Post by Head Moderator on Aug 20, 2014 20:53:09 GMT -5
Moderated by Becca
Moderation date 16.07.2014
Submission date 11.07.2014
Submission title From the Lake They Rise
Submitted by Tesarik One
Submission type Mission - Group
Participants 8
( fionnadhnatine )
( thelunarbeacon )
( the soulknife )
( divine birdsong )
( xsilverheatx )
( witch docta mon )
( echothepain )
( howling ember )
Tesarik One: Log On
Tesarik One: ^v^ 7/11/2014 11:24:33 PM ^v^
Tesarik One: ----OH Mission----
Tesarik One: Mission: From the Lake They Rise
Tesarik One: DM: Pamela
Tesarik One: If you have questions please IM me or one of the Moderators.
Tesarik One: Estimated time is 1.5 to 2 hours from when we actually begin
Tesarik One: You can die on our adventures and there are consequences if you
Tesarik One: Make sure your dossier is updated! If it's not on your dossier
you do not have it and this includes mundane gear.
Tesarik One: Remember when you first use something to tell me how you are
able to use it - after that you can merely state the numbers.
Tesarik One: Now state your info: Rank - Name - Class/Profession - Dice -
Hit Points - Defense DC - Healing Points if applicable AND FLAWS. You will
need to keep up with your own self-healing points as they are
Tesarik One: used - no need to state them here.
Tesarik One: ---end state---
Witch docta mon: Topaz adept - Jin'kazi - Arcane/mystic - 2d40 - HP25 - Def
DC 10 - (self)Healing Points 17-flaws Flirt/intolerance(elves)/distinctive
The Soulknife: Lokinias Blackthorn , Topaz Champion , 2d46, HP 34, Def DC
10, Psion, Flaws- Distinct, Strange Luck, Intolerance
The Lunar Beacon: (Brendan Pearce, Devout/Paladin, 2d58, hp = 38(5 from
Diehard), dc = 18, Healing Affinity: 14 points, Rezz the Dead, Flaws:
Compulsive Honesty, Chivalrous Courtesy, Grudge Keeper: Cherith)
fionnadh na tine: Finn Declan, Sapphire Marshal, 2d66, 29 hp, dc 20, young
pup, mr. nice guy, strange luck
Divine Birdsong: Divine Birdsong - Topaz Champion - 2d46 - DC: 16 - HP: 28 (
23 +5 diehard)- Healing [12] - Flaws: Phobia[Spiders], Poison Allergy, Bad
With Animals.
The Lunar Beacon: (Amber Shield, at that)
Tesarik One: Rox'zana Blüdfall, Amber Champion, 2d54, DC13, hp35 - FLAWs:
Cruel, Selective Digestion, Sunblind
x Silver Heat x: Sapphire Adept, Akito Takano [ Combat/Fighter : 2d60 : HP:
35 ( 30+5 Diehard ) : DC DEF: 17 ]
Tesarik One: Y'all roll d20 init, add in QCK, give me final number.
OnlineHost: The Lunar Beacon rolled 1 20-sided die: 7
OnlineHost: x Silver Heat x rolled 1 20-sided die: 19
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 9
OnlineHost: Divine Birdsong rolled 1 20-sided die: 18
OnlineHost: fionnadh na tine rolled 1 20-sided die: 14
fionnadh na tine: 24
The Lunar Beacon: (+8 quick, no pen for armor(Paladin bonus) = 15)
OnlineHost: The Soulknife rolled 1 20-sided die: 4
The Soulknife: (4)
Divine Birdsong: (+6 = 24)
x Silver Heat x: [ 26 ]
OnlineHost: Witch docta mon rolled 1 20-sided die: 3
Witch docta mon: (Ha)
Tesarik One: *DC16 for Rox
Tesarik One: 15
Tesarik One: Hold while I build the scoreboard.
Tesarik One: Akito 0/35 [17] || Divine 0/28 [16] (0/12) || Finn 0/29 [20] ||
Brendan 0/38 [18] (0/14) || Roxi 0/35 [16] || Lokinias 0/34 [10] || Jin'kazi
0/25 [10]
Tesarik One: Mistakes? IM me.
Tesarik One: ^v^ 7/11/2014 11:35:48 PM ^v^
Tesarik One: Alright then! Pincer Lake - everyone knows where that is right?
Navahla is a city right on the edge of this monstrous lake that borders
several kingdoms and lands. It's name comes from the legend of a massive
monster that lives
Tesarik One: within it with pincers the size of buildings - so they say!!
Whether your character is inside the inne having a bite of dinner and drink,
practicing out in the dirt arena outside, loitering in the courtyard or
wherever in the
Tesarik One: vicinity of the inne, the screams of people running through the
streets from the direction of the docks eventually finds each of your ears.
Maria steps outside to speak to someone 'in the know' and quickly sends you
all to the
Tesarik One: docks with the only information she knows, "It seems monsters
are rising from the lake. Go destroy them, and I'll make you all pie." (Begin
fionnadh na tine: Finn? Yeah, Finn was loitering. He'd already had dinner,
and a drink or two (actually just one or two tonight!), and was just lounging
around in the courtyard people-watching! And then people came a-runnin and
screaming! "The fuck?"
The Lunar Beacon: He'd come from the end of his shift on guard duty for the
city guard, enjoying a nice meal as the screams started. He looked up with a
scowl, not over the disturbance of his rest, but that it couldn't have
happened while he'd been
Witch docta mon: Jinkazi had been preening in front of the mirror, making
sure his crimson hair was just perfect, Large tusks polished and incribed
with intricate tribal markings, When he heard the screamings he slipped his
heavy armored robe around
fionnadh na tine: He watched Maria come out and speak to someone, then
..monsters? Lake? Well good gods. "Better not be fuckin terrible monsters or
pie ain't gonna cut it." But off he went, just the same, focusing some of his
magic energy on himself
The Soulknife: :::He had been relaxing happily within the inne, glass of
serpents tongue in hand before those screams were heard. Faint frown was
given and he let his head slowly turn towards Divine, venomous green eyes
locked to hers.::More inept
The Lunar Beacon: prepared for such. He rose from his seat, moving swiftly
enough in what would seem to be hindering attire, picking up his shield and
scabbard on the way out the door. There was a fire in his eyes as he strode
forward, moving as
The Lunar Beacon: quickly as he was able to get there.
x Silver Heat x: Akito was in the middle of upturning a bottle of whiskey in
the Inne when the chaos erupted, and looked that way just before Maria went
outside to gather information. When she returned, the bottle was abandoned.
Seemed like he was
Witch docta mon: his tall lanky frame, Mask and juju staff scooped up and
down the stairs he went, swinging down like a monkey before landing beside
maria. "Ow ju doin' pretty one?" He shamelessly flirted before her offer of
pie, and order to destro
The Soulknife: I mean goodly folk to rescue,.huzzah. ::That glass was kept
in hand as he rose to stand, glass brought up polishng off the green liquor
before that glass was sit down. He was already working to alter and adjust
the mental pathways
Tesarik One: Rox'zana was in movement towards the inne for a nice drink,
when she'd arrived in time to hear Maria speak of monsters in the lake. With
a shrug, the well dressed lady turned and began to follow the group of them
through the streets
fionnadh na tine: to get a little faster, and a bit better in the water.
(Spells: Faster Would Be Better, +2 quickness and Slippery When Wet: No
penalties when underwater. First duration: 1 quest, 2nd duration: 12 hours)
x Silver Heat x: going to get some exercise in tonight after all. and
followed those who'd already headed out with the offer. They could keep the
pie, he wasn't big on sweets. [d]
Tesarik One: to the docks. The docks were well known to her, hunting
grounds. She smiled seeing Finn, and gave him a tap on the shoulder and a
The Soulknife: to work quicker, faster and more effectively as he moved for
the door and was slipping out knowing his wife would be right behind him.::
The Soulknife: (Sharpen Intellect, +1 Int/HP goes up +1 as well)
Divine Birdsong: ~Her head rested on her arms half dozing there while
Lokinias drank his weird tongue numbing crap. The screams had her jerking up,
before he could insult she smacked him and was on her feet.~ Pie? ~she
grinned some then turned and
Witch docta mon: y monsters..Well he did like pie, and monsters were likely
to ruin his plans for the evening "Only for ju" He winked at his boss and
followed the others to the lake, A snuff of sacred herbs snorted into his
beaky nose. Sending a shu
Witch docta mon: dder through him.
fionnadh na tine: "Hullo there, Roxi." Said somewhat distractedly since he
was focusing his magic energy whilst moving!
Tesarik One: Spells noted.
OnlineHost: Howling Ember has entered the room.
Tesarik One: Akito 0/35 [17] || Divine 0/28 [16] (0/12) || Finn 0/29 [22] ||
Brendan 0/38 [18] (0/14) || Roxi 0/35 [16] || Lokinias 0/35 [10] || Jin'kazi
0/25 [10]
Tesarik One: State to add if you wish to join.
The Lunar Beacon: He busied himself as they moved with fixing his scabbard
to his belt, strapping his shield securely to his arm and checking the straps
to make sure they'd release should he need to throw it. He reached down to
his right hip,
Divine Birdsong: moved for the door right behind her husband, she moved
toward the portal she drew the fiddle from her back and began to draw the bow
acrossed her fiddle in a rather quick little dity~ (Spell: Song of Speed +1
Tesarik One: Noted.
The Lunar Beacon: checking the draw on his light mace, and nodded. He was
as prepared as he could be to face what they were about to. He took note of
who else had joined in, putting faces to memory, though he was quite focused
at the moment.
The Soulknife: ::He was angleing her to head to the docks and glanced over
to her as she played that little song, a brief flash of a smirk was
given.::Hmm, struck before you even knew what I was to say my darling.
::A slow blink of the now
Tesarik One: "Seems I am able to tag along tonight and see just how your
Heart works." She noticed he seemed preoccupied so she turned her gaze to the
others in the little party scurrying to the docks.
Tesarik One: (one sec, gotta beat my children)
fionnadh na tine: (It's about time!)
The Soulknife: luminescent green eyes before he turned back moving for the
docks and as he walked he was idly and mentally calculating. Pads of fingers
tapping to the thumb tip in rapid succession from pinkie to index finger then
vice versa.:: *D
The Lunar Beacon: A dip of his head given politely to Roxi as she'd look his
way, as well as any of the others. A cautious smile given to her, his eyes
shifting back to watch his front while finally speaking. "Hello, everyone.
I don't know most of
Witch docta mon: The lanky troll bounded alongside the others, long legs
eating the distance casually. He slid his mask onto his head, but left it up
his face exposed. "So what be dis about monstas eh? ain' seen no monstas in
dat like..and ah was mo
Witch docta mon: on bathin' jes last night."
The Lunar Beacon: you, so I'll just say hello and give you my name. Brendan
Pearce. Call out if you need any assistance in the fight to come."
Divine Birdsong: That,..~she said in a sing song voice~ is because I know
what you were going to say before you say it. ~She winked at him letting the
music linger a moment, perhaps with the screams and monster issue might not
quite be a good idea
Divine Birdsong: for the happy little ditty. So she slowed the music down
some before ending it and putting the fiddle back to her back~ (D)
Witch docta mon: He waved to brendan. "Ello mon, ah be jin'kaza. Good to
meetcha" he winked to the other male. Charming for such a big odd looking
Howling Ember: Captain Wolfgang Blitzkrieg || Amber Adept || 2d50 || 29 HP
|| 22 DC || 0 Healing Points || 12 Def || Combat/Swashbuckler || Distinctive,
Flirt, Technophilia
Witch docta mon: Jin'Kazi*
Howling Ember: (Sorry took me a second0
Tesarik One: As they got closer to the docks, they found more chaos. Doors
were slammed and locked, windows closed and shuttered, leaving pretty much
just them as they got to the small beach near the docks. And, true enough,
monsters had risen
Tesarik One: up from the lake, and had started wreaking havoc. Several
bodies lay dead in the sand, though in the townsfolk favor they had destroyed
several of the creatures as well. What were the creatures? Well they looked
humanoid, except
Tesarik One: they were drenched in water and had plant life on them, flesh
had been eaten away in many places by the fish, and their flesh was gray and
bloated. Drowned men and women, risen and heading into town for a bite to
Tesarik One: Akito 0/35 [17] || Divine 0/28 [17] (0/12) || Finn 0/29 [22] ||
Brendan 0/38 [18] (0/14) || Roxi 0/35 [16] || Lokinias 0/35 [10] || Jin'kazi
0/25 [10] || Wolfgang 0/29 [22]
Tesarik One: Updated SB-
Witch docta mon: "Gah! Da smell" He blew through his nose, the stink of
bloated rotting flesh was awful. especially when combined with the now
befouled lake water.
The Soulknife: ::He looked towards the armored fellow, another slow blink.::
Lokinias,..charmed.::Slight dry tone there before he looked forward towards
the critters.:: Oh look they sent out the welcoming party, how polite of
Tesarik One: "Oooh, this is more interesting. Undead from the lake it
seems." She didn't really speak to anyone in particular, but the vampire did
grin a bit and hang to the back of the group. She didn't seem to have any
armor on, and the only
Tesarik One: weapon was a dangerous looking whip at her hip.
Howling Ember: -Trouble at the lake? Good thing Lassie came and warmed him!
Well perhaps he just imagined that Lassie had come about but there he was,
late to the party but he would hobble along in his peg leg way and assuming
there was no anti
The Soulknife: ::He raised a hand tapping his chin looking to the corpses
wandering around to get a bit of munching done.::Hmm,.like any other predator
just looking for a bite to eat. ::A faint smirk was given before looking
towards Divine, head
The Soulknife: tipped a little bit.::
Howling Ember: magic zone this time he would grab out those pistols and
force the lightning through them as he cast "RailGun"- -d-
Howling Ember: (color swap! Sorry)
The Lunar Beacon: He turned his head slightly at the stench of what awaited
them, but he just grinned and turned to face it once more. That light mace
that was at his hip? It shifted as he drew it, resting in the form of a Seax
with a dark gleam to
Witch docta mon: He lifted his juju stick, taking a gourd from its top and
swallowing a mouthfull of the fluid, He would give the staff a good shake
then spit a fine mist of the sacred brew over it, Asking the elements of fire
to grant him their fav
Witch docta mon: or.
The Lunar Beacon: the blade(Metalline, Mutating weapon, Adamantine is
current metal).
Witch docta mon: [Spell:Brand weapon | Target:single | Spell Type:combat
effect (elemental) | Save: n/a]
Witch docta mon: (Element is fire, clearly)
fionnadh na tine: "Well this is feckin wonderful." He started to strip out
of his clothing, leaving it where it'd hopefully stay dry. That done, he made
a sprint right to the lake to jump on in and see if there were more on the
way or if they just
fionnadh na tine: had to deal with what was out of the water already.
Tesarik One: Hold a moment.
Tesarik One: Drowned 1 0/?? [15] || Akito 0/35 [17] || Divine 0/28 [17]
(0/12) || Drowned 2 0/?? [15] || Finn 0/29 [22] || Drowned 3 0/?? [15] ||
Brendan 0/38 [18] (0/14) || Roxi 0/35 [16] || Lokinias 0/35 [10]
Tesarik One: || Jin'kazi 0/25 [10] || Wolfgang 0/29 [22] || (Drowned 4 0/??
[15]) || (Big Drowned 0/?? [19] )
Tesarik One: Baddies in ( ) are underwater and unless you dive below the
waters you do not know they are there.
Tesarik One: D1-
fionnadh na tine: Oh right he took his sword and his pistol with him, and
slung the gunbelt around him like a baldric! So he wasn't completely naked.
Tesarik One: They had no weapons, barely any clothing, whitened eyes, and
cold hands... it was with those cold hands that the first one moved towards
Akito, reaching out to brush fingers against his body causing the area that
it touched to
Tesarik One: become cold, clammy, and painful. (Corpse Touch 1d6)
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 10
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: 15 - Miss
Tesarik One: Akito-
x Silver Heat x: Akito reached back and wielded the katana he favored on
missions such as these and whirled around on the Drowned who'd tried to
connect with him, sending a wide slash at the offending arm, if connected the
venomous blade would in-
x Silver Heat x: fect the victim. [ venomous enchantement ]
OnlineHost: x Silver Heat x rolled 1 20-sided die: 3
Tesarik One: ~*~ x Silver Heat x scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: Immune to Poison.
x Silver Heat x: [ + 7 qck = 10 ]
Tesarik One: Miss
Tesarik One: Divine-
Divine Birdsong: ~She glanced over then blinked,..seeing the,...might as
well be naked man,...well probably better heck if he had clothes on she
wouldnt recognize him. Glancing to Lokinias she arched a brow some.~ Perhaps
I should play a bit hm?
Divine Birdsong: ~She winked at him as she drew the fiddle from her back
hopping back a bit as she was on her toes and began to play the fiddle
letting the music spill out over her allies~ (Lasting Inspiration +5 dmg )
Tesarik One: Bard bonus is +5 DMG to everyone - it's up to you to remember
to add it!
Tesarik One: Drowned 1 0/?? [15] || Akito 0/35 [17] || Divine 0/28 [17]
(0/12) || Drowned 2 0/?? [15] || Finn 0/29 [22] || Drowned 3 0/?? [15] ||
Brendan 0/38 [18] (0/14) || Roxi 0/35 [16] || Lokinias 0/35 [10]
Tesarik One: || Jin'kazi 0/25 [10] || Wolfgang 0/29 [22] || (Drowned 4 0/??
[15]) || (Big Drowned 0/?? [19] )
Tesarik One: D2-
Tesarik One: Brendan earned the attention of this Drowned Female, water
seemed to come off her constantly as she trudged through the sand towards
him, and reached out to touch him near his face. (Still Waters Attempt - DC15
END if hit)
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 19
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 1 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: 24 - Hit
The Lunar Beacon: (Sacred Whisper - Evade)
Tesarik One: Finn-
The Lunar Beacon: He had the uncanny knack to know when the woman was going
to come towards him. He skirted out of the way, nearly at the last second, a
silent prayer said to Leaxo as he shifted his stance, ready for more to come.
fionnadh na tine: And into the water he went, of course, having a look
around to see what was what. (For clarification I suppose the no penalties
was for movement or vision while underwater!) And spotting one of those guys
and a big fella, he
fionnadh na tine: decided trying to take out the little one and lure the big
one out of the water might be in order. So he swam on over as quick as he'd
be able to sprint, gave it a good slashing, then stuck the flintlock in its
face and pulled the
fionnadh na tine: trigger. (Sword is pearlsteel so no underwater penalty,
flintlock has Dry Load enchant)
OnlineHost: fionnadh na tine rolled 1 20-sided die: 4
Tesarik One: ~*~ fionnadh na tine scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
fionnadh na tine: (+12 quickness, +some other stuff that doesn't really
fionnadh na tine: (16 at least)
Tesarik One: Hit
OnlineHost: fionnadh na tine rolled 2 66-sided dice: 7 60
Tesarik One: ~*~ fionnadh na tine scored 10 poynts damage ~*~
OnlineHost: fionnadh na tine rolled 1 5-sided die: 3
Tesarik One: ~*~ fionnadh na tine scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
OnlineHost: fionnadh na tine rolled 2 8-sided dice: 6 6
Tesarik One: ~*~ fionnadh na tine scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
fionnadh na tine: (25 + 12 quick, +2 point blank shot, +5 bonus from the
bard = 44)
Tesarik One: +10 DEF = 34
Tesarik One: Destroyed.
Tesarik One: Drowned 1 0/?? [15] || Akito 0/35 [17] || Divine 0/28 [17]
(0/12) || Drowned 2 0/?? [15] || Finn 0/29 [22] || Drowned 3 0/?? [15] ||
Brendan 0/38 [18] (0/14) || Roxi 0/35 [16] || Lokinias 0/35 [10]
Tesarik One: || Jin'kazi 0/25 [10] || Wolfgang 0/29 [22] || (Big Drowned
0/?? [19] )
Tesarik One: D3-
fionnadh na tine: He stuck the sword into the corpse for safekeeping to free
up his hand while he reloaded his pistol with a shot from his gunbelt. (Easy
The Soulknife: Such a lovely tune my darling, does rouse ones passions.
::He gave a chuckle before looking around,:;to bad we can not get them all
dancing around in perfect time and rhythm no? ::Yeah get the Sarktos version
of thriller going
The Soulknife: down.::
Tesarik One: This male drowned seemed to be after Jin'kazi! It lumbered
towards him, reaching out withh it's Corpse Touch to try and cause him to get
all cold, clammy and hurty.
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 9
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: 14 - Hit
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 2 50-sided dice: 37 37
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 10 poynts damage ~*~
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 6-sided die: 4
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: +8 = 22 dmg
Witch docta mon: (def 15)
Witch docta mon: (Chain mail 10 amulet of armor 5)
Tesarik One: 7 dmg
Tesarik One: Drowned 1 0/?? [15] || Akito 0/35 [17] || Divine 0/28 [17]
(0/12) || Drowned 2 0/?? [15] || Finn 0/29 [22] || Drowned 3 0/?? [15] ||
Brendan 0/38 [18] (0/14) || Roxi 0/35 [16] || Lokinias 0/35 [10]
Tesarik One: || Jin'kazi 7/25 [10] || Wolfgang 0/29 [22] || (Big Drowned
0/?? [19] )
Tesarik One: Brendan-
The Lunar Beacon: Well, he wasn't all too keen about attacking women, even
if they were rotting corpses, but he'd not run from a challenge brought to
himself. He struck with a fierce shield bash, adding some extra distance
between him and the corpse
The Lunar Beacon: while hacking down into the collarbone of the corpse
woman(Dex Fighter, Sword and Board, Dual Wield, Holy Strike).
OnlineHost: The Lunar Beacon rolled 1 20-sided die: 16
Tesarik One: ~*~ The Lunar Beacon scored 1 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: Hit
The Lunar Beacon: (+8 quick yeah)
OnlineHost: The Lunar Beacon rolled 2 58-sided dice: 58 15
Tesarik One: ~*~ The Lunar Beacon scored 10 poynts damage ~*~
The Lunar Beacon: (Shield)
OnlineHost: The Lunar Beacon rolled 1 5-sided die: 2
Tesarik One: ~*~ The Lunar Beacon scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
The Lunar Beacon: (Seax)
OnlineHost: The Lunar Beacon rolled 1 5-sided die: 5
Tesarik One: ~*~ The Lunar Beacon scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
The Lunar Beacon: (+8 quick:dex fighter, +7 shield:sword and board, weapon
damage doubled from Holy Strike: 14 = 39)
Tesarik One: Hacked into pieces. Destroyed.
Tesarik One: Drowned 1 0/?? [15] || Akito 0/35 [17] || Divine 0/28 [17]
(0/12) || Finn 0/29 [22] || Drowned 3 0/?? [15] || Brendan 0/38 [18] (0/14)
|| Roxi 0/35 [16] || Lokinias 0/35 [10] || Jin'kazi 7/25 [10] ||
Tesarik One: Wolfgang 0/29 [22] || (Big Drowned 0/?? [19]) || (Drowned 5
0/?? [15])
The Lunar Beacon: (Didn't matter, also had a -2 from Chivalrous Courtesy,
just stating to state)
The Lunar Beacon: (To strike, not damage)
Tesarik One: Rox-
Tesarik One: While she had one very interesting whip at her hip made of
strands of adamantine and mithral, she had another trick up her sleeve. An
obsidian handle was pulled from her other side and as she flipped
Tesarik One: the handle, a molten lava like whip formed. She darted forward
towards Drowned 3, a flick of her wrist towards the creature caused the
entire lavalash to burst into flames as she attacked.
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 16
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 1 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: Hit
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 2 54-sided dice: 27 33
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 7 poynts damage ~*~
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 6-sided die: 3
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: +6 QCK / Fire
Tesarik One: Fire does dbl dmg to the Drowned!
Tesarik One: 37 including 5 from bard
Tesarik One: Encompassed by flames, destroyed!
Tesarik One: Drowned 1 0/?? [15] || Akito 0/35 [17] || Divine 0/28 [17]
(0/12) || Finn 0/29 [22] || Brendan 0/38 [18] (0/14) || Roxi 0/35 [16] ||
Lokinias 0/35 [10] || Jin'kazi 7/25 [10] || Wolfgang 0/29 [22] ||
Tesarik One: (Big Drowned 0/?? [19]) || (Drowned 5 0/?? [15])
Tesarik One: Loki-
The Soulknife: ::He moved forward and was walking past, a shift to the side
and he turned. The left hand fingers extended rigid, a green halo blossomed
around then formed into a semi solid, translucent. Working to fortify it more
he sent that left
The Soulknife: hand sweeping out as he passed by D1, that blade angled to
sheer through the neck nad remove the head in his passing while moving for
the docks.::
OnlineHost: The Soulknife rolled 1 20-sided die: 14
Tesarik One: ~*~ The Soulknife scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
The Soulknife: (14 + 12 Tact Senst = 26)
Tesarik One: Hit
OnlineHost: The Soulknife rolled 2 46-sided dice: 34 41
Tesarik One: ~*~ The Soulknife scored 10 poynts damage ~*~
The Soulknife: (10 + 12 Int + 5 Bard = 27)
The Soulknife: (Oh wait mind blade!)
Tesarik One: +10 DEF = 17 It cut through dead flesh, but did not quite
sever the head. Almost....but not quite. It hung awkwardly to the side and
water rushed out of the wound.
The Soulknife: Ah well will roll it sometime else lol)
Tesarik One: Go ahead and roll it.
OnlineHost: The Soulknife rolled 1 6-sided die: 1
Tesarik One: ~*~ The Soulknife scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
The Soulknife: (LOL not like it mattered much)
Tesarik One: 18 dmg
Tesarik One: Drowned 1 18/25 [15] || Akito 0/35 [17] || Divine 0/28 [17]
(0/12) || Finn 0/29 [22] || Brendan 0/38 [18] (0/14) || Roxi 0/35 [16] ||
Lokinias 0/35 [10] || Jin'kazi 7/25 [10] || Wolfgang 0/29 [22] ||
Tesarik One: (Big Drowned 0/?? [19]) || (Drowned 5 0/?? [15])
Tesarik One: Jin'kazi-
Witch docta mon: Well that cold touch had seared his flesh, but the wound
had already begun to vanish, His troll regeneration making the worst of it
moot. He snarled and blinked as someone rushed by and nearly took the things
head off! He shrugged a
OnlineHost: Delusional Bite has entered the room.
Witch docta mon: nd gripped his juju stick stick, swining it like a club to
finish the decapation job.
OnlineHost: Witch docta mon rolled 2 20-sided dice: 4 1
Tesarik One: ~*~ Witch docta mon scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: Reroll
OnlineHost: Witch docta mon rolled 1 20-sided die: 19
Tesarik One: ~*~ Witch docta mon scored 1 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: Hit
OnlineHost: Witch docta mon rolled 2 40-sided dice: 5 7
Tesarik One: ~*~ Witch docta mon scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
OnlineHost: Witch docta mon rolled 1 5-sided die: 1
Tesarik One: ~*~ Witch docta mon scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
Witch docta mon: (wow..)
Witch docta mon: (fire)
Witch docta mon: (So woo, 2)
Tesarik One: Didn't seem to affect the Drowned.
Tesarik One: Wolfy-
Tesarik One: (That would be 4 dmg, and with 10 def - 0dmg btw)
Witch docta mon: (rub it in why doncha :P)
Tesarik One: ( :) )
Witch docta mon: He was a lover not a fighter!
Howling Ember: Yaaarr This is what I like to see! Tear them up and all that
sort of good stuff! He had no idea there were still some under the water and
only saw the half decapitated one and the guy failing to burn it but with a
little bit of
Howling Ember: quick action he fired his pistols in the wake of the attack
right at that dangling head with a pair of whirring fwoom sounds over the
normal BANG of gunpowder- ((Drowned 1 Going Down!)
OnlineHost: Howling Ember rolled 1 20-sided die: 1
Tesarik One: ~*~ Howling Ember scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
Howling Ember: (OR NOT)
Divine Birdsong: ~Oh hey El Capitan was here she didnt notice, she stopped
playing and dancing about to raise her bow and wave it at him. Hey she had to
make up for her husbands cold demeanor by being friendly.~
OnlineHost: Howling Ember rolled 1 6-sided die: 4
Tesarik One: ~*~ Howling Ember scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
Howling Ember: Ah no the lass and her fancy dancing distracted me guns!
Divine Birdsong: ~Wait,..woops, away, away!~
Witch docta mon: "Ah don' feel so bad now" he cackled.
Tesarik One: Crit Fail you injure yourself so go ahead and roll dmg.
OnlineHost: Howling Ember rolled 2 50-sided dice: 33 35
Tesarik One: ~*~ Howling Ember scored 9 poynts damage ~*~
The Soulknife: ::He brought that translucent blade up looking it over, there
was a very slight frown given briefly, he let the current mindblade vanish
before sparking that blade back up to reform around the left hand.::Now work
Tesarik One: (oh hold one sec)
Howling Ember: (Add my bonuses and defense?)
Tesarik One: (I missed it was a gun. We use the Gun Misfire chart for that.
So, you lose a turn as something goes wrong with the firing mechanism and you
gotta fix it)
Tesarik One: Drowned 1 18/25 [15] || Akito 0/35 [17] || Divine 0/28 [17]
(0/12) || Finn 0/29 [22] || Brendan 0/38 [18] (0/14) || Roxi 0/35 [16] ||
Lokinias 0/35 [10] || Jin'kazi 7/25 [10] || *Wolfgang 0/29 [22]
Tesarik One: || (Big Drowned 0/?? [19]) || (Drowned 5 0/?? [15])
fionnadh na tine: He yanked his sword out of the body of the one he'd
killed, then started his whole...leading the underwater critters to shore
thing! Of course he had to get their attention, which meant he'd probably get
the brunt of their attacks.
Tesarik One: Big Drowned-
Tesarik One: Big Drowned was a drowned ogre, big, rotten and ugly too.
Walking along the bottom of the lake, it's head finally popped out of the
water and quickly it's body followed. It was dripping, as the large
Tesarik One: creature surfaced and stepped upon the beach. (No attack)
Tesarik One: Drowned 5-
Tesarik One: Swimming over towards Finn in the water, it reached out and
touched him, leaving his skin feeling cold, clammy, and the sensation of pain
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 19
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 1 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: 24 - Hit
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 2 50-sided dice: 41 7
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 6 poynts damage ~*~
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 6-sided die: 4
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: +8 = 18 dmg
fionnadh na tine: Well it ignored him! That was fine with him. He turned his
attention to 5 only to find that it was right god damn next to him. Fuck! He
clenched his teeth, but it seemed his tattoo was doing its job today!
(Armored Ink +18)
Tesarik One: 0 dmg
Tesarik One: Drowned 1 18/25 [15] || Akito 0/35 [17] || Divine 0/28 [17]
(0/12) || Finn 0/29 [22] || Brendan 0/38 [18] (0/14) || Roxi 0/35 [16] ||
Lokinias 0/35 [10] || Jin'kazi 7/25 [10] || *Wolfgang 0/29 [22]
Tesarik One: || Big Drowned 0/?? [19] || (Drowned 5 0/?? [15])
Tesarik One: D1-
Tesarik One: Creepy thing with it's head all rocked to the side stumbled a
bit, then advanced upon Roxi. Reaching out, attempting to drown her. (Still
Waters attempt DC15 if hit)
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 12
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: 17 - Hit
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 14
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: +2 Willpower = 16 - Pass!
Tesarik One: Wait wait, that's Endurance lol.
Tesarik One: Screwed. Fail.
Tesarik One: Roxi's lungs fill with water, causing her to feel as if she was
drowning. Even if she doesn't need air to breathe, the filling of water in
the lungs causes a lose turn.
Tesarik One: Drowned 1 18/25 [15] || Akito 0/35 [17] || Divine 0/28 [17]
(0/12) || Finn 0/29 [22] || Brendan 0/38 [18] (0/14) || *Roxi 0/35 [16] ||
Lokinias 0/35 [10] || Jin'kazi 7/25 [10] || *Wolfgang 0/29 [22]
Tesarik One: || Big Drowned 0/?? [19] || (Drowned 5 0/?? [15])
Tesarik One: Akito-
x Silver Heat x: Drowned 1 still stood, if only by the proverbial thread.
Akito fixed his target, slashing at the drowned and kicking it in the chest
to knock it off balance.
OnlineHost: x Silver Heat x rolled 1 20-sided die: 9
Tesarik One: ~*~ x Silver Heat x scored 0 poynts damage ~*~She attempted to
step backwards away from the incoming undead, but it caught her and she felt
her lungs fill with rancid water and began to cough
Tesarik One: as water spilled from between painted lips.
x Silver Heat x: [ +7 qck = 16 ]
OnlineHost: x Silver Heat x rolled 2 60-sided dice: 33 55
Tesarik One: ~*~ x Silver Heat x scored 13 poynts damage ~*~
OnlineHost: x Silver Heat x rolled 1 8-sided die: 7
Tesarik One: ~*~ x Silver Heat x scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
x Silver Heat x: [ +7 qck + 5 Lasting Inspiration +3 DMG Preferred weapon +
7 Katana = 35 I believe ]
Tesarik One: Downed Drowned.
Tesarik One: Akito 0/35 [17] || Divine 0/28 [17] (0/12) || Finn 0/29 [22] ||
Brendan 0/38 [18] (0/14) || *Roxi 0/35 [16] || Lokinias 0/35 [10] || Jin'kazi
7/25 [10] || *Wolfgang 0/29 [22] || Big Drowned 0/?? [19]
Tesarik One: || (Drowned 5 0/?? [15])
Tesarik One: Divine-
Divine Birdsong: ~She considered things it seemed the team was doing pretty
good taking out the walking drowned dead, so moving swiftly around the
outskirts till she was near Jin she began a new tune, sending arcane magic
into the notes themselves
Divine Birdsong: allowing them to flow over him and healing his small wound,
as she decided to play the healer tonight~ (Spell:Song of repair - heal up to
10 hp - Target:Jin)
Tesarik One: Noted.
Tesarik One: Akito 0/35 [17] || Divine 0/28 [17] (0/12) || Finn 0/29 [22] ||
Brendan 0/38 [18] (0/14) || *Roxi 0/35 [16] || Lokinias 0/35 [10] || Jin'kazi
0/25 [10] || *Wolfgang 0/29 [22] || Big Drowned 0/?? [19]
Witch docta mon: He cast a wink to the woman, Putting on his best charm.
"Thank ya much, beautiful"
Tesarik One: || (Drowned 5 0/?? [15])
Tesarik One: Finn-
The Soulknife: ::Well the others were handling his left overs and what was
he doing? He was striding right for the docks. Left hand rose, the tip of
that green blade leveled for the Big bastard,::you and your little friends
ruined a perfect night,
The Soulknife: of drinking and enjoying the company of my wife. ::Just kept
stalking for the bigger one coming out of the water.:: *D
fionnadh na tine: And he decided to divide his attention now, firing off a
shot towards the big one's leg, then spinning back to five and giving it a
OnlineHost: fionnadh na tine rolled 1 20-sided die: 11
Tesarik One: ~*~ fionnadh na tine scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
fionnadh na tine: (+12 quick = 23)
Divine Birdsong: ~She continued playing for a moment more just to make sure
he was ok, before she gave a little bow~ my pleasure,..and any time ~She
returned the wink then danced off keeping her eyes on things,..and then
seeing her husband,..going
Divine Birdsong: for the biggest baddest she sighed lightly.~ he is so going
to get hurt.
Tesarik One: Hit both.
OnlineHost: fionnadh na tine rolled 2 66-sided dice: 8 45
Tesarik One: ~*~ fionnadh na tine scored 7 poynts damage ~*~
OnlineHost: fionnadh na tine rolled 1 5-sided die: 1
Tesarik One: ~*~ fionnadh na tine scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
Witch docta mon: "Dont worry pretty lady, Ah give him some cover!" he began
to focus, Getting his mojo working!
OnlineHost: fionnadh na tine rolled 2 8-sided dice: 7 5
Tesarik One: ~*~ fionnadh na tine scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
fionnadh na tine: (3 + 12 quick + 13 gun damage = 28 to big, 4 + 1 + 5 bard
bonus = 10 to 5)
Tesarik One: +15 DEF Big = 13 dmg
Tesarik One: +10 DEF 5 = 0dmg
Tesarik One: Akito 0/35 [17] || Divine 0/28 [17] (0/12) || Finn 0/29 [22] ||
Brendan 0/38 [18] (0/14) || *Roxi 0/35 [16] || Lokinias 0/35 [10] || Jin'kazi
0/25 [10] || *Wolfgang 0/29 [22] || Big Drowned 13/?? [19]
Tesarik One: || (Drowned 5 0/?? [15])
Tesarik One: Brendan-
The Lunar Beacon: He took full advantage of the fact that Lokinias was
chattering away at the undead monstrosity to hurry in and catch its attention
his own way. He kept his shield high, pushing through the Big guy's defenses
to ram his shield into
fionnadh na tine: And after that, Finn zoom swam to shore and burst out of
the water, not even looking out of breath, but well..he could oxygenate just
fine down there, the damn mutant. He started reloading his pistol once more,
sticking his sword
fionnadh na tine: point-first into the sand. (Easy Reload)
fionnadh na tine: (And brb)
The Lunar Beacon: the inside of the big fella's right knee, dancing to the
outside of that same knee to slash with the Seax to the outside of the same
OnlineHost: The Lunar Beacon rolled 1 20-sided die: 13
Tesarik One: ~*~ The Lunar Beacon scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
The Lunar Beacon: (+8 = 21)
Tesarik One: Hit
OnlineHost: The Lunar Beacon rolled 2 58-sided dice: 16 43
Tesarik One: ~*~ The Lunar Beacon scored 7 poynts damage ~*~
OnlineHost: The Lunar Beacon rolled 1 5-sided die: 3
Tesarik One: ~*~ The Lunar Beacon scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
OnlineHost: The Lunar Beacon rolled 1 5-sided die: 1
Tesarik One: ~*~ The Lunar Beacon scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
The Lunar Beacon: (Weapon Damage = 8 + 15 = 30)
Tesarik One: +15 DEF = 15 dmg
The Lunar Beacon: (+5 from Bard = 35)
Tesarik One: 20 dmg
Tesarik One: Akito 0/35 [17] || Divine 0/28 [17] (0/12) || Finn 0/29 [22] ||
Brendan 0/38 [18] (0/14) || *Roxi 0/35 [16] || Lokinias 0/35 [10] || Jin'kazi
0/25 [10] || *Wolfgang 0/29 [22] || Big Drowned 33/?? [19]
Tesarik One: || (Drowned 5 0/25 [15])
Tesarik One: Roxi- Lost Turn
Tesarik One: Loki-
The Soulknife: ::As he moved forward he was focusing inward,..building
up,..building up then released it. The luminescent eyes flaired brightly as
the full force was released. That big bastard was pummled from every angle
from invisible sources
Tesarik One: Rox moved to one knee in the sand, and continued to cough up
the nasty water that was filling her lungs. Finally, she seemed to get the
rest of it out, and wiped her mouth as she rose again and gave a little flick
of her whip, anger
Tesarik One: washed over her pale face.
The Soulknife: crashing into the head, the shoulder, the knees to fully
collapse it. Hands curled into tight fists, the mindblade had vanished for
the time being as he just pounded on that bastard with the full onslaught of
his mind.::
The Soulknife: (Concussion Blast, +4 Dmg 1 rnd,Target: Big Drowned , DC21)
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 1
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: Fail.
OnlineHost: The Soulknife rolled 2 46-sided dice: 34 2
Tesarik One: ~*~ The Soulknife scored 4 poynts damage ~*~
The Soulknife: (yeahhhhh,...needs to focus fucking more! 4 + 12 int + 4
Spell +5 Bard = 25)
Tesarik One: +15 DEF = 10 dmg
Tesarik One: As they attacked the drowned ogre, the fifth and final Drowned
rose from the lake.
Tesarik One: Akito 0/35 [17] || Divine 0/28 [17] (0/12) || Finn 0/29 [22] ||
Brendan 0/38 [18] (0/14) || Roxi 0/35 [16] || Lokinias 0/35 [10] || Jin'kazi
0/25 [10] || *Wolfgang 0/29 [22] || Big Drowned 43/?? [19]
Tesarik One: || Drowned 5 0/25 [15]
Tesarik One: Jin-
Witch docta mon: Well any pretty lady casting a wink his way got his mojo
flowing, Even if she was taken! He muttered something in his native tongue,
and thrust his staff into the ground, Both hands thrust out toward the big
guy As he called upon th
Witch docta mon: e ancestors to smite this wretch!
Witch docta mon: [Spell:Lashing hex | Target:single | Spell Type:attack (+4)
| Save:DC19]
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 5
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: Fail.
OnlineHost: Witch docta mon rolled 2 40-sided dice: 23 23
Tesarik One: ~*~ Witch docta mon scored 4 poynts damage ~*~
Witch docta mon: (+5 bard +7 intellect=16)
Witch docta mon: (20 total)
Tesarik One: +15 DEF = 5 dmg... The ogre mage was smitten (and not in the
good way) and he fell with a splash into the water, dead.
Tesarik One: destroyed*
Tesarik One: Akito 0/35 [17] || Divine 0/28 [17] (0/12) || Finn 0/29 [22] ||
Brendan 0/38 [18] (0/14) || Roxi 0/35 [16] || Lokinias 0/35 [10] || Jin'kazi
0/25 [10] || *Wolfgang 0/29 [22] || Drowned 5 0/25 [15]
Witch docta mon: he did a victory dance, cheering. "Haha! Jin'
Tesarik One: Wolfy- Trying to figure out what happened to his weapon.
Witch docta mon: kazi got da strongest mojo!"
Tesarik One: D5-
Howling Ember: -There was quite a bit of cursing coming from the Captain as
he sat himself down in the middle of battle and tried to fix his guns, if
words could hurt... everyone would be dead-
Tesarik One: Up outta the water it came, lunging all soggily towards Divine,
with it's corpse touch.
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 10
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: 15 - Miss
Tesarik One: Akito-
The Soulknife: ::He looked over his shoulder slowly arching an eyebrow
staring at the dancing troll, he started to say something when the damn soggy
bitch went for Divine. Eyes narrowed and that mindblade flared to life again.
Body turned and he
Divine Birdsong: EEP no bad water zombie! ~She pointed the bow at her and
moved around swiftly checking on her obviously annoyed husband,..ah he seemed
ok turning she saw the Troll,..those long legs in his victory dance had her
laughing as she drew
Divine Birdsong: her bow acrossed the fiddle giving him a little tune to
dance to~ (D)
The Soulknife: was making his way towards it.::
x Silver Heat x: Akito snuck behind the newly risen drowned as it focused on
Divine, slashing his sword across the zombie's neck.
The Soulknife: ::He caught up with her and looked over to Divine tilting his
head some then looked back towards the watery bastard.::
OnlineHost: x Silver Heat x rolled 1 20-sided die: 9
Tesarik One: ~*~ x Silver Heat x scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
x Silver Heat x: [ + 7 = 16 ]
Tesarik One: Hit
OnlineHost: x Silver Heat x rolled 2 60-sided dice: 17 50
Tesarik One: ~*~ x Silver Heat x scored 9 poynts damage ~*~
Witch docta mon: He made a big show of cleaning all three of his finger
nails on his armored robes. "Ha, Dis be all in a days work for me mon."
OnlineHost: x Silver Heat x rolled 1 8-sided die: 3
Tesarik One: ~*~ x Silver Heat x scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
x Silver Heat x: [+7 qck + 3 dmg fighters weapon + 5 bard bonus 24 + 3
katana = 27 ]
Tesarik One: +10 DEF = 17
Tesarik One: Akito 0/35 [17] || Divine 0/28 [17] (0/12) || Finn 0/29 [22] ||
Brendan 0/38 [18] (0/14) || Roxi 0/35 [16] || Lokinias 0/35 [10] || Jin'kazi
0/25 [10] || Wolfgang 0/29 [22] || Drowned 5 17/25 [15]
Tesarik One: Divine-
x Silver Heat x: He was satisfied he had drawn blood and hopped back a pace
into a defensive stance.
Tesarik One: He'd done more than draw nasty water, he'd nearly destroyed it!
Wouldn't take much more!
Divine Birdsong: ~Wellll nobody but tthat last drowned, putting the fiddle
up she decided she would take a little swipe at him for trying to touch her.
Drawing the elven thinblade from her side she dashed back and gave it a smack
upside the head~
OnlineHost: Divine Birdsong rolled 1 20-sided die: 9
Tesarik One: ~*~ Divine Birdsong scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
Divine Birdsong: (+7 quick = 16)
Tesarik One: hit
OnlineHost: Divine Birdsong rolled 2 46-sided dice: 40 37
Tesarik One: ~*~ Divine Birdsong scored 11 poynts damage ~*~
Divine Birdsong: (blade)
OnlineHost: Divine Birdsong rolled 1 6-sided die: 4
Tesarik One: ~*~ Divine Birdsong scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
Divine Birdsong: (11+4+7quick+5bard = 28)
Divine Birdsong: (*27 sorry bad math)
Tesarik One: The head fell clean off, destroyed
Tesarik One: Akito 0/35 [17] || Divine 0/28 [17] (0/12) || Finn 0/29 [22] ||
Brendan 0/38 [18] (0/14) || Roxi 0/35 [16] || Lokinias 0/35 [10] || Jin'kazi
0/25 [10] || Wolfgang 0/29 [22]
Tesarik One: The undead Drowned taken care of.... MISSION: ACCOMPLISHED!
Tesarik One: Well done.
Tesarik One: ^v^ 7/12/2014 1:17:12 AM ^v^
Tesarik One: Log Off - You may, as always, continue to rp as long as you