Post by Ellis Strata on Dec 19, 2014 0:51:11 GMT -5
Jane Turner - Ruby Captain - Combat/Fighter, Combat/Swordmaster - 2d88 - 59 HP (6 End, 4 Wlp, 5 Diehard) - 19 DDC - No Weakness - Flaws: Compulsive Honesty, Weapon Savant: Great Katana, Reflex Against Magic
Name: Jane Turner
Screen Name: swordofatrophy
Alignment: Unknown
Race: Human
Size: Medium
Racial Weakness: n/a
You take twice the amount of damage from your weakness unless otherwise specified.
Description: 5'0" 122 ibs, Grey hair, Green eyes, Piercings: Ears, Nipples, Clitoris
Jane is a demur young lady, who is polite, but says very little around strangers. Very slender frame, but hiding a big reserve of hidden strength when needed. She also is hesitant to get closer than two feet to anyone aside from two people. She is nineteen years of age.
Jane comes from a rough life, so she is distrusting of the intentions of strangers. She maintains a frozen politeness, to keep a wall of distance around herself, and answers questions about herself with as brief and unrevealing answers as possible. She's fiercely protective of her 'employer' Luna Silverleaf, and her employers betrothed, Vyce. Other than that, good luck getting anything out of her.
Star Sign
Date: 7/1
Sign: Stirge
Bonus: You are completely aware of your surroundings, you are able to pass one Spot check a day.
Under: High Sun
Bonus: You gain a +1 bonus to any checks that require Willpower.
Languages: Common, Common Gutterspeak, Sark
Country of Origin: Sarkotos
Chosen Deity: None
Storyline: Obsidian Heart Adventuring Company
Classes and Professions.
Primary Class: Combat
Class Bonus: Extra 1d Attack, once per combat. So if you are 2d, you'd roll a 3d. A 3d rolls a 4d, and if you are one of the lucky few that eventually gain 4d, you'd roll a 5d!
Primary Profession: Fighter
Class Skill: Oxidium Great Katana - "Fighter's Weapon" A fighter chooses any ranged or melee weapon (at no cost), or unarmed that he/she has become proficient using, giving them a +3 damage (DMG) and +3 Strike with that favored weapon or unarmed fighting.
Secondary Class: Combat
Class Bonus: Extra 1d Attack, once per combat. So if you are 2d, you'd roll a 3d. A 3d rolls a 4d, and if you are one of the lucky few that eventually gain 4d, you'd roll a 5d!
Secondary Profession: Swordmaster
Class Skill: Oxidium Great Katana - "Dance Partner" A swordmaster chooses a light melee, one-handed or two-handed sword (at no cost) that he/she has become proficient in the dance of swordplay, giving them a +3 damage (DMG) & +3 Strike with that favored sword only (must mark on Dossier what weapon it is).
Strength [13]*
Quickness [9]
Endurance [6]
Willpower [4]
Intelligence [0]
Perception [0]
Charisma [0]
*+1 Str for 25 Rep
Reputation: 30
Reputation Bonus:
20: +2 Intimidate, Gather Info / -2 Bluff, Diplomacy
Race Skills
(racial) Versatility: You may choose any of the Versatility (V) marked skills if you meet the prerequisites for your skill slots. You cannot take primary skills, at all, unless you have that primary class or profession. If the skill does not have a (V) beneath it, then it is not available with Versatility.
(racial) Diehard: You have the ability to stay within combat longer than normal. You gain 5 extra hp. You may take this skill as many times as you desire. This is an innate skill.
(racial) Athletic: You are agile and flexible and gain a +5 to all Athletics Checks.
(flaw) Charming Beauty (V): A charmer is a stunning physical specimen, so much so that it is difficult to land a hit on her in combat as the attention keeps moving to just how beautiful or handsome the charmer looks. The charmer gains a +3 defense throughout combat. At Emerald it becomes +4, at Obsidian +5 DEF.
Class/Profession Skills
(combat) Combat Affinity: Innate Fighting Style, Can use combat maneuver
(combat) Blood Ripper: When you successfully hit an opponent who is currently at full hit points, you deal an extra 2d4 damage. This cannot be used for a non-lethal attack. You may use this skill once per combat.
(topaz - Fighter bonus) Sudden Charge: Caution, planning, training, all of it carried the fighter to that one moment. That one second in battle when his enemy steps into the deception. The fighter lashes out with a quick and unexpected attack that stagger and stun their target. Once per combat, target loses turn. Once per combat, target loses one turn if they fail their Endurance save of DC10 + Fighter's QCK.
