Post by Head Moderator on Jun 11, 2014 5:37:50 GMT -5
OnlineHost: cogthrottle has entered the room.
Tesarik One: Log On
Tesarik One: If you absolutely want to bring a higher level char for
whatever reason, I will allow it ONLY if you come along for roleplay.
Tesarik One: Which means you can join in the combat, but you aren't allow to
roll dice. You can just make a roleplay only attack. So if you agree with
that, that's fine.
Tesarik One: ^v^ 5/29/2014 1:09:44 AM ^v^
OnlineHost: Mighty Gar thog has entered the room.
Tesarik One: Gar mun I just said in the chat that if you really want to
bring a higher level char for whatever reason, such as the challenge, that's
fine but you cannot roll your dice or anything, you can just roleplay.
Tesarik One: You can roleplay out your attack just no dice.
Tesarik One: --start quest state--
Tesarik One: OH Mission: "Horse Thieves!"
Tesarik One: Your leader is Pamela.
Tesarik One: If you have questions please IM me or one of the Moderators.
Tesarik One: Estimated time is 1.5 hours from when we actually begin
Tesarik One: You can die on our adventures and there are consequences if you
Tesarik One: Make sure your dossier is updated! If it's not on your dossier
you do not have it and this includes mundane gear.
Tesarik One: Remember when you first use something to tell me how you are
able to use it - after that you can merely state the numbers.
Tesarik One: Now state your info: Rank - Name - Class/Profession - Dice -
Hit Points - Defense DC - Healing Points if applicable AND FLAWS. You will
need to keep up with your own self-healing points as they are
Tesarik One: used.
Tesarik One: ---end state---
suspicious hex: Sapphire Champion Cassandra Reive [ 2d64 | 44HP | DEF DC: 16
| Flaws: Rough Demeanor, Feeble, Distinctive ]
fionnadh na tine: Finn Declan, Topaz Defender, 2d44, 17hp, ddc 15, Mr. Nice
Guy, Young Pup, Strange Luck
The Bronze Stag: Conall Dalcassian , Amber Adept , 2d50, HP 44, Def DC 22,
Devout/Druid, Healing Points: 14, Intolerance Green Dragons/Traitors/Orcs
(Grandfathered in Intolerance x 3)
The Lunar Beacon: (Brendan Pearce, Devout/Paladin, 2d52, hp = 31(36 with
Diehard) , dc = 18, Healing = 14 points, Rezz, Flaws: Chivalrous Courtesy,
Compulsive Honesty, Grudge Keeper(Cherith d'Avilon)
Mighty Gar thog: (Emerald Shield, GarThog support healer, 2d78 hp 55 w
Amulet ddc 22 heal 44 Flaws - love of Nature, Ponderous, Technophilia)
Tesarik One: Makarigru Derry, Amber Champion, 2d54, 22hp (flaw), DDC17,
Young Pup, Technophilia, Fear the Reaper
The Lunar Beacon: (Amber Adempt)
cogthrottle: [ Arcabelle Pepperboom Cogthrottle the Third; Topaz Adept;
2d32; 11ddc; Arcane/Mage; 27hp (mind over body); Impatient; Loudmouth;
Technophilia ]
lurkerinshade: [ Emerald Champion | Maereth Selakir | 2d74 - 57hp - 16 ddc |
Arcane - Black Mage/ Devout | Flaws: Intolerance (elves), Distinctive, &
Haunted ]
Tesarik One: Roll init. Give final #.
suspicious hex: [ Oh yeah. Arcane / Mage / Arcane! ]*
OnlineHost: The Bronze Stag rolled 1 20-sided die: 14
OnlineHost: suspicious hex rolled 1 20-sided die: 12
OnlineHost: Mighty Gar thog rolled 1 20-sided die: 2
OnlineHost: cogthrottle rolled 1 20-sided die: 15
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 8
Mighty Gar thog: (4)
suspicious hex: [ +6 qck = 18 ]
OnlineHost: lurkerinshade rolled 1 20-sided die: 6
OnlineHost: fionnadh na tine rolled 1 20-sided die: 5
cogthrottle: (( 15! ))
fionnadh na tine: 10
The Bronze Stag: (14 + 12 Qck = 26)
Tesarik One: 15
lurkerinshade: [+6 qck, +10 Lightning Init = 22 ]
The Lunar Beacon: (Tired, Amber Defender)
OnlineHost: The Lunar Beacon rolled 1 20-sided die: 8
The Lunar Beacon: (+8quick, no armor penalty due to Paladin Blessed Armor =
Tesarik One: Hold for SB.
OnlineHost: england252525 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: *** You have ejected england252525 from this room ***
OnlineHost: england252525 has left the room.
cogthrottle: (( tch, giving the rest of us a bad name .. *shakes fist* ))
suspicious hex: ( Indeed. )
fionnadh na tine: (Maybe he's French and it's his whole purpose in life.)
cogthrottle: (( seriously ))
suspicious hex: ( Bloody mainlanders! )
Tesarik One: Conall 0/44 [22] (0/14) || >Maereth 0/57 [16] || Cassandra 0/44
[16] || Brendan 0/36 [18] (0/14) || Arcabelle 0/27 [11] || Maka 0/22 [17] ||
Finn 0/17 [15] || >Gar 0/55 [22] (0/44)
Tesarik One: Mistakes? IM me.
Tesarik One: Guess it's good to go!
Tesarik One: ^v^ 5/29/2014 1:21:20 AM ^v^
Tesarik One: Sometimes the adventures that the Heart is called upon to
perform are life changing, world changing even! Terrible creatures pulled
into this world to wreak havoc and it is on our faithful and loyal Heart to
protect the world while
Tesarik One: looting and getting rich in the process! But sometimes....
sometimes it's just very mundane things the Heart is called upon to do, no
less important of course, but tonight is one of those nights. Maria has been
asked by a local
Tesarik One: livery stable to hunt down horse thieves. It seems that a
halfling male took upon himself during a slow part of the day to stand in
front of the large stables taking horses off people's hands and telling them
to just head 'round
Tesarik One: back to pay, the owner's taking care of a horse that threw a
shoe! The halfling managed to get three horses from a family before the staff
was alerted by the family wandering about behind their stables.... so....
Tesarik One: it is up to you to locate the horse thieves, retrieve the
horses, and bring the thieves to justice! The team has been instructed to
meet at the main gate outside of Navahla, not far from the stables. (Begin
Mighty Gar thog: ~Having heard of Healers who never fought, the dragon
decided to try that, just once, for a change of pace. He would instead try to
just obsere, and aid with such things as healing, intercepting blows and
trying to find
Mighty Gar thog: things. He was drinking from a barrel of mead outside, when
Maria did an immediate call, so... there he was.~
fionnadh na tine: "Fuckin' horse thieves. I can understand takin' a man's
gold, or even his regular old belongings, but his horse? That's fucked." Who
was he speaking to? Probably Maka, as he pulled on a shirt. He'd spent most
of the day half naked
cogthrottle: All things considered, from what she had been informed it was
not something to tax the mind overmuch - but things were getting just a
little stressful down in the shop, and as she had narrowly avoided taking her
assistants head off
suspicious hex: Cassandra was moonlighting again, but that was because she
had been called upon to deal with horse thieves! How one could steal another
creature, a creature with a soul of its own boggled her mind. If someone
tried to steal Apex,
The Lunar Beacon: He'd taken special interest in this particular case. He
was always happy to help in the grander things, but due to his personal life,
this case just demanded his attention. He'd retrieved Andoriel, his mount,
and was waiting at
OnlineHost: murder rhythm has entered the room.
fionnadh na tine: again, but it was warm out and it got some admiration for
the tattoo running up his arm. He pulled on his dapper fucking vest as well,
and fully dressed once more, it was out and off towards the gate to try and
help! "And it's no
cogthrottle: with a well placed copper bolt she needed to get some air,
stretch her legs and probably kick something a few times. Of course, the leg
stretching was even stretchier than usual, after being given the details she
thought it prudent
fionnadh na tine: fuckin' surprise to hear it was a halfling either, now is
The Lunar Beacon: the gate while others arrived. He'd come early, not
wanting to be the main focus seen flying in, his mount a Celestial Steed.
suspicious hex: they would have had an eye out by now! The witch had made
her way to the meeting place with little action, it was quite a walk from her
cottage to the city but she enjoyed it none-the-less.
cogthrottle: to add a few feet to her height .. approximately three or four
[ Rapid Development / Effect Spell / Makes human sized! ] So she wouldn't be
mistaken for a halfling in the frenzy. Easy mistake to make, to the stupid.
And so a six
lurkerinshade: Maereth spent only a handful of seconds mulling over why he'd
bothered to join in on this venture. A momentary lapse in his self-interested
personality in favor of a more generous one.. Well that proved terribly
short-lived by all
OnlineHost: murder rhythm has left the room.
Tesarik One: Maka was excited to actually be sent on a mission! She listened
to Finn, nodding a bit, while checking and double checking that her guns were
in place and the slightly uncomfortable studded leather fit just perfectly.
Her cloak was
cogthrottle: foot blue haired .. humanoid .. would stroll down the streets
towards the main gate, hand stuffed in the pockets of her long buttoned up
coat as bright eyes flicked over every little detail on the offchance she
cogthrottle: something interesting.
Tesarik One: pushed over her shoulders, it was warm outside after all.
"Nobody likes a fuckin' horse thief, no matter where you go in the world.
Them's the dregs of society there." She moved on along to the gate, and
shuffled her feet a bit as
Tesarik One: she waited for others to show up.
lurkerinshade: appearances! The presence of Cassandra made the lapse
somewhat more tolerable.. experimenting how she and others of potential worth
to his plans reacted when empowered by his spells? Well that was worth his
attention for a time! "
The Bronze Stag: ::Well now there he was making his way for the gate
himself, fingers clasped about the bronzewood glaive, fingers idly flicked at
some lint that could be on the front of the simple linen shirt, well it was
more of just concealing
The Bronze Stag: his own little preperation. Bronze tinted hair fell loosely
around his shoulders, green eyes raised towards the gathering.:: [Cat's Grace
(Quickness) - Target: Self - Spell Type: +1 stat boost - Duration:
fionnadh na tine: He had no weapons at all! And no armor, to boot. He'd just
plan on chasing the little bastard down and shaking him til he stopped
moving. Not stopped forever, of course, but stopped just the same. "Aye." He
grabbed Maka's sleeve and
lurkerinshade: Aiding the non-believers, Cassandra? How generous of you. " A
sarcasm-filled greeting for the Witch now that he'd arrived at the gates not
too far from the stables they would be investigating. -d
fionnadh na tine: gave it a tug, then pointed towards the blue haired person
wandering about. "Would ya look at that! Fuckin' blue hair, and isn't she a
tall drink of water?" Not said as quietly as it probably should have been!
Mighty Gar thog: ~He was just happy they did not steal the horses he had
been training for a local stables. Imagine having the problem of having his
trained beasts taken and the owners demanding compensation. Horses were
suspicious hex: " Everyone believes in something, Maereth even if it is that
horse thievery proves the lowest form of scum. " Her shoulders were lifted in
a shrug, before she cast her gaze out towards all those that had gathered.
Apex had opted to
Tesarik One: "Oooo, she's amazing! I love blue hair!" She snickered and gave
him a nudge.
The Lunar Beacon: He'd greet each arrival with a nod, sitting calmly in his
saddle as Andoriel busied himself with grazing in the idle time. He wore no
helm, but was encased in full plate, weaponry and shields placed evenly about
the saddle.
Tesarik One: Once everyone arrived, it wouldn't be far to Frandal's Livery
Stables right outside of town. The long, rambling stable has four wings
radiating out from a central hub, which causes it to resemble a
Tesarik One: temple or some other public building rather than a mere horse
barn. Stately trees shade the courtyard and stable. The building has a slate
roof, bright red walls, and neat white trim. Several dogs, and
Tesarik One: even some cats prowl around, and an older man with a shock of
grey hair stands out in the courtyard, wringing his hands while stableboys
move about taking care of the business they still have.
suspicious hex: stay at home today.
Tesarik One: Conall 0/44 [23] (0/14) || >Maereth 0/57 [16] || Cassandra 0/44
[16] || Brendan 0/36 [18] (0/14) || Arcabelle 0/27 [11] || Maka 0/22 [17] ||
Finn 0/17 [15] || >Gar 0/55 [22] (0/44)
fionnadh na tine: "Well it's not exactly fuckin' common now is it?" He
realized too late that the blue haired one was heading the same way they
were! Hopefully she hadn't heard him. Not like he wasn't withiout his own
distinctive feature! Though
Mighty Gar thog: ~Family horses were often more like family than just work
beasts. He could just imagine a small child crying over the loss of the
horse. These thiees would be stopped.~
cogthrottle: Fingertip was lifted and turned in the air briefly, "Nolem.",
with a vague mutter leaving her lips as she twirled it in a circle [ clarity
of mind, +1 intelligence buff! 3 hours ] She had heard the particular
statement but at this
lurkerinshade: " Now you just sound like a Rumerian.. " Maereth spoke with a
level of disdian.. not for the human Rumerians.. but the elves among them and
their bloody horses as well. After that though.. Maereth set to watching the
other Adventur-
fionnadh na tine: having eyes that were different colors was a lot harder to
notice than blue hair! Anyhow, to the stables it was. If one of those dogs
got close enough he'd give it a good pet and a scratch behind the ears.
fionnadh na tine: (brb)
Tesarik One: Spells noted.
cogthrottle: present juncture wasn't sure how to respond to it. So she just
ignored it, save for a quick flash of teeth in the redheads direction. Yup,
good thing for the developmental boost .. she'd hate to have been short right
about now!
lurkerinshade: erers.. Cassandra included for potential targets of his
demonically inclined spells of empowerment. He would begin his spellcasting
eventually.. a little closer to the stables perhaps. -d
Tesarik One: "Thank you for coming, Maria said you'd be straight away." He
unfolded a piece of parchment upon which one of his more artistic workers had
drawn a sketch of a halfling male's face. He handed it outwards, to whoever
wanted to take
The Lunar Beacon: Seeing that none others were riding, he dismounted and
walked his steed, choosing his broadsword and a light shield, equipping them
to his person as they headed to the stables. He opted for staying quiet for
the time being, feeling
The Lunar Beacon: out the group as they spoke, getting used to each one's
suspicious hex: " I am a witch. " As if that explained everything, while the
old man was muttering about the thief, Cassandra was offering a blessing to
her Patron. It was in Infernal though, so not many would understand that.
There seemed to be
Tesarik One: it! Then pointed towards the right side of the stable. "They
says that the halferling was standing over there, and took all three horses
from 'em and told 'em to head around back. I found 'em behind the barn
wandering about and told
cogthrottle: Paper! She readily took the drawing, turning it end over end as
she studied it .. huh .. made sense. Before lifting a hand up with the
parchment produced in case anyone else wanted a looky loo.
Tesarik One: them I had no halferlings hired here. I got nothing against 'em
mind you but none's ever asked to work here. They're waiting inside, so
hopefully it won't take you long to find them. There's tracks that-a-way."
suspicious hex: no visible trace of what her spell did but something
happened, because Cassandra smiled to herself. [ Spell: Polymorph Self. No
effects. ] " One has to wonder how a Halfling managed to corral three horses
alone.. "
Mighty Gar thog: ~His neck extended up and out towards the man, overhead of
the others, to catch a glimpse of the sketch~
Tesarik One: "I got horses ready for you all if you wish to move on
horseback." He nodded to Brendan since he had a horse already. The
stablehands were bringing out various horses all ready for riding if they
were needed, though they might want
Tesarik One: to check out the tracks first!
The Lunar Beacon: He cast a glance over the image as it was passed about,
taking note of the blessing that was uttered. He'd been schooled to
recongize the language as part of his training, more as a defensive measure,
nodding to the man. "If they
The Lunar Beacon: wish to walk, Andoriel will safely find his way home, I
assure you."
cogthrottle: "..Horses?" She stared unconvinced. "I .. " A brief frown. Like
she was going to admit not knowing how to ride aloud!
Tesarik One: She peeked over at the parchment so she could get an idea of
what the halfling looked like, and nodded to the blue haired woman with a
wink, before turning her attention back to the man Frandal. Once he said his
peace, she moved on
The Bronze Stag: ::He moved over taking a glance at the sketch, head tipped
some before he looked over to the man listening.then moved over to the spot
the male had motioned the halfling had been.::Can someone carry this for me
for the moment? ::He
The Bronze Stag: held the glaive up before archign an eyebrow.::
Tesarik One: over to where the crime apparently happened and began looking
around, trying not to step all over any footprints that might be there.
fionnadh na tine: He moved over, getting right up in the blue haired one's
personal space to have a look at the picture and scowled. "Hey, I think I
know this little fucker." He snatched the sketch out of her hands and studied
it a moment longer,
fionnadh na tine: then nodded. "Aye, this one's the one that led me into
that punchin I got when I got into town."
Mighty Gar thog: ~Hereached out to grasp the glaie and hold it for the
fourlegged ally~
Mighty Gar thog: *glaive
Tesarik One: "Fuckin' hell, is it really? Two birds, one stone then." She
grinned a little at that, and then knelt down and searched the area as
quickly as she could.
lurkerinshade: Maereth balked at the idea of horse-riding.. paired with that
un-natural aura he gave off.. such beasts just would not be overly happy with
him seated on their back. The listening part of this matter left the Magus
watching his
cogthrottle: Tongue clucked against the roof of her mouth in rapid
succession and took a step back, grabby hands indeed!
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 18
Tesarik One: +3 PER = 21
The Lunar Beacon: "Well, I'll admit, I am not much for following tracks."
He just gave a slight shrug of his shoulders, looking around those gathered.
He wouldn't presume to know any of them did, for he really didn't know any of
them at all.
lurkerinshade: allies of convience still. Least he'd settled on whom among
them would be his vic... yes victims.. that would do fine. Whether they were
happy about it didn't matter a bit in the long run. Considering it left
Maereth grinning in his
fionnadh na tine: "Well it looks like him anyway. Perhaps they've got a
whole family of little shits all stealin' from people." He handed the picture
off to someone else, not really caring who took it! He scratched at his chin
then and had a look
suspicious hex: Cass wasn't much of a tracker, she had Apex for that, but
she took a glance around the 'scene of the crime', it was so casual that she
doubted she would see anything out of the ordinary. It all looked like a
muddy stable.
lurkerinshade: silence.. as if the 'elf' wasn't creepy enough. -d
fionnadh na tine: around, doing his own bit of searching.
OnlineHost: suspicious hex rolled 1 20-sided die: 3
OnlineHost: fionnadh na tine rolled 1 20-sided die: 15
Tesarik One: Maka would notice the small footprints of the halfling, heading
along a path through the trees with the tracks of three horses. Wasn't too
hard to figure that out.
suspicious hex: [ 3.. ]
fionnadh na tine: (+2 perception = 17)
Tesarik One: Finn notices it as well.
The Lunar Beacon: (Swapping)
cogthrottle: She had a quick scan .. while she had great attention to
detail, that really only came into effect in the workshop. Out here? In the
wild? With animals? Yeah, not so much.
OnlineHost: cogthrottle rolled 1 20-sided die: 17
cogthrottle: (( 17 ))
The Bronze Stag: ::Well with the female catching the track he simply took
the glaive back for the time being, the glaive resting across his shoulders
moving along the tracks while they were easy to see.::
The Bronze Stag: *D
Tesarik One: So does Arcabelle! Cassandra, though, can't quite make out the
tracks and what they mean.
fionnadh na tine: "Aha, onto you now you little shit." He took off following
the tracks. His ire was up now that he thought this might be the same fellow
that'd gotten him robbed!
Tesarik One: "I don't really think a halfling could ride a horse and pull
two more horses along could he? He's probably walking them.... or has help."
Mighty Gar thog: ~The dragon was too busy watching two of the cats playing
to look for the tracks~
suspicious hex: " Are you in pain? " Cass asked of Maereth, since he was
grinning and it looked like his face was all screwed up and contorted. " I
said as much earlier. " Cassandra noted to Maka.
lurkerinshade: While others were looking for clues as to the where-abouts of
the halfling culprit.. Maereth began to move among them. First was a hand
settling briefly atop Cassandra's shoulder to fulfill the touch component of
his spell. [ Skill:
The Lunar Beacon: He patted Andoriel on the snout, removing his crossbow and
quiver of bolts as well, securing them about his person. He slapped
Andoriels rump, whistling sharply and the horse took off, heading to the
skies, flying out of sight. He
Tesarik One: Once the tracks disappeared down the path where no one from the
stables could see.... Finn would note another set of tracks. This one more
cogthrottle: Well knock her down with an electromagnetic arm reshuffler.
That was unexpected! Kneeling down she poked at the tracks, wondering if they
were illusions .. seemed to hold up to scrutiny though!
The Lunar Beacon: turned and started off to keep up with those who were
following the tracks.
lurkerinshade: Delay Spell (15 minutes max before spell is activated) -
Spell: Embrace the Dark Chaos - Strengthen - +6 dice sides throughout combat
cogthrottle: And followed them they were, wherever they might lead. This was
almost fascinating.
Tesarik One: Noted.
fionnadh na tine: "Oh he probably won't be alone. He'll probably have some
human fucker with him too. He'd be the one doin the hittin, the little
bastard just stood there and laughed."
fionnadh na tine: And then he found the next tracks which seemed to confirm
at least someone human sized!
Tesarik One: Seeing Finn take off, Maka took off as well, following along
behind him with her eyes on the tracks and the path around them to see if
anything changed. She glanced behind her to see if the others were keeping
up, and then kept on
Mighty Gar thog: ~Noticingone of the group take off alone, he began to
follow~ Looks like someone is onto something...
The Lunar Beacon: Having caught wind of Finn's conversation, he moved to
closer range to speak with him. "You say you were assaulted on the way into
the city?"
Tesarik One: moving. "Well, sounds logical to me."
lurkerinshade: Moving away from Cassandra left him watching the rest once
more.. until his gaze settled upon the blue-haired one. Directing himself to
the engineer-filled-with naught but chaos incarnate she as well received a
hand to her shoulder.
Tesarik One: (Everyone roll a Spot)
OnlineHost: The Lunar Beacon rolled 1 20-sided die: 18
OnlineHost: cogthrottle rolled 1 20-sided die: 10
The Lunar Beacon: (18)
cogthrottle: (( 10 ))
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 11
fionnadh na tine: "Well it was just inside the city. 'round thereabouts."
Said with a vage motion of his hand back towards the city. Mismatched eyes
were set on those tracks so he didn't lose them though. Probably wouldn't
help his spot check any!
OnlineHost: fionnadh na tine rolled 1 20-sided die: 4
suspicious hex: Cass flinched when Maereth touched her shoulder, and she
glanced over to him with a narrowed eye. " What did you just do? " She had
been following Maka and her friend, happy in the fact that she'd been right,
even if no one listened
suspicious hex: to her.
fionnadh na tine: (6)
fionnadh na tine: (Er Alert also so 11)
OnlineHost: suspicious hex rolled 1 20-sided die: 3
lurkerinshade: " Find anything of interest? " [ Skill: Delay Spell -
Embrace the Dark Chaos (again) +6 dice sides ]
OnlineHost: The Bronze Stag rolled 1 20-sided die: 9
OnlineHost: lurkerinshade rolled 1 20-sided die: 8
OnlineHost: Mighty Gar thog rolled 1 20-sided die: 10
Tesarik One: 14
suspicious hex: Really.
Mighty Gar thog: (12)
lurkerinshade: [ Skill: Alert +5 = 14 ]
The Bronze Stag: (Bleh 9)
The Lunar Beacon: "Well, when we find the ones that did this to you, I'll be
sure to have a hand in helping you claim retribution upon them. Brendan
Pearce, and happy to be along to help in this endeavor." He gave a genuine
smile to Finn, clapping
Tesarik One: 10+ notice as you move along the path that while there are
footprints and even horse prints moving forward, that the halfling prints
veer off to the left, off the main path.
The Lunar Beacon: him gently on his left shoulder.
cogthrottle: She jumped when a hand suddenly dropped onto her shoulder.
"Watch where you lay your hands sparky!" Shuffling to one side, she stared at
him with narrow eyes .. tall, white, pointy eared .. humm. Well. At least he
hadn't dropped his
fionnadh na tine: "Well I'm not interested in vengeance. I just want my
stuff back, and maybe rough 'em up a bit. They didn't kill me when they had
the chance, so I don't think killin them would be in line. Maybe just turn
'em into the dungeon."
Mighty Gar thog: hmm... seems da small one went left... ~stated as if he
were just commenting to himself~
cogthrottle: hand onto anything inappropriate .. but oh look, some weird
tracky things! Attention diverted.
Tesarik One: "Does seem like the halfling veered off here to the left, and
the horses kept going forward, probably with the partner." She said softly
now, just in case there were people watching and listening! She eyed the
vegetation around them
fionnadh na tine: More tracks! He stopped when he noticed that the little
ones veered off and the rest went forward, then wrinkled his nose. "Well,
shit. Which one should we follow?" He got quiet too, since Maka set that
Tesarik One: and then nodded when she heard Finn, "Though in some cultures,
horse thieves by their very nature can be murdered without retribution from
the authorities."
OnlineHost: x Silver Heat x has entered the room.
lurkerinshade: A brief chuckle came in answer to that reaction. " Aversion
to touch, hm? Understandable, yes quite. " Maereth provided an apologetic
smile and even a slight bow before turning himself and his attention
elsewhere.. towards whatever
lurkerinshade: the rest were doing. -d
The Bronze Stag: ::He halted looking around and well yeah silence was a
virtue right now and he rocked the glaive back and forth some while looking
the direction the halfling went. Hearing the speaking of killing the horse
thieves he gave a single
Mighty Gar thog: The small onewould have the most information...
Tesarik One: "Rumeria, probably." She shrugged. "Should we split up?" Dun
dun dun.
fionnadh na tine: "Well if they get tossed in the dungeon and then hanged
that's all well and good. I just don't see any reason to slaughter 'em where
they stand." He considered the options, then shrugged. "Fuck it, I'm goin
after the little shit."
fionnadh na tine: He started left! If the others wanted to follow the horses
that was just fine, maybe they'd meet up somewhere further along.
cogthrottle: Was that smile apologetic? Seemed to catch her off guard; the
woman just nodding slightly beofre turning her attention back to the current
suspicious hex: Well, apparently, no one could hear her speaking.. since
Maereth had outright ignored her also. She was considering siding with the
horse thieves, at that moment in time!
The Lunar Beacon: "More importantly, how should we divide ourselves if we
choose to?" He spoke up, although it seemed like it was a bit too late.
He'd already pledged to help Finn. To divert from his path would be akin to
lying in the Paladin's
The Lunar Beacon: book, so off he went to follow Finn.
Tesarik One: (Your posts all coming through Becca? I don't see anything for
a while since that one you just posted. -.-)
suspicious hex: ( Well, they are for me. )
Tesarik One: (Hmm. Ok)
The Bronze Stag: nod.::True but the small one does not have what we seek.
::He glanced over as the paladin and fellow Shalott fellow headed for the
halfling. Shrug of shoulders given and he turned moving for the path the
horse wranger had taken and
Tesarik One: Finn didn't have any damn weapons on him, so she decided she'd
just follow along behind him as well. One of her pistols was tugged from her
hip, and she crept along trying to be all quiet as she moved along though it
wasn't hard to
The Bronze Stag: was following the equine tracks.::
Tesarik One: see that big fluffy red hair as she moved.
Tesarik One: Both would move along, the horse tracks and human tracks moving
forward, and the halfling tracks moving around in a half circle it seemed,
culminating on the very same spot! (Listen Check!)
OnlineHost: Mighty Gar thog rolled 1 20-sided die: 3
Mighty Gar thog: (5)
OnlineHost: fionnadh na tine rolled 1 20-sided die: 20
fionnadh na tine: (27!)
OnlineHost: The Bronze Stag rolled 1 20-sided die: 14
OnlineHost: The Lunar Beacon rolled 1 20-sided die: 20
The Bronze Stag: (14)
cogthrottle: She had eventually decided to follow the group, purely out of
self preservation.
The Lunar Beacon: (20)
OnlineHost: cogthrottle rolled 1 20-sided die: 17
OnlineHost: suspicious hex rolled 1 20-sided die: 2
cogthrottle: (( 17 ))
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 20
OnlineHost: lurkerinshade rolled 1 20-sided die: 2
Tesarik One: 23!
lurkerinshade: [-2 Haunted Flaw = 0 ]
Tesarik One: 15+, no matter what trail you took, hear talking and the sound
of horses ahead of you.
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 2 20-sided dice: 16 7
fionnadh na tine: Well then! He took off towards them at a pace that was
somehow brisker and more stealthy! (Stealth check!)
lurkerinshade: Now why was there the sound of distant whispering filling his
ears for!? A harsh curse from the Infernal tongue came to the air without
much disguise. The instant marked by his reaching for one of those tapered
ears to rub his palm
OnlineHost: fionnadh na tine rolled 1 20-sided die: 20
Tesarik One: You are super stealthy!
lurkerinshade: against it. -d
The Lunar Beacon: He wasn't equipped for stealth, and sneaking really
wasn't his way, either. He would wait for everyone to get into place, moving
just a bit closer towards the voices, keeping them out of his line of sight,
hoping the same would
fionnadh na tine: (+3 thief bonus, +5 stealth +5 quickness = 33)
Tesarik One: Mega super stealthy!
The Lunar Beacon: apply for them. His was going to be more of a direct
approach, when the time called for it.
cogthrottle: And in the background, Cogs would be having a small discussion
with herself underneath her breath .. something about the properties and uses
of arcanite - it seemed quite subconscious really! (( -2 to groups move
cogthrottle: checks while she's near :( ))
fionnadh na tine: Yeah he just vanished into the aether apparently!
Tesarik One: But in a group, even if one person is quiet and the others
aren't that doesn't do a lot of help does it? So, everyone roll stealth.
OnlineHost: cogthrottle rolled 1 20-sided die: 10
cogthrottle: (( 10 ¬.¬ ))
OnlineHost: The Bronze Stag rolled 1 20-sided die: 18
OnlineHost: The Lunar Beacon rolled 1 20-sided die: 2
OnlineHost: suspicious hex rolled 1 20-sided die: 4
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 6
The Lunar Beacon: (+ 8 quick = 10)
The Bronze Stag: (18 + 13 = 31)
OnlineHost: lurkerinshade rolled 1 20-sided die: 7
Tesarik One: 13
suspicious hex: [ +6 = 10 ]
The Bronze Stag: ::Was in nature,..he was a druid he was sneaky, sneaky!::
lurkerinshade: [+6 qck = 13 ]
OnlineHost: Mighty Gar thog rolled 1 20-sided die: 9
Mighty Gar thog: (21)
Tesarik One: "What's that?" the halfling rose from where he'd been sitting,
and drew "his" shortsword and brandished it a bit. "I heard something." The
human on the other hand was busy checking the horses over and not paying a
bit of mind. "It's
Tesarik One: the wind, now shut the hell up." "No, there's something out
there!" said the halfling, and he began to creep towards where Arcabelle's
group was located!
fionnadh na tine: Bunch of noisy fuckers behind him, apparently! He was
going to duck into the trees, but then he saw that little shit with his
weapon and narrowed his eyes, then darted towards him from wherever he'd
blended into to give the halfling
fionnadh na tine: a solid kick in the groin. "You get yer little thieving
hands off that weapon!"
OnlineHost: fionnadh na tine rolled 1 20-sided die: 13
Tesarik One: ~*~ fionnadh na tine scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
fionnadh na tine: (+5 quickness = 18)
OnlineHost: Mighty Gar thog has left the room.
Tesarik One: Hit
OnlineHost: fionnadh na tine rolled 2 44-sided dice: 11 23
Tesarik One: ~*~ fionnadh na tine scored 2 poynts damage ~*~
fionnadh na tine: (0 strength = 2)
The Lunar Beacon: He'd been just about to stand up and draw attention to
himself as Finn charged in, seizing the upper hand. He popped up from his
position, shield strapped to his left arm, broadsword in hand, ready to
Tesarik One: +3 DEF - Studded Leather
Tesarik One: Thankfully for the halfling's sake he had some leather covering
him, but he stumbled back surprised as hell, with an off, then eyes widened
as he saw Finn, "You!"
Tesarik One: Brock 0/?? [15] || Conall 0/44 [23] (0/14) || >Maereth 0/57
[16] || Dugall 0/?? [16] || Cassandra 0/44 [16] || Brendan 0/36 [18] (0/14)
|| Arcabelle 0/27 [11] || Maka 0/22 [17] || Finn 0/17 [15] ||
Tesarik One: >Gar 0/55 [22] (0/44) || (????)
Tesarik One: Brock-
fionnadh na tine: "Who the fuck even makes a codpiece that tiny!" Said as he
hopped back, having felt his foot thwack solidly against armor.
fionnadh na tine: back*
Tesarik One: "Come in handy for me too, pretty thing it is!" He hefted the
shortsword he'd stolen from Finn and stepped right in with a slash across
Finn's thighs. "It's not THAT tiny!"
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 7
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: 12 - Miss
Tesarik One: Brock 0/?? [15] || Conall 0/44 [23] (0/14) || >Maereth 0/57
[16] || Dugall 0/?? [16] || Cassandra 0/44 [16] || Brendan 0/36 [18] (0/14)
|| Arcabelle 0/28 [11] || Maka 0/22 [17] || Finn 0/17 [15] ||
Tesarik One: >Gar 0/55 [22] (0/44) || (????)
Tesarik One: Conall-
fionnadh na tine: He moved back as the little bastard had the gall to swing
at him with his own weapon. "Oh now you're not afraid to kill me, hm? Well
I'm not alone this time, either." Said as hopefully someone came in and did
something horrid to the
fionnadh na tine: wee one.
The Bronze Stag: ::Well while that human probably got distracted he moved in
swiftly, the knotted end of that glaive snapped down to the side of the knee
with a solid crack. Probably a halfling who does not want is raisins to be
OnlineHost: The Bronze Stag rolled 1 20-sided die: 2
Tesarik One: ~*~ The Bronze Stag scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
OnlineHost: Mighty Gar thog has entered the room.
The Bronze Stag: (2 + 13 qck = 15)
Tesarik One: Miss
Tesarik One: Maereth-
lurkerinshade: With spells delayed needing to be set off Maereth kept away
from the melee in order to finish the casting of the currently 'hanged'
spells. " Diemrey. " The word of abyssal spoken with no obvious follow up to
confirm it as a spell
OnlineHost: Mighty Gar thog has left the room.
lurkerinshade: caster's verbal component or the like! This wouldn't stop
Arcabelle and Cassandra from showing signs of the infusion of demonic energy
he'd subjected them to.. well unless they could conviently hide it of course!
[ Skill: Concealed
lurkerinshade: Spellcasting - activating the two uses of Embrace the Dark
Chaos (+6 dice sides throughout combat) on Cogs and Cassy ]
Tesarik One: Noted.
Tesarik One: Brock 0/?? [15] || Conall 0/44 [23] (0/14) || >Maereth 0/57
[16] || Dugall 0/?? [16] || Cassandra 0/44 [16] || Brendan 0/36 [18] (0/14)
|| Arcabelle 0/28 [11] || Maka 0/22 [17] || Finn 0/17 [15] ||
Tesarik One: >Gar 0/55 [22] (0/44) || (????)
Tesarik One: Dugall-
fionnadh na tine: "And it is tiny. Tiniest damned thing I think I've ever
seen." May as well poke at the halfling some more, right?
Tesarik One: The human reacted quickly when Conall came at him, spinning and
drawing a basket hilted rapier from his hip. He looked quite dashing in fact,
with silken armor, and a black coat with buttons all the way down the front.
He stepped in
Tesarik One: towards Conall and attempted to skewer it through one shoulder.
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 8
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: +6 QCK, +3 Fighter = 17
Tesarik One: Miss
Tesarik One: Brock- (Free attack for making fun of his halflinghood!)
OnlineHost: Coolguy1john has entered the room.
Tesarik One: That pissed off the halfling so much that his face got red and
he moved in quickly towards Finn brandishing the shortsword, and attempted to
strike him right across the groin with the flat of the blade, WHAP!
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 17
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 1 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: 22 - Hit
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 2 50-sided dice: 31 29
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 7 poynts damage ~*~
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 4-sided die: 4
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: (small -1 from wpn dmg)
Tesarik One: (it's normally 1d5)
OnlineHost: Coolguy1john has left the room.
Tesarik One: +3 = 14 dmg
fionnadh na tine: He snickered at the red face on the halfling, so much so
that he was not expecting that blade to come right in. Boom! He grunted,
coughed, then dropped like a sack of bricks. "You...fucker." (Armored Ink +8
at least!)
The Bronze Stag: ::Side glance while catching the rapier in the tines of
that glaives antler fashioned head. Glance over from the corner of his eye
watching that smack and winced,::wow,..ow I do believe if that had been
angled differently you would
Tesarik One: 6 dmg
The Bronze Stag: have been playing for the other side my friend.
OnlineHost: Mighty Gar thog has entered the room.
Tesarik One: Brock 0/?? [15] || Conall 0/44 [23] (0/14) || >Maereth 0/57
[16] || Dugall 0/?? [16] || Cassandra 0/44 [16] || Brendan 0/36 [18] (0/14)
|| Arcabelle 0/28 [11] || Maka 0/22 [17] || Finn 6/17 [15] ||
Tesarik One: >Gar 0/55 [22] (0/44) || (????)
Tesarik One: Cassandra-
suspicious hex: Cassandra had grown bored at some point in their journey, so
she was disinclined to help those she had come along with. So, she took out a
potion from her satchel and moved over to Brock and held out a Full Health
suspicious hex: Potion to the halfling. Little did he, or her comrades for
that matter know, that it was actually a hexxed potion. [ Skill: Homegrown. ]
OnlineHost: suspicious hex rolled 1 20-sided die: 1
Tesarik One: ~*~ suspicious hex scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
suspicious hex: [ Hex: Fatigued Hex (Topaz) - This puts the target under the
effects of "Fatigued". ]
Tesarik One: The halfling grinned and snatched the potion.
Tesarik One: Brendan-
fionnadh na tine: "Betrayal!" Said with a glare to Cassandra as the potion
was handed over! He still hadn't gotten up though.
The Lunar Beacon: Well, he'd seen enough. He moved in, closing the distance
between himself and the halfling. He would test the fellow's capabilities,
swinging in with a broad slash with his broadsword, following up by stepping
in and slamming his
The Lunar Beacon: shield right into Brock's face.(Dual Wield, Shield Weapon,
Sword and Board)
OnlineHost: The Lunar Beacon rolled 1 20-sided die: 19
Tesarik One: ~*~ The Lunar Beacon scored 1 poynts damage ~*~
The Lunar Beacon: (+8 quick == 27)
Tesarik One: Hit
OnlineHost: Coolguy1john has entered the room.
OnlineHost: The Lunar Beacon rolled 2 52-sided dice: 22 10
Tesarik One: ~*~ The Lunar Beacon scored 2 poynts damage ~*~
OnlineHost: The Lunar Beacon rolled 1 8-sided die: 8
Tesarik One: ~*~ The Lunar Beacon scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
OnlineHost: The Lunar Beacon rolled 1 5-sided die: 1
Tesarik One: ~*~ The Lunar Beacon scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
The Lunar Beacon: (+8 quick via Dex Fighter, +7 via sword and board = 23)
Tesarik One: +3 DEF = 20 dmg
Tesarik One: Well that hurt bad and it dropped the halfing for the moment as
he rolled about on the ground, one hand clinging to the sword and the other
hand clutching his poor face.
Tesarik One: Brock 20/?? [15] || Conall 0/44 [23] (0/14) || >Maereth 0/57
[16] || Dugall 0/?? [16] || Cassandra 0/44 [16] || Brendan 0/36 [18] (0/14)
|| Arcabelle 0/28 [11] || Maka 0/22 [17] || Finn 6/17 [15] ||
Tesarik One: >Gar 0/55 [22] (0/44) || (????)
suspicious hex: Cassy winked to the fellow on the ground, before moving out
of the way of the over zealous Paladin.
Tesarik One: Arcabelle-
cogthrottle: Well she never. Everything just seemed to be happening all at
once! But this was exactly why she broke out of her workshop, she'd almost
forgotten the feeling .. the arcane energies racing through her bloodstream
interacting with
Tesarik One: "Dugall, they've gone and killllled me!" he howled.
cogthrottle: the as yet unknown abyssal taint .. the power rolling from her
fingertips .. the heady air of destruction soon to overcome all .. it .. was
.. GLORIOUS! Manic cackle broke free from her lips, the woman stretching out
her arms over
cogthrottle: her head. Nothing to see here, just your typical gnomish
megalomaniac. "You give all smallfolk a bad name!" Not that it seemed to
affect her in her current six foot something glory: but nevertheless she put
her hands together and
fionnadh na tine: Well at least she winked! That actually made him want the
halfling to drink whatever had been handed to him. "Stop cryin' and drink the
potion, bastard. You're not dead if you can still be annoyin."
cogthrottle: once the large paladin had split off from the little howling
man: she'd follow up with a wave of water that sliced across the distance
and impacted with him fully like the edge of a blade. (( arcane finger
sleeves 3, +5 magic
cogthrottle: damage ))
OnlineHost: cogthrottle rolled 1 20-sided die: 4
Tesarik One: ~*~ cogthrottle scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
cogthrottle: (( +12 ¬.¬ ))
cogthrottle: (( 16 ))
Tesarik One: Hit
OnlineHost: cogthrottle rolled 2 42-sided dice: 32 8
Tesarik One: ~*~ cogthrottle scored 4 poynts damage ~*~
cogthrottle: (( +5 finger sleeves, +12 int, = 21 ))
Tesarik One: He was rolling about, so upset.... that half the water blade
didn't even hit him. (Advantageous Avoidance - half dmg)
Tesarik One: +3 DEF as well = 9dmg
Tesarik One: Brock 29/30 [15] || Conall 0/44 [23] (0/14) || >Maereth 0/57
[16] || Dugall 0/?? [16] || Cassandra 0/44 [16] || Brendan 0/36 [18] (0/14)
|| Arcabelle 0/28 [11] || Maka 0/22 [17] || Finn 6/17 [15] ||
Tesarik One: >Gar 0/55 [22] (0/44) || (????)
Tesarik One: "Oh, yeah...." the potion was popped open and gulped! (Full
Heal ...+ Fatigued!)
fionnadh na tine: He could roll around upset all he wanted. Finn was
starting to get back to his feet now! Glare of doom directed at Brock.
Tesarik One: -2 to QCK
Tesarik One: Brock 0/30 [13] || Conall 0/44 [23] (0/14) || >Maereth 0/57
[16] || Dugall 0/?? [16] || Cassandra 0/44 [16] || Brendan 0/36 [18] (0/14)
|| Arcabelle 0/28 [11] || Maka 0/22 [17] || Finn 6/17 [15] ||
Tesarik One: >Gar 0/55 [22] (0/44) || (????)
Tesarik One: Maka-
suspicious hex: Cassy cackled from her spot, and actually bounced up and
down on the heels of her boots in excitement. " How wonderful. " She watched
afterwards, to make sure the hex took!
Tesarik One: She frowned watching the halfling and Finn, grunting a bit when
the hit came to poor Finn, even she could appreciate the pain of that at
least a little bit. "Stupid fucker..." She ran in towards him once he'd taken
the potion, and
Tesarik One: slammed her pistol upside his head. (Pistol Whip)
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 8
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: 15 - Hit
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 2 54-sided dice: 50 32
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 12 poynts damage ~*~
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 6-sided die: 4
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: (Dex Fighter) +7 = 23 dmg
Tesarik One: +3 DEF - 20dmg
Tesarik One: Healed....just in time to have the hell knocked outta his
skull.... while feeling his entire body sloooooooow down after that blasted
potion! "Fucking....what.....did that... huh?" WHACK.
Tesarik One: Brock 20/30 [13] || Conall 0/44 [23] (0/14) || >Maereth 0/57
[16] || Dugall 0/?? [16] || Cassandra 0/44 [16] || Brendan 0/36 [18] (0/14)
|| Arcabelle 0/28 [11] || Maka 0/22 [17] || Finn 6/17 [15] ||
Tesarik One: >Gar 0/55 [22] (0/44) || (????)
Tesarik One: Finn-
fionnadh na tine: He walked slowly and uncomfortably over towards Maka and
Brock, eyeing that pistol in her hand. "Can I borrow that for a second, my
dear?" Oh wait, she had another! He just snatched it off of her belt.
"Nevermind." And then he
fionnadh na tine: pointed it at Brock. "You, little man. Drop that fuckin'
sword and give up already."
Tesarik One: "Screw you, ya redheaded bastard!" He hissed out, holding his
head with one hand and still clutching that sword. He held it up though when
Finn got the pistol pointed at him. "You don't even know how to use that I
bet." He spit on
Tesarik One: the ground.
fionnadh na tine: "Suit yerself." He dropped his aim and squeezed the
trigger, attempting to send a bullet right into the wee man's leg, tempting
though it was to put it in the groin.
OnlineHost: fionnadh na tine rolled 1 20-sided die: 6
Tesarik One: ~*~ fionnadh na tine scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
fionnadh na tine: (Bah. +5 = 11)
Tesarik One: It missed, but it was so close that the halfling pissed his
Tesarik One: Gar-
Mighty Gar thog: ~The dragon loomed up, looking rather menacing, coming
forward.... but stopped, placed a hand down upon Finns wounds, sending a
bright white light around that hand, healing the injured of (6 points) all
cogthrottle: She wrinkled her nose. "....."
fionnadh na tine: "I make these fuckin' things, you blathering idiot. The
hell would I not know how to use one?" Sure, he'd make it seem like he'd
missed on purpose.
Tesarik One: Brock 20/30 [13] || Conall 0/44 [23] (0/14) || >Maereth 0/57
[16] || Dugall 0/?? [16] || Cassandra 0/44 [16] || Brendan 0/36 [18] (0/14)
|| Arcabelle 0/28 [11] || Maka 0/22 [17] || Finn 0/17 [15] ||
Tesarik One: >Gar 0/55 [22] (6/44) || (????)
Tesarik One: Brock-
Tesarik One: Being that he'd missed, it was far closer to his groin than
Finn intended and no horses were worth losing that over. He threw the sword
down on the ground and put his hands up, "I give! I give! Don't shoot again!"
Tesarik One: "Brock you idiot!" yelled the human Dugall.
Tesarik One: Conall-
Tesarik One: "I'm bleeding my life out from a vicious head wound!" Brock
shouted back.
fionnadh na tine: He raised the weapon as if to pistol whip the halfling
anyway, then shrugged instead and tucked it back into Maka's belt.
The Bronze Stag: ::As Dugall yelled that he would spin that glave around, a
smack delivered to the mans ribs.::I would take the course your friend is
OnlineHost: The Bronze Stag rolled 1 20-sided die: 20
Tesarik One: ~*~ The Bronze Stag scored 2 poynts damage ~*~
The Bronze Stag: (32)
Tesarik One: Crit!
OnlineHost: The Bronze Stag rolled 2 50-sided dice: 13 25
Tesarik One: ~*~ The Bronze Stag scored 3 poynts damage ~*~
The Bronze Stag: (Glaive)
OnlineHost: The Bronze Stag rolled 2 8-sided dice: 4 5
Tesarik One: ~*~ The Bronze Stag scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
The Bronze Stag: (3 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 12 Dex Fighter, +2 One with Wood= 29)
The Bronze Stag: ::And that glaive snapped up and around so the tines of
that antler tipping the glaive was resting angled for Dugall's throat,::last
chance. *D
Tesarik One: (Battle Sense - Reflect)
Tesarik One: He was good with that damn rapier in his hand, and as the
glaive came for him, he slid the blade along the pole of the weapon pushing
it aside, and kept on moving forward to strike Conall.
The Bronze Stag: ( Sidestep- Evade)
Tesarik One: Noted.
Tesarik One: *Brock 20/30 [13] || Conall 0/44 [23] (0/14) || >Maereth 0/57
[16] || Dugall 0/?? [16] || Cassandra 0/44 [16] || Brendan 0/36 [18] (0/14)
|| Arcabelle 0/28 [11] || Maka 0/22 [17] || Finn 0/17 [15] ||
Tesarik One: >Gar 0/55 [22] (6/44) || (????)
Tesarik One: Maereth-
The Bronze Stag: ::As it slid along the glaive heading for the strike he
whipped the polearm around, the haft rolling over the back of his hand
knocking the blade up and off course while he angled his body so it went over
his shoulder instead of
The Bronze Stag: catching flesh. Yeah he was decent with that glaive as well
giving a smirk.::Close,..came close but just didn't make it. *D
lurkerinshade: A man quite taken with the concept of deception.. or in this
case.. seeking to cause a betrayal.. Maereth commited to a little chatting
over melting someone's face off. That meant a walk over to Dugall and the
exercise of all his
lurkerinshade: elven charms for a very simple task. " Well you must know the
halfling is going to die. We are only after the halfling.. its not too much
to ask that you kill your corwardice peer. A small price to pay for us to
pretend we never saw
lurkerinshade: you, do you not agree? " [ Diplomacy check - Skill: Elven
Beauty +10 diplomacy ]
OnlineHost: lurkerinshade rolled 1 20-sided die: 12
Tesarik One: ~*~ lurkerinshade scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
lurkerinshade: [22]
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 18
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 1 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: Fail.
Tesarik One: "What the fuck are you doing, asshole?" Maka yelled over to the
man she didn't know trying to get him to kill the halfling that just
surrendered. That would not do at all.
Tesarik One: *Brock 20/30 [13] || Conall 0/44 [23] (0/14) || >Maereth 0/57
[16] || Dugall 0/?? [16] || Cassandra 0/44 [16] || Brendan 0/36 [18] (0/14)
|| Arcabelle 0/28 [11] || Maka 0/22 [17] || Finn 0/17 [15] ||
Tesarik One: >Gar 0/55 [22] (6/44) || (????)
Tesarik One: Dugall-
fionnadh na tine: It really would not. Oh well, he didn't like Dugall much
either, he'd like to punch him in the head for some payback!
fionnadh na tine: Oh hey! His groin didn't hurt anymore. He'd have to thank
whoever was responsible later. He'd been so fired up he hadn't noticed.
Tesarik One: "Yeah.... yeah.... I see what you mean, he's just trouble,
little bastard." He stalked over towards Brock and went to stab him right in
the back.
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 8
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
OnlineHost: Coolguy1john has left the room.
Tesarik One: 17 - Hit
Tesarik One: The shot from the pistol had scared the horses, and they were
presently attempting to stomp and pull away from the trees where they'd been
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 2 60-sided dice: 11 27
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 3 poynts damage ~*~
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 5-sided die: 2
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: +10 = 15 dmg
fionnadh na tine: "Fuck me.." He grabbed the halfling and yanked him out of
the way, shifting in to take that stabbing, relying on his tattoo to protect
him! (Taking the hit.)
fionnadh na tine: (+8 def)
Tesarik One: 7 dmg
Tesarik One: Cassandra-
suspicious hex: There was not enough death or mayhem for Cassandra, so her
sights were set upon Dugall. He had been warned to throw down his weapon and
had ignored someone.. well, she didn't care about all that anyway. Lightning
crackled between
Mighty Gar thog: ~Wondered if Maer was quite sane. If the human struck the
halfling, the halfling would likely be dead. If that small one took one of
ours gear, that gear would then be lost. Insane... or just eil.~
suspicious hex: her finger tips and when she could no longer contain the orb
of magic, she sent it flying towards Dugall. [ Invocation: Hexing Orb, 1d8 ]
OnlineHost: suspicious hex rolled 1 20-sided die: 5
Tesarik One: ~*~ suspicious hex scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
suspicious hex: [ +12 = 17 ]
Tesarik One: hit
OnlineHost: suspicious hex rolled 2 70-sided dice: 26 52
Tesarik One: ~*~ suspicious hex scored 11 poynts damage ~*~
OnlineHost: suspicious hex rolled 1 8-sided die: 4
Tesarik One: ~*~ suspicious hex scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
suspicious hex: [ +12 Int, +5 Mage = 32 ]
fionnadh na tine: He cringed when he got himself stabbed, which was a hell
of a lot worse than getting kicked in the groin in a lot of ways! He gave the
halfling a shove after that yanking. "You better remember I did that." At
least he'd been able to
Tesarik One: Dugall was not able to match a magical attack like that and
took it fully.
fionnadh na tine: somewhat control it so it wasn't lethal! Hand pressed to
his wound just the same.
Tesarik One: *Brock 20/30 [13] || Conall 0/44 [23] (0/14) || >Maereth 0/57
[16] || Dugall 32/?? [16] || Cassandra 0/44 [16] || Brendan 0/36 [18] (0/14)
|| Arcabelle 0/28 [11] || Maka 0/22 [17] || Finn 7/17 [15] ||
Tesarik One: >Gar 0/55 [22] (6/44)
Tesarik One: Brendan-
The Lunar Beacon: He moved to stand up next to Finn. The halfling had
surrendered, he'd do what he could to ensure they honored that fact. He
sheathed his broadsword, laying his right hand on Finn's shoulder, a blessing
uttered in the Celestial
The Lunar Beacon: Tongue to bring Finn back up to health a bit(7/14 healing
used on Finn).
Tesarik One: "Thank you, thank you! I owe you! Bastard turncoat!" he hissed
that last part over to Dugall.
Tesarik One: *Brock 20/30 [13] || Conall 0/44 [23] (0/14) || >Maereth 0/57
[16] || Dugall 32/?? [16] || Cassandra 0/44 [16] || Brendan 0/36 [18] (7/14)
|| Arcabelle 0/28 [11] || Maka 0/22 [17] || Finn 0/17 [15] ||
Tesarik One: >Gar 0/55 [22] (6/44)
Tesarik One: Arcabelle-
fionnadh na tine: Well! Damaged, then healed, then damaged, then healed, hsi
body didn't know quite what to make of all this.
suspicious hex: " You should kill him, Halfling.. for his betrayal. "
lurkerinshade: Maereth was quite content with the results of his actions..
and no amount of complaining humans would cause that to be easily dismissed
by the elf. Whatever they thought of his actions.. if the halfling turned out
to be truly thank
Tesarik One: "I would, but I'm dying here." He said sadly, pointing to his
bloody head with a sigh.
cogthrottle: Well! She didn't know much about horses, but after briefly
calling her Omnilexicon into existence she learned that .. stampeding horses
were bad! If they broke free of the ropes, that too would be bad. So. She
would do her level
Tesarik One: "How about you do it?"
lurkerinshade: ful.. well he'd be useful for the redheaded bra.. oh.. wait..
was the youth not a child? He couldn't tell.. all humans looked alike. -d
fionnadh na tine: "Shut the fuck up, alll you crazy fuckers going on about
cogthrottle: best to calm down the horses .. and considering that the other
members of the party were capable of handling the human: she'd find the
nearest carrot and try to stop them from being all horse insane and rope
suspicious hex: " Only a small man, would let that get in the way. " She
sniffed, then there was a flicker of a grin before she lifted her shoulders
in a shrug. " I might, if you pay enough. "
Tesarik One: Horses and carrots, yay!
Tesarik One: Maka-
Tesarik One: She was getting confused, and she was also wondering about
many, many things that she didn't have time to discuss. She moved in for
Dugall, thinking she'd better just knock him out, (Non lethal hit - Pistol
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 6
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: 13 - Miss!
Tesarik One: *Brock 20/30 [13] || Conall 0/44 [23] (0/14) || >Maereth 0/57
[16] || Dugall 32/?? [16] || Cassandra 0/44 [16] || Brendan 0/36 [18] (7/14)
|| Arcabelle 0/28 [11] || Maka 0/22 [17] || Finn 0/17 [15] ||
Tesarik One: >Gar 0/55 [22] (6/44)
Tesarik One: Finn-
Tesarik One: He moved out of the way and frowned at the whole lot of them.
Dugall that is. He was feeling very poorly though, that damn magic. He was
eyeing Cassandra, "Shut your mouth, bitch."
suspicious hex: Cassy tilted her head a little, before blowing him a kiss
and replying with: " Come over here and make me. " Her fingers were crackling
again with the magic he so detested!
fionnadh na tine: He picked up that shortsword from the ground and moved
towards Dugall, flipping the weapon around into a reverse grip, and then
attemped to just smash him in the jaw with the hilt! Everyone just need to
shut up.
OnlineHost: fionnadh na tine rolled 1 20-sided die: 18
Tesarik One: ~*~ fionnadh na tine scored 1 poynts damage ~*~
fionnadh na tine: (23)
Tesarik One: Hit
OnlineHost: fionnadh na tine rolled 2 44-sided dice: 26 2
Tesarik One: ~*~ fionnadh na tine scored 3 poynts damage ~*~
OnlineHost: fionnadh na tine rolled 1 5-sided die: 1
Tesarik One: ~*~ fionnadh na tine scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
fionnadh na tine: (God damn dice. 4)
Tesarik One: *Brock 20/30 [13] || Conall 0/44 [23] (0/14) || >Maereth 0/57
[16] || Dugall 36/40 [16] || Cassandra 0/44 [16] || Brendan 0/36 [18] (7/14)
|| Arcabelle 0/28 [11] || Maka 0/22 [17] || Finn 0/17 [15] ||
Tesarik One: >Gar 0/55 [22] (6/44)
Tesarik One: Well it broke some teeth regardless, which he spat out with
blood as he stumbled back.
Tesarik One: Gar-
Mighty Gar thog: ~The poor horses! The dragonmoved infast, then attempted to
calm them, and settle them down, trying to keep those pretty animals safe
from any harm (Animal Affinity)~
OnlineHost: Mighty Gar thog rolled 1 20-sided die: 15
Tesarik One: ~*~ Mighty Gar thog scored 1 poynts damage ~*~
Mighty Gar thog: (16)
fionnadh na tine: "Are you done yet? Or do I have to knock more of your
teeth out?" Said as he flipped that sword around in a regular grip now,
which'd be easier to defend with.
Tesarik One: Between carrots... and Arcabelle's work, and now Gar the horses
were perfectly settled.
cogthrottle: "The fuck?!" A fast moving black dragon? Yeah, it'd startle her
so much she dropped her carrot even if the horses saw through the size and
scales and carnivorous nature.
Tesarik One: Apparently, the dragon had some sort of knack that the horses
didn't think he'd eat them.... odd!
Mighty Gar thog: ~Had no carniorous nature, actually~
Tesarik One: Conall-
cogthrottle: Is a big dragon: natrually automatically assumed unless
verbally stated otherwise! Kinda like if a lion suddenly pops up.
fionnadh na tine: Would've been more intimidating if he didn't sound so
affable all the time. Not to mention the fact that he was pretty ineffective
in a fight!
The Bronze Stag: ::Well as Finn rushed in and smacked the guy he just gave a
faint smirk leaning to rest on the glaive.;: You are highly outnumbered,
outclassed and outmatched I suggest you drop the blade and play nice before
one of the magic users
The Bronze Stag: melts your brain.
Tesarik One: Well Dugall was a smart ass, and hot headed.... but he was near
dead and outnumbered. "Fuck!" he said with a lot of blood added to the
letters as they left his mouth. He threw down his rapier and held his hands
up. "Take the damn
Tesarik One: horses back, this is not worth it. Fucking halfling!" Blamed it
allllll on the halfling.
The Bronze Stag: ::A spin and he snapped the glaive around and down, the
tine of the antlered head catching the basket hilt and he brought the rapier
up and out of Dugall's reach.
The Bronze Stag: ::
Tesarik One: Mission Accomplished! Horses were brought back to the family,
and unless any of the team wishes to make another action, the two horse
thieves were tied up and led back into town as well and given to the
The Lunar Beacon: He spent the remainder of his healing closing the wounds
of Brock and Dugall, not wanting them to bleed out on the road back. "You'll
face the punishment for your crimes . . . he certainly didn't drag you into
this." (4 to Brock,
The Lunar Beacon: 3 to Dugall)
The Bronze Stag: ::And without another word he simply caught the blade,
unlocked the basket and held the rapier over to Finn, hilt first.::
suspicious hex: [ I do! ]
Tesarik One: Go for it.
Tesarik One: *Brock 16/30 [13] || Conall 0/44 [23] (0/14) || >Maereth 0/57
[16] || Dugall 33/40 [16] || Cassandra 0/44 [16] || Brendan 0/36 [18] (14/14)
|| Arcabelle 0/28 [11] || Maka 0/22 [17] || Finn 0/17 [15]
Tesarik One: || >Gar 0/55 [22] (6/44)
fionnadh na tine: Did that damn halfling have his sheath or did he just have
the sword?
Tesarik One: He had the sheath.
suspicious hex: Cassandra didn't care whether they had given up or not, she
wasn't going to let them face a human lead trial of what they considered
justice. So, the witch called upon the power and blessing of her patron,
Antaia. The whole group
Mighty Gar thog: Remember... da Obsidian Heart hath stopped thee this eve...
So speaketh GarThog!
suspicious hex: would suddenly feel the touch of flame, as if it was licking
against their flesh and then suddenly, there was howling. Four hellhounds, as
big and as vicious as the horses themselves rose from the ground and sank
their teeth into
fionnadh na tine: He turned down the rapier with a shake of his head. "That
one's not mine, but thank you." He moved and yanked the sheath away from the
halfling, sheathing the blade and sticking the weapon on his own belt.
suspicious hex: Brock and Dougall, to drag them down to the pits where they
belonged