I gain the right to
demand someone do that for me at the drop of a silver coin. For now thought,
only those that are willing. ::He'd sit back and stared at the eggs. ::
Though I didn't know
SoI Knight: eggs were to be a symbol of fertility....[d]
Tesarik One: though, did it? The redhead brought a basket of fresh rolls to
Sessa and then headed behind the bar again.
SwordOfAtrophy: "They represent unborn life."
SoI Knight: though*
Tesarik One: She nodded, they were used in many fertility ceremonies and
celebrations throughout the world (and our world too). "What's with the eggs
we can't touch, Maria?" Sessa called out as Maria headed back to the bar,
then grabbed a roll
Tesarik One: and smothered butter across it. She blew her pink hair out of
her eyes, and took a bite.
Tesarik One: "You'll see, Sessa. Just hold your horses," Maria found her a
small glass and pulled out her secret stash of expensive whisky and poured
herself some.
Tesarik One: Everyone roll a Spot please.
OnlineHost: SoI Knight rolled 1 20-sided die: 3
RageofNocturne: :: He looked to her when Alexis came up and lifted a brow--
Dont talk to me like that little missy. Im still older than you. --he said
and sighed-- Yes i am done being pissy though. -D-
SoI Knight: +10
OnlineHost: RageofNocturne rolled 1 20-sided die: 12
SoI Knight: 13 total
OnlineHost: scales change has entered the room.
RageofNocturne: +5 alert= 17)
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 5
OnlineHost: SwordOfAtrophy rolled 1 20-sided die: 6
Tesarik One: PER 3, Alert 5, Goggles 5 = +13 = 18
SwordOfAtrophy: (5 Alert) = 11
OnlineHost: AMarieDarkrose rolled 1 20-sided die: 1
SwordOfAtrophy: He stood up from the floor, the tall muscled frame
stretching. Yea, no point in trying to find inner peace now, not with food
about. He stepped over to Sessa's table. "Would you mind if I partook in a
AMarieDarkrose: i can speak how i wish to speak with you Gabe :: she huffed
:: but as long as you are done being pissy i guess we can talk soon yes?..
Tesarik One: She pushed the basket over and smiled, "Eat up, I've got
plenty." Sessa liked a lot of food but she was never too hungry to not share
with others. Had they met before? If not, she'd introduce herself, "I'm
Tesarik One: 10+ Notice that there is a large amount of people walking along
the streets outside the windows hair.
AMarieDarkrose: (1)
Tesarik One: Men, women, many people with green hair!
SwordOfAtrophy: "Olan. Pleasure to meet you Sessa." He bowed, respectfully,
and took a seat, grabbing a roll. He was trying not to look at her, so his
thoughts could be reigned in, and that drew his attention to a window. "Is..
that normal..?"
RageofNocturne: :: He nodded-- Yes we can. --he said and and then ruffled
his brows and got up finishing his tea and stepped over to the window and
looked outside-- Hmm.... now you dont see that everyday...-D-
AMarieDarkrose: see what gabe?:: she moved over to him next to the window
as she wrapped her arms around his waist a
AMarieDarkrose: many people with is that green hair?
SoI Knight: ::He'd looked outside to note all those people
hair. He'd raise his brow a bit.:: Why are there so many people with green
hair?...maybe something to do with the festivals colors...[d]
Tesarik One: Sessa glanced out the window and noticed the green hair as
well, "No, that is not normal. Probably has to do with the festival coming up
this week though.... maybe?" She hoped.
Tesarik One: The door to the inne opens and a feylike figure of a teenaged
female steps inside, her hair is in curls down to her thighs, dyed green like
so many others. Her eyes are a deep forest green with
Tesarik One: silver flecks. Her skin is olive toned. Dressed in a grecian
style draped white gown, slit up both sides to her waist, a belt of seashells
hangs low on her hips. Golden snakes curl around her upper arms.
Tesarik One: In her hand is a wooden staff, sprouted with ivy and curled
around it. On her head is a wreath of ivy and violets, and baby's breath. A
quiver and bow is strapped to her back.
Tesarik One: "Blessings to all in his place," she says softly as she walks
further in and the door shuts behind her. She moves to the bar and reaches
out to pick up one of the colored eggs, bowing her head slightly to Maria.
Tesarik One: (If anyone has Knowledge (Religion) or Knowledge (Mythology),
or another pertinent Knowledge I will allow a roll.)
RageofNocturne: :: Hmm? --he looked to the woman whom came in and lifted a
brow-- How interesting....who....or better yet what are you young one? --he
asked as he looked over the staff and all the nature things on her-- Are you
a druid? --he asked-
RageofNocturne: D-
Tesarik One: She smiled gently to Gabriel, though she did not answer.
SoI Knight: They...really don't try and hold back about sending the pretty
one's in first and dressed to please the eye's during this time, do they?
::He asked to no one in particular. A shake of his head was given before
turning over towards
OnlineHost: RageofNocturne rolled 1 20-sided die: 1
SoI Knight: Hana.:: You have any type of juice in stock? I don't think
anything that would intoxicate me would be good right about now. [d
RageofNocturne: autofail unfortunately)
SwordOfAtrophy: "No, they really don't.." He watched the green lady. Well he
didn't know much of anything, Monk training was limited, but something was
definitely amiss. Or maybe this is what the boss mentioned.
Tesarik One: Hana nodded and got him some pineapple mango juice that had
just come in from the islands. Maria bowed to the lady, which would tell
anyone who knew Maria that this lady was special as she did not bow to anyone
RageofNocturne: :: He lifted a brow-- Maria? Whom is this? --he asked and
looked back to the young woman-D-
Tesarik One: She let Hana finish her duties, then she and Hana went into the
kitchen, leaving the bowl of eggs and the strange green haired female with
those in the inne.
Tesarik One: "You may call me...mmm... Sirena," the green haired female said
to Gabriel. "I come from the forests."
AMarieDarkrose: :: she let go of Gabes waist as she looked to the women she
walked over to the bowl and picked up a egg and peeled as she began to eat
the egg her eyes look over to the window then back to the lady:: i would
like to know the same
Tesarik One: (No one else can roll a Knowledge?)
SoI Knight:
SoI Knight: [>>;]
Tesarik One: The eggs were hollow, and could not be peeled. In fact when
Alexis tried to take an egg, Sirena plucked it out of her hands. "Be patient,
SoI Knight: [or...]
SoI Knight: ::He'd take a look over towards the female once more. Getting a
bit curious about her orgin he'd...tkae a look into her past.:: [Chavloyance
- looking into her past]
AMarieDarkrose: :: blinks as she canted her head a bit:: patients isnt my
strong suit
Tesarik One: "I must bless the eggs first." She put her hand over the bowl
of eggs and closed her eyes, and began to pray in Primordial ... probably no
one knew it.... that's ok. A green mist swirled around the bowl of eggs
touching each and
Tesarik One: every egg. Once done, she offered the bowl to Alexis. "It is
something that is worth working on then, darling. Here, you may choose an egg
now. Do not open it yet until everyone has one."
RageofNocturne: Polylingual- understands all languages)
Tesarik One: (Polylingual doesn't count for primordial)
RageofNocturne: ahh nvm then lol)
AMarieDarkrose: :: she takes a egg as she smiled and yet gave a slight growl
to the comment:: i think i do just fine without it but thank you
RageofNocturne: :: He lifted a brow-- Sirena.....from the forests....i have
never seen you in all my time in the Scourcone....--he said and stepped over
and looked to the eggs then moved as he watched her and lifted a brow as he
tried to read her p
Tesarik One: Sirena moved around offering an egg from the bowl to Gabriel,
then Olan, Ralen, and Sessa.
RageofNocturne: ast after he took an egg from the basket that is.-D-
(Clairvoyant- read her past)
SoI Knight: ::Snaping back into reality, he'd stare up at the woman for a
moment as she came by and was offering an egg. He'd just stare at her for a
moment and shook the thoughts away from his mind. Still a fresh and untamed
ability to say the
SwordOfAtrophy: "More than one forest in the world." He took an egg, bowing
his head gracefully. "Thank you, Lady Sirena."
SoI Knight: least. Though with the egg within his grasp, he'd wait for
instruction while drinking down the mango[?] juice.:: [d]
Tesarik One: Pineapple mango yep.
Tesarik One: "In some places, I am known as the Green Queen," they were so
curious. She would give them that, if they knew their religion they might
guess who she was, if not, that was fine too!
Tesarik One: "Have you all an egg?"
Tesarik One: Sessa stood up, towering over the fey woman, and reached down
for an egg.
SoI Knight: Yes....::He said as he looked down towards the egg. His eye's
looking over it for a moment.::
RageofNocturne: :: He lifted his free hand to his temples and closed his
eyes as he stopped-- Ahh.... --he then looked to her-- Your..a goddess. --he
said after a moment of calming his mind-- Your...--he stopped and lowered hs
head to her and lower
Tesarik One: "You may crack open your egg. Careful." (Everyone roll a 1d20)
AMarieDarkrose: yes ma'am i do and to remind you i have been useing patients
in not opening it :: she holds in her hand wantint to crush it open::
RageofNocturne: ed into a bow to her as he was a Druid himself-D-
Tesarik One: She bowed her head to Gabriel and winked to him.
OnlineHost: AMarieDarkrose rolled 1 20-sided die: 5
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 4
OnlineHost: SoI Knight rolled 1 20-sided die: 5
RageofNocturne: :: He smiled to her then looked to the egg and cracked it
OnlineHost: RageofNocturne rolled 1 20-sided die: 5
SwordOfAtrophy: He nodded, looking down at it. Fertility.. the sort of thing
that got him here in the first place. Wasn't surprised he missed her
diety-ness, after having been kicked out of his own 'religion'. He cracked
open the egg.
OnlineHost: SwordOfAtrophy rolled 1 20-sided die: 9
Tesarik One: Give me a moment to tell everyone what they got before you
roleplay, k?
OnlineHost: scales change has left the room.
Tesarik One: Alexis, Gabriel, Ralen: Inside the egg is canary yellow
diamond, and a small piece of paper with an odd symbol on it.
Tesarik One: Sessa: Inside your egg is a fire opal, and a small piece of
paper with an odd symbol on it as well.
Tesarik One: Olan: Inside your egg is a green feather, and a wooden coin
with an odd symbol on it.
Tesarik One: Proceed!
AMarieDarkrose: :: she looked at yellow diamond then held up the paper
turning it from side to side and up and down like that will make a diffrence
as she trys to figure out it is she then turns to look at Gabewith question
:: what is this do
AMarieDarkrose: know : as she walks to him showing him the paper::
SoI Knight: ::With the egg cracked open, he'd look down to the yellow
diamond and stared at it for a moment and then then the paper with the odd
symbol on it.:: What's this? d]
SwordOfAtrophy: Hmmm, a feather and a coin.. interesting. He idly held the
feather in one hand, twirling it around. The other held the coin up to peer
at the odd symbol. He would have asked, but he expected he would probably be
told pretty soon.
Tesarik One: Sessa opened up her egg and plucked out the lovely gemstone,
and then opened up the paper and attempted to read it, but it was an odd rune
and she wasn't sure what it did.
RageofNocturne: :: He looked to the diamond and the paper and looked to the
symbol-- Hmm....--he then looked up to Sirena-- Thank you, M'lady. --he said
and lowered his head to her once more then looked to Alexis and looked to the
symbol-- I am uns
Tesarik One: As soon as Olan touched the green feather, his hair turns
RageofNocturne: ure actually Lexis....i cannot read it. --he said and lifted
the yellow diamond up and looked through it-D-
Tesarik One: She pointed to the papers that some of them got, "The paper is
a gift from me, that you will receive tonight if you tuck the paper beneath
your pillow. The wooden coin as well, Olan." She smiled as Olan's hair turned
AMarieDarkrose: :: looking up so she Olans hair turn green she began to
laugh at him the she nuged Gabe and pionted::
SoI Knight: [i'll brb]
Tesarik One: "Put the paper beneath your pillow and think about something
that would assist you in your endeavors while working for Maria. When you
wake up, you will find it nearby. It is my gift to you all."
SwordOfAtrophy: He didn't notice, he was busy checking the coin. "Ah, well
thank you, Lady Sirena. That is very kind of you."
AMarieDarkrose: :: holding tight to the yellow diamond and the piece of
paper in her hand till she stopped laughing , she held up the paper once more
and trying hard to figure it out as she went back and forth between the paper
and diamond::
RageofNocturne: :: He looked over to Olan and smirked then chuckled-- Very
nice Olan, you should keep it that color. --he said and then looked back to
Sirena-- This gift if more than any could as for Green Queen. --he said and
smiled to the youth-D
RageofNocturne: -
Tesarik One: "Olan, your feather is special, anyone that touches it will
have green hair for a week. It's power ends on midnight on Zumyandyn."
AMarieDarkrose: :: she nods and bows to the lady :: i do thank thee m'lady
Tesarik One: Everyone roll a Spot. If you have darksight, then add a +5.
SwordOfAtrophy: "Will have.. what..." He pulled a strand of hair down so he
could see it. Green huh? Interesting. "Guess I can be a trickster for a while
OnlineHost: SwordOfAtrophy rolled 1 20-sided die: 11
SwordOfAtrophy: (16)
OnlineHost: RageofNocturne rolled 1 20-sided die: 20
RageofNocturne: +5 darksight +5 alert= 30)
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 9
Tesarik One: +13 = 22
Tesarik One: She was too busy gifting everyone to realize that something
sinister had followed her into the inne, and suddenly she winced and reached
down to rub at her ankle, then glanced around a moment furrowing her brow. "I
believe I have
Tesarik One: been followed. Forgive me. Not all appreciate what I do, or who
I am."
Tesarik One: 15+ notice wisps of shadows in the shape of snakes slithering
about, hiding in the pools of shadow about the room.
Tesarik One: 20+ see three of them total.
Tesarik One: Sessa jumped up and grabbed her blade off her back, and pointed
towards the shadows nearest her, "Shadow creatures, Heart be ready!"
Tesarik One: Sirena moved to a chair and sat down, pulling up her dress
revealing her creamy perfect flesh, though where the shadow snake bit her...
her skin was turning black.
RageofNocturne: :: He narrowed his eyes-- Ill help protect you my Queen.
--he said and pulled out his Energy Blaster and his Arc Pistol and looked
around at the shadow snakes then looked over to her-- Are you alright?--he
asked her and saw the bite
Tesarik One: "Shadow asps, you must kill them quickly." She made a motion
with her hand and everyone felt power settle upon them, they could all hit
shadows if they could not before.
SwordOfAtrophy: Snakes... biting ladies.. what a way to ruin a mood. He
stood up, and assumed a stance, ready for battle, some snakes were about to
get beaaaaat. "Quickly.. that can be done.."
Tesarik One: "Yes... I will be. Their bite is toxic, and will poison the
flesh and cause the bitten to turn into a shadow."
Tesarik One: Shadow Asp 1 0/?? [16] || [Sessa 0/47 [18] || Shadow Asp 2 0/??
[16] || Ralen 0/58 [17] (0/26) || Olan 0/32 [14] || Gabriel 0/35 [22] (0/22)
|| Alexis 0/20 [16] || Shadow Asp 3 0/?? [16]
Tesarik One: Shadow Asp 1-
Tesarik One: One of the shadowy snakes darted out towards Sessa, attempting
to curl around her ankle and bite her.
RageofNocturne: -- Cover me. --he said and moved over to Sirena and looked
over the wounds and moved his hands to examine the bites then heard her-D-
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 12
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: 18 - Hit
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 2 60-sided dice: 15 49
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 8 poynts damage ~*~
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 6-sided die: 4
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: +6 = 18 dmg
AMarieDarkrose: :: she places her hand upon the hilt of her sword as she
unshealths it she looks all around her::
OnlineHost: tarotblades has entered the room.
Tesarik One: +15 DEF (since not using shield) = 3 dmg
Tesarik One: The bite turns black just as on Sirena.
Tesarik One: Shadow Asp 1 0/?? [16] || [Sessa 3/47 [18] || Shadow Asp 2 0/??
[16] || Ralen 0/58 [17] (0/26) || Olan 0/32 [14] || Gabriel 0/35 [22] (0/22)
|| Alexis 0/20 [16] || Shadow Asp 3 0/?? [16]
SoI Knight: [back]
Tesarik One: Sessa-
SoI Knight: [am i dead?]
SwordOfAtrophy: (yes)
SoI Knight: [time to roll a new character. -sigh-]
OnlineHost: Ancient Zyldian has entered the room.
OnlineHost: tarotblades has left the room.
Tesarik One: "Ah shit, it bit me.." she grumbled and her large sword swung
down towards the shadowy snake before it could slither away. She moved
quickly to guard Sirena and Gabriel hoping no others came for the lady.
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 20
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 2 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: Crit Hit!
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 2 72-sided dice: 52 60
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 18 poynts damage ~*~
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 2 9-sided dice: 6 1
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: (STR 12, Fighter 3) = 58 Dmg
Tesarik One: Shadow Asp 1 disipates into wisps of darkness, and is no more.
Tesarik One: Sessa 3/47 [18] || Shadow Asp 2 0/?? [16] || Ralen 0/58 [17]
(0/26) || Olan 0/32 [14] || Gabriel 0/35 [22] (0/22) || Alexis 0/20 [16] ||
Shadow Asp 3 0/?? [16]
Tesarik One: Asp 2-
Tesarik One: Darting for Olan, another sneaky slithering creature attempts
to bite his leg.
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 7
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: 13 - Miss
Tesarik One: Ralen-
SoI Knight: Don't appericate what you do? ::Ralen said as he looked over the
"goddess". :: I appericate you just sitting there and looking
pretty....::He'd shake his head. Feeling her own power swelling up in him, he
didn't have to use his own
SoI Knight: spirtual power to hit those on another plane. He'd stare [Shadow
Asp 2] down. Standing and gripping his sword he'd quickly make his way
towards it, hopefully not tripping, and went for a percise cut along the
center, trying not to
OnlineHost: Ancient Zyldian has left the room.
SoI Knight: bash in the Inne....::
OnlineHost: SoI Knight rolled 1 20-sided die: 17
Tesarik One: ~*~ SoI Knight scored 1 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: The inne could self-heal!
SoI Knight: +12[Power attack] +3[Fighter's weapon]
Tesarik One: Hit
OnlineHost: SoI Knight rolled 2 80-sided dice: 41 68
Tesarik One: ~*~ SoI Knight scored 17 poynts damage ~*~
OnlineHost: SoI Knight rolled 2 10-sided dice: 5 6
Tesarik One: ~*~ SoI Knight scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
SoI Knight: +12[Strength]+12[Two-handed Expert]+3[Fighter's weapon]
OnlineHost: tarotblades has entered the room.
OnlineHost: tarotblades has left the room.
OnlineHost: tarotblades has entered the room.
OnlineHost: tarotblades has left the room.
SoI Knight: 17+11+27 = 55 damage
Tesarik One: Snake 2 was no more, just wisps!
Tesarik One: Olan-
SoI Knight: ::Ralen would look to the last one and soon started after
it...but stopped.:: Others need glory too....[d]
SwordOfAtrophy: Well, with one snake left, he opted for the surprise attack,
watching it snake on one side of the table. He rolled over the table and
pushed off to come down hard on the silly reptile. (Bloodlust: Double combat
OnlineHost: SwordOfAtrophy rolled 1 20-sided die: 5
Tesarik One: ~*~ SwordOfAtrophy scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
SwordOfAtrophy: +10 Str, Power Attack = 15
Tesarik One: Miss
Tesarik One: Gabriel-
SwordOfAtrophy: Story of my life.
RageofNocturne: :: Well he was busy with Sirena and put his hand over the
bite to use his magic to help the Green Queen by neutralizing the poison in
her veins!-D- Neutralie poison/ Save- no/ Instantly neutralizes poison in
creature or touched obje
RageofNocturne: ct/ 1/4 spells used for day 1/2 spells per adventure used
RageofNocturne: per combat*
Tesarik One: Noted. Sirena's poison is removed. The blackness fades, and she
leans over and presses a soft kiss to Gabriel's cheek.
Tesarik One: Alexis-
AMarieDarkrose: :: she had moved fast swinging her blade down across the the
OnlineHost: AMarieDarkrose rolled 1 20-sided die: 16
Tesarik One: ~*~ AMarieDarkrose scored 1 poynts damage ~*~
AMarieDarkrose: 16 +6==22
Tesarik One: Hit
OnlineHost: AMarieDarkrose rolled 2 36-sided dice: 24 29
Tesarik One: ~*~ AMarieDarkrose scored 5 poynts damage ~*~
OnlineHost: AMarieDarkrose rolled 1 6-sided die: 6
Tesarik One: ~*~ AMarieDarkrose scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
AMarieDarkrose: 6+3=9
AMarieDarkrose: 36dmg?
RageofNocturne: no. 5 +6 +9= 14 dmg)
Tesarik One: That's 5 + 6 + 6 Quickness cause you have Dex fighter right?
AMarieDarkrose: (( ok ))
RageofNocturne: ignore me i cant do math this late lol)
AMarieDarkrose: yes
Tesarik One: so 17 dmg
Tesarik One: Sessa 3/47 [18] || Ralen 0/58 [17] (0/26) || Olan 0/32 [14] ||
Gabriel 0/35 [22] (0/22) || Alexis 0/20 [16] || Shadow Asp 3 17/?? [16]
Tesarik One: Asp 3-
Tesarik One: As Alexis went for the snake and damaged the creature, it spun
about and went to bite her on the ankle.
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 19
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 1 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: 25 Hit
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 6-sided die: 5
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 2 60-sided dice: 1 11
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: +6 = 11 dmg to Alexis. Def?
Tesarik One: Alexis, def?
AMarieDarkrose: 18 def
Tesarik One: 0 dmg
Tesarik One: Sessa 3/47 [18] || Ralen 0/58 [17] (0/26) || Olan 0/32 [14] ||
Gabriel 0/35 [22] (0/22) || Alexis 0/20 [16] || Shadow Asp 3 17/?? [16]
Tesarik One: Sessa-
Tesarik One: Seeing that Gabriel healed up Sirena, she nodded and them moved
quickly over to the asp tormenting the new lady. Her large sword was swung
down, trying to chop the damn thing in half.
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 1
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: Crit Fail!
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 6-sided die: 2
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: Big girl falls down, loses a turn. Oops.
Tesarik One: Ralen-
Tesarik One: Tripping over her own big feet, the giantkin fell down to her
knees and brought the blade down on the floor instead of the snake. "OOOMPH!"
Pause. "Well fuck."
SoI Knight: ::Seeing that the final Asp was still standing some how. He'd
quickly press forward to go and deal with it before it could bite and harm
anyone else. Attempting to get a nice clean cut while not messing up the
Inne! Even if it could
SoI Knight: self heal.::
OnlineHost: SoI Knight rolled 1 20-sided die: 9
Tesarik One: ~*~ SoI Knight scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
SoI Knight: +12+3
SoI Knight: 24 total
Tesarik One: Hit
OnlineHost: SoI Knight rolled 2 80-sided dice: 35 62
Tesarik One: ~*~ SoI Knight scored 15 poynts damage ~*~
OnlineHost: SoI Knight rolled 2 10-sided dice: 5 9
Tesarik One: ~*~ SoI Knight scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
SoI Knight: +12+12+3
SoI Knight: 15+14+27 =56
Tesarik One: The asp burst into bits of shadow, destroyed.
Tesarik One: *Sessa 3/47 [18] || Ralen 0/58 [17] (0/26) || Olan 0/32 [14] ||
Gabriel 0/35 [22] (0/22) || Alexis 0/20 [16] ]
Tesarik One: -end combat-
Tesarik One: She pushed herself up, and then leaned down to rub at where the
snake bit her. Using her Glyph of Restoration, she allowed it's tattoo magic
to heal her up fully. Though, she still needed to get the poison out of her.
She walked
Tesarik One: over to Gabriel, "Mind doing that thing you did to her?"
SoI Knight: ::With the end of the fight upon them. Ralen lifted up the
two-handed blood crystal weapon and went to slide it within his sheath.
Looking to [Sirena]. :: You going to be alright? [d]
RageofNocturne: :: With the asps dealt with he rose and looked to Sirena and
nodded to her as he put a hand on her shoulder-- Feeling better? --he asked
her then looked to Sessa-- Yes ofcoarse..--he said and put his other hand on
her shoulder to Ne
Tesarik One: As the last shadow asp was destroyed, Sirena rose upwards and
brushed down across her dress, smiling softly. "Yes,' she said to Gabriel,
reaching out to brush her soft olive toned fingers across his cheek, then she
spoke to the
RageofNocturne: utralize the Poison in her body aswell-D- 2/8 spells used
per day.
Tesarik One: group, "Remember, place your papers or your coin beneath your
pillow tonight and think of something you need or want. It will be there when
you awaken. Blessings of the green upon you all."
Tesarik One: Noted. Poison neutralized in Sessa.
SwordOfAtrophy: Well that went embarassingly poorly. He stood up, and bowed
to the Goddess. "To you as well, Lady Sirena."
Tesarik One: She smiled to Ralen, and then the others, and then began to
make her way towards the door which opened for her.
RageofNocturne: :: Blessing of the green upon you M'lady. --he said and
nodded to her and put a hand on a table and leaned on it. Had he really just
personally met one of his dieties...and get a kiss from her?-D-
AMarieDarkrose: :: she nodded to the lady as she was leaveing::
Tesarik One: (YOu all have an email, with a list of items. You may choose
one item off that list, make sure you reply back to me with what you wish)
AMarieDarkrose: (( i will tomorrow after i look over alot of them ))
AMarieDarkrose: (( so it means any i can choose right?)
Tesarik One: (no hurry)
Tesarik One: (any on that list you may choose yes)
Tesarik One: ^v^ 4/30/2015 12:29:20 AM ^v^
AMarieDarkrose: ((ok)
Tesarik One: End Mission. You can all keep rping if you wish.