(ruby - Swordmaster bonus) Vital Strike: The Swordmaster is able to find and exploit weaknesses in his opponent, enabling a devasting attack once per combat, giving him a double roll of his combat dice.
Flavor Skills
(flavor crystal) Clarity of Vision: Your visual talents are so skilled that you can briefly see invisible opponents. If you are fighting an invisible foe, at the start of your turn you may make a DC20 Spot Check, if you pass then you can pinpoint the location of invisible foes within 30 feet. This clarity lasts until the end of your turn.
(flavor crystal) Investigator: You gain a +5 on Gather Info, Insight and Search Checks.
(flavor crystal) Nimble Feet: You can run across treacherous surfaces with ease. Once per adventure you can use this skill to cross a treacherous surface without taking an Acrobatics check.
(flavor topaz) Intimidating: You have a knack for creating fear and loathing in those around you, giving you a +5 to all Intimidation rolls.
(flavor amber) Daredevil Athlete: You are capable of pulling off amazing stunts. Three times per day, you can immediately gain a +5 bonus on a single Acrobatics or Athletics, Escape or Ride check. Must be stated BEFORE you roll for check.
(flavor sapphire) Ledgewalker: You can move at full speed without need of an Acrobatics check when you are balancing on narrow surfaces.
(flavor emerald) Muscle Reactions: Your muscles are always tense, ready to start swinging. You may add your Strength (STR) bonus to your initiative checks in addition to anything else you are allowed to use such as Quickness (QCK) and Lightning Initiative.
(flavor quest) Aura of Lust (V): You are a minx of a man or woman and can cause the opposite sex (or same sex if they are attracted to you) to melt with desire. There is just something about the person that makes his target desire him/her above all else. This is not so powerful as to break marriage or elvish bonds, if it is something the character would never consider then they can resist but will still feel attracted to the seducer. You can use this to get information you need, or even get someone to do tasks for you. [DM's discretion how used during adventures/storylines, opposed roll suggested.]
(flavor ruby) Weapon Juggle: You can juggle weapons and similarly sized objects during combat. You can draw, sheath, or shift them from hand to hand as a free action. You can even pick them up from the ground as a free action, as long as you can kick at them. You can do this at the start and end of your turn, but not on somebody else's turn or in the middle of an enemy's turn.
(Reputation 20: flavor) Drunken Fighter: A brawler, fighter or monk takes no penalties to combat while they are drunk. This is an innate skill.
(Reputation 25: flavor) Four Eyes, Four Ears: It is very difficult to blind or deafen you. You may roll two saves against any attempt to blind or deafen you, and take the better roll.
Combat Skills
(crystal) Alert: You gain a +5 to Spot and Listen Checks.
(crystal) Acrobatic: You have excellent coordination, and can take a +5 to all Acrobatics Checks.
(crystal) Elusive Dance (V): Your training in dance allows you to mirror and anticipate an opponent's moves, granting you +3 Defense throughout the combat. At Emerald it becomes +4, at Obsidian +5 DEF.
(crystal) Power Attack: This fighting style values the power behind the blow to do the most damage over placement, the force enough to be felt through defenses. Allowing a fighter to use their strength instead of their quickness to add to their melee strike. This is an innate skill.
(crystal) Sidestep: You are skilled enough in acrobatics that you can simply dodge an incoming melee attack, taking no damage once per combat.
(topaz) Two Handed Expert: You are an expert at hitting hard and powerful blows to your enemies. You may now double your Strength bonus to your damage with your two-handed weapon. You may only wield a single two-handed weapon to use this skill. This is an innate skill and builds upon Two-Handed Weapon; you abide by this skill's bonus instead of Two-Handed Weapon when you take this.
(topaz) Parry: You are skilled at deflecting the attacks of your enemies. When you use this skill, you take no damage that your opponent scored upon you, once per combat.
(topaz) Disarm: Allows a successful melee strike to knock a weapon out of your opponent's hand. It takes up a turn to pick it up if they want to continue using it. Once per combat.
(amber) Protective Parry: Your training enables you to defend not only yourself, but a creature near you. You may use this for another in a match. When you use this skill, neither takes damage. This may be used once per combat. You may not parry an attack when unarmed, or in heavy armor.
(amber) Extension of Self: The fighter has spent their entire life training for that one moment. They suffered so many hardships to learn that valuable lesson. The knowledge to know when to strike. Their weapon becoming a piece of their own body. Driving it forth with thunderous effect. Once per combat rolling their combat dice twice.
(amber) Undeniable: It's a mix of a few things. Physics, training, body mechanics and combat awareness. Sure you can put a weapon in motion, but your threat range remains solely on your foot work. As hard as you swing that weapon, there's always something out there that can stop it cold. But you put all of that behind six feet or more of unrelenting mass, there is no where to run, no fancy foot work to save you. The two handed weapon is going to force through their futile attempts guard. Once per combat, you may make an attack that ignores defense bonuses (skills still apply) upon a successful Melee Strike with a Two-Handed Weapon.
(sapphire) Battle Sense: Years in the field of battle have taught you to read the small signs presented by a foe giving you the ability to see just how they will come at you. As they close in you snap into action, slipping past their assault with one of your own. Once per combat, you may turn the damage meant for you back upon your attacker.
(sapphire) Born By The Blade: The knight is trained to use all kinds of bladed weapons, and gains a bonus to strike when using one. At Amber, you gain +1 to Strike, at Sapphire a +2, and at Obsidian +3. (V)
(sapphire) Disarm And Fling: Not only do you disarm your target with a passed Strike, but you are able to fling it as a ranged attack to a different target. Roll Strike, if you hit both with that Strike then you not only disarm your first target, but do ranged damage to your second target.
(emerald) Blood Splattered: The first time you deal damage in a melee encounter and you are sprayed with your enemy's blood (as determined by the DM) you gain a +2 bonus to your Defense DC and Endurance Checks for one round of combat. This can be used once per combat.
(emerald) Throat Threat: If a target is dazed or stunned in any way causing their DC to be 10, you may attempt to catch an enemy off-guard, and take him hostage in melee combat. Your blade remains pressed against his throat, a flick of your wrist away from a lethal cut. You cannot be engaged in combat with any other foes when you initiate the throat threat and you must be wielding a slashing or piercing melee weapon (typically a dagger but not limited to it). Your target immediately becomes aware of you when you attempt to throat threat, no longer stunned or dazed. Roll opposing Strength checks, if your roll is higher than the target you now have that target as a hostage. You can release the throat threat at any time, but if you continue to hold the threat, you must make an opposed STR check each round to maintain the throat threat (unless you have Dexterous Fighter, then it is an opposed QCK roll). If your target attempts any action you are aware of or any of the target's allies attack you, you may choose to immediately attack your target without strike needed, auto critical damage, with that weapon only. You may only throat threat a target your size or one size smaller, and only once per combat.
(emerald) Iron Will: You have extreme willpower, giving you a +1/+2/+3/+4 to any Willpower Checks. Willpower is what you use to fight against mental, emotional, and magical effects, spells and powers. As you strengthen your resolve and gain experience in the world, so too does you will grow. +1 at skill selection, +2 at Amber Rank, +3 at Emerald and +4 at Obsidian.
(ruby) (Open)
(ruby) Double Attack: You've become such a fluid master of weaponry that you are capable of striking faster than any normal fighter, gaining a second roll of your weapon damage each time you attack. The limit is a total of 6d, so even if you own a 4d or higher weapon, the most you can roll is 6d. This is an innate skill.
(ruby) Tempest: There are times when a fighter is simply outnumbered, though that does not always mean they are at a disadvantage. Years on the battlefield have taught the fighter how to assault not just one, but numerous foes in rapid succession. Once per combat the fighter may roll a 1d4 to attack additional enemies in a round.
(Reputation 30 Bonus Skill) One Weapon Boon: You have chosen to wield only ONE weapon (whatever that may be, such as a two-handed weapon, a two handed tech, two handed invo/evoc, or a one-handed weapon/tech/invoc/evoc causing you to only be able to enchant your primary weapon, tech, invoc or evoc double what is normally allowed. This allows you to enchant that ONE weapon that is normally allowed only five, for a total of 10 enchantment points. If it is an invoc/evoc, then that ONE that is normally allowed three, is now allowed six points of enchantment. The extra enchantment points only work if that is the only damage dealing weapon/tech/invoc/evoc of any sort or flavor you are using. This is a constant skill.
[Teamwork] Shake it Off: You support your allies and help them recover from crippling effects. You gain a +1 to saves for every ally that has this skill (Maximum +4).
Bonus Things:
"Many Eyes of Vessnelshvarss" - Vess the Corpsespinner resides on the Astral Plane, and because you all helped her, she is often watching out for you. Once a week, while on an adventure, she will appear out of the astral plane suddenly, and take half of the damage of any magical or mundane attack upon you, then quickly disappear again.
Skill Checks.
Spot: (Alert 5)(PER 0) = +5
Listen: (Alert 5)(PER 0) = +5
Search: (PER 0)(Investigator 5) = +5
Locate Traps: (PER 0) = +0
Disable Traps: (QCK 9) = +9
Lockpicking: (QCK 9) = +9
Escape: (QCK 9) = +9
Acrobatics: (Acrobatic 5)(QCK 9) = +14
Athletics: (Athletic 5)(END 6) or (STR 12) = +11/+17
Diplomacy: (CHA 0)(Rep -2) = -2
Intimidation: (STR 12)(Intimidating 5)(Rep 2)(Fiendweave cloak 5)(Chemise 3) = +27
Bluff: (CHA 0)(Rep -2) = -2
Disguise: (CHA 0) = +0
Stealth (Hide, Move Silent): (QCK 9) = +9
Insight: (PER 0)(Investigator 5) = +5
Handle Animal: (CHA 0) = +0
Ride: (QCK 9) = +9
Swim: (STR 12) or (END 6) = +12/+6
Appraise: (PER 0) = +0
Gather Info: (CHA 0)(Investigator 5)(Rep 2) = +7
Use Object: (QCK 9) = +9
Save against Disease/Poison: (END 6) = +6
Willpower Save: (WLP 4)(Iron Will 3)(Star 1) = +8
Compulsive Honesty: You cannot tell a lie, nor can you behave in a deceitful fashion. You tend to be blunt rather than tactful, even if it means insulting someone who you and your companions are trying to impress.
Penalty: If it is a matter of life and death, you may make a Willpower save (DC 15) to speak or act out a falsehood. However, if successful, you suffer a -2 penalty to all saves, checks, and strikes for 6 hours due to feelings of guilt.
Weapon Savant - Great Katana: You prize one type of weapon above all others, and are proficient in its use. Choose a weapon type such as longsword, bow, axe, polearm, etc.
Penalty: You take a -2 to your Strike with any other weapon type other than the one with which you are proficient.
Reflex Against Magic: Your body is innately resistant to magic, even beneficial ones.
Penalty: You must pass the caster's spell save to take benefit from spells meant to assist you such as Defense, Strike Boost, etc. Once you have passed that caster's save once, then all spells they cast beneficially on you for the remainder of the adventure do not need a subsequent roll.
Primary Weapon: Oxidium Great Katana 2d10 (Paragon x2)
Serrated ☼ ☼
This improvement adds dozens of sharpened ridges, similar to the teeth of a saw, to the striking edge of a slashing weapon, allowing it to chew through armor with ease. When attacking an enemy with a Serrated weapon, you may ignore the first 5 points of defense. The enemy must be wearing physical armor for this modification to work.
Shadowreach ☼ ☼
A shadowreach weapon can reach through your own shadow to catch foes off guard. Once per combat, you can activate the enchantment and gain 6 feet to the reach of your weapon. The target is denied their Quickness bonus to their Defense DC for this attack, making their DC10.
Phantom ☼
This enchantment is placed on weapons to allow it to hit incorporeal creatures, or for ranged weapons, enabling it to shoot phantom arrows and bolts, or bullets instead of mundane arrows and bolts and bullets. These deal the same damage as normal ammunition, but they allow you to hit incorporeal creatures.
Secondary Weapon:
Ranged Weapon:
Hidden Weapon:
Extra Attack Item:
Extra Defense Item:
Head: Ioun Stone (deep brown sphere) [Magic Item]
This stone grants poison immunity to common poisons (but not rare or magical poisons). Ioun stones orbit around the user's head.
[Worth: 8,000gp]
Eyes: Fizzwinken's Ocular Night Monitoring Probe [Eyes]
This pair of crystal eye lenses grants the wearer darkvision 60 feet, or increases her darkvision by 60 feet if she already possesses that sense. Using these lenses allows you to determine a creature's alignment by sight alone. Good creatures faintly glow blue, evil creatures faintly glow red. Neutral-aligned creatures appear normal, as do creatures under the effect of an undetectable alignment skill, spell or similar effect. If one lens is removed from the eye and placed elsewhere, such as in a room, or planted on a creature, the owner can hear and see what is going on in the vicinity of the crystal lens. The lens retains it's ability of darkvision when used this way.
Torso: Fizzwinken's Scarlet Domination Sorcerous Chemise
This red chemise can be worn as an undergarment, or cinched with a bodice or corset. It is embroidered with arcane sigils and gives off an aura of power and magic. Once per day, this chemise will remove the effects of any type of fear upon the wearer. It also grants a +3 to Intimidate checks. If the wearer has the "Hex" skill, you may use any one of your hexes twice instead of only once per adventure.
Body (Armor): Astral Driftmetal Breastplate +19 Def Mundane/Magic
Anti-Impact ☼ ☼
An anti-impact set of armor lessens damage from bludgeoning attacks. Once per combat, you may take only half the damage from any one bludgeoning attack. This includes such damage as from falling.
Comfort ☼ ☼
Armor with this property allows its wearer to ignore the effects of intense natural heat or cold. The character can exist comfortably in conditions between -50 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit without having to make Endurance saves. The character's other equipment is likewise protected.
Absolute Courage ☼
Armor and shields with this enchantment grant the wearer immunity to fear effects. This cannot be used to bypass any official flaws you've taken, though, such as Phobias.
Cloak: Fiendweave Cloak +5 Mundane/Magical (Fiendweave adds +5 to Intimidation)
Waist: Glyph of Restoration [Inkantation]
This tattoo appears as an ancient symbol meaning 'energy' and looks like a tribal letter M, with the lower extensions of the glyph often taking on claw like marks. When activated, the glyph glows with a bright green light for a few seconds, and the bearer has their hit points fully restored. This can be used once per day only.
Arms/Wrist: Neutralite Bracers +6 (mundane/magic defense, +5 defense against acid)
Hands: Gloves of the Ice Savant [Hands]
Made from a pale blue metal and adorned with glowing, faint blue runes, these gloves are caked with layers of frost and ice. While wearing these gloves, you can imbue any melee weapon held in your hand with the frost enchantment.
[Worth: 3000gp]
Body Modification: Combat Finger Sleeves
Finger Sleeve I: This allows a combatant to write an extra combat maneuver per gemstone rank.
Finger Sleeve II: This gives a combatant +5 DMG to physical damage in combat.
Finger Sleeve III: This grants you a +2 to your DC for your combat maneuvers.
Finger Sleeve IV: This allows a combatant to write 2 extra combat maneuvers per gemstone rank.
Finger Sleeve V: This finger and wrist tattoo allows a combatant to use an extra combat maneuver during combat.
Rings: (Up to two active)
1. Ring of the Armsman [Ring]
This perfectly smooth adamantine ring bears a massive turquoise carved in the shape of a heavily armored knight. When you activate a ring of the armsman, any armor or weapons you currently wear disappear and are stored magically within the ring, and any armor/clothing or weapons currently stored within the ring appear in the appropriate places on your body (items that must be held appear at your feet if you don’t have free hands).
[Worth: 2000gp]
Inactive Rings
Items and Gear.
Consumables: (Up to five types, no limit on how much of each type.)
1. Wittlewort Brew 1,200gp | 300gp | 2CP
This grants the creature an immediate saving throw to resist the effects of enchantment spells or effects they are under. If the enchantment did not allow an initial saving throw, wittlewort will have no effect.
3. War Paint of Primal Rage [Consumable]
This magical war paint typically comes in a ceramic jar that contains 5 doses. When a dose is applied to a creature's face, the magic of the war paint bolsters the creature's convictions and beliefs, granting a +2 bonus to willpower saves for one full mission or quest. The wearer of the war paint can opt to enter a primal rage once per combat. While in a primal rage, the character gains incredible strength and agility, and her features grow feral and bestial. The character may roll their combat dice twice during this one round of rage. Spellcasting is impossible while in a primal rage. The war paint fades after the mission or quest is over.
[Worth: 7000gp]
Magical Pack Items (Up to five magical / wondrous items.)
1. Beruto of the Carp Dragon [Waist]
This hemp belt is decorated with seashells and features a yu lung dragon scale fashioned into a buckle. This allows the wearer to breathe under water, salt or fresh, gives a swim speed as fast as your land speed, and a +5 to Swim Checks. It does NOT allow you to breathe air when worn, and if it is donned on land you can suffocate.
[Worth: 2000gp]
2. Missive Brooch [Magic Item] or [Varied]
This crystal pendant allows the wielder to transmit up to 25 words as a telepathic message to all creatures within 500 feet. If there is another Missive Brooch within 500 feet of yours, this message can be relayed as long as there are worn Missive Brooches every 500 feet. Messages can be designated for certain specified groups of creatures, but it is possible to 'overhear' a message being sent along a chain of Missive Brooches by wearing one, being within range. This amulet can used any number of times per day.
[Worth: 500gp]
3. Dimensional Chalk Holder [Magic Item]
This small, elaborately carved silver tube is designed to hold a single piece of normal chalk. On mental command, the user can "draw" in the air, which leaves behind a vibrant blue line of crackling energy. Once a complete circle has been formed, the enclosed space suddenly disappears, creating a gate to wherever the user wishes. It only allows the planar travel aspect of a gate spell, not the ability to call forth creatures. The item allows its user to draw only a circle. The user can feel it resisting anything but a curved line. There is no size limit to the circle, but it must be completely drawn in 1 full round to create the gate. It can be used twice per day. Drawing a line counts as one use, regardless of whether a complete circle was made or not.
Worth: 2,500gp
4. Abbot's Holy Symbol [Magic Item]
This symbol of Thyshi is made of purple mournlode and studded with diamonds. When worn, it causes all weapons or unarmed to be treated as if made with purple mournlode.
5. Eye of the Beholder [Neck] or [Magic Item]
This necklace consists of a mithral chain set with a metal sphere. Three times a day, the necklace's wearer can command the sphere to open, revealing a living eye set within it. The eye darts back and forth, focusing its gaze on each living creature in the area. It remains open for 5 minutes. During this time, the wearer gains a +5 bonus to Insight Checks. In addition, while the eye is open, the wearer gains darkvision with a range of 120 feet.
[Worth: 6,000gp]
Mundane (non-magical pack Items)
Travel Supplies: Bedroll, rations, a tent, 20 foot of rope.
Climbing Pitons
Magical items left in storage at the Obsidian Heart Inne
Rune of White Noise
Creates a loud sound and white light causing a –10 penalty to Perception checks for the next 15 minutes. Save required. DC17 WLP.
Abbot's Staff: (2d4) This staff has streaks of purple mournlode throughout, and is carved with the Abbot's name, "Traamas".
Staff of Thyshi: This starshod staff (2d6) is studded with bits of starmetal and carved with symbols of the stars, sun and moon.
Robes of Thyshi (Curiosity)
These white robes do not confer any special ability, but they are embroidered with various constellations. Whatever month that the character that wears this robe was born in, that particular constellation associated with the astrological sign appears while the robe is worn.
Thyshi's Holy Symbol: This symbol of Thyshi is made of purple mournlode. When worn, it causes all weapons or unarmed to be treated as if made with purple mournlode.
Black Dragon New Year's Rocket (Consumable)
Papered with silver leaf and inscribed with a mass of obsidian runes on every surface, this rocket is large enough to require a hefty spear-like stick for aiming. It weighs more than most other fireworks and produces quite the show. When ignited, this silver rocket streaks forward in a straight line for 150 feet, or until it strikes an object, at which point it explodes as a 3d6 ball of cold shadow, damaging all enemies in the area.
Rank and Statistics.
Rank: Ruby Captain
Dice: 2d88
Experience Points: 766
Gold: 52,750
Rezzes: 5/5
Defense DC: 19 (10 + 9 Quickness)
Defense: 30 (3 Charming Beauty, 3 Elusive Dance, 19 Breastplate, 6 Bracers, 5 Cloak)
Hit Points: 59 (Half Dice = 44, Endurance = 6, Willpower = 4, Diehard = 5)
Initiative Roll: +16 (9 QCK, 12 Muscle Reactions, -5 Armor)
Attack - Double Attack - Oxidiun Great Katana (2d10 Paragon*2) w/ Serrated, Shadowreach and Phantom
Attack roll: 1d20 + 20 (13 Str Power Attack, +3 Fighter's Weapon, +3 Dance Partner, +2 Born by the Blade)
Combat Dice roll: 2d86
Weapon Damage: 2d10/2d10 (double attack)
Damage Bonus: +37 (13 Str, 13 Two handed Expert, 3 Fighter's Weapon, 3 Dance Partner, 5 Finger Sleeves)
Attack Specials:
Double damage against Metal enemies.
5 Points of defense ignored. (Armored)
Once per combat, DC of 10
Can hit incorporeal
Attack - Ranged
Attack roll:
Combat Dice roll:
Weapon Damage:
Damage Bonus:
Attack Specials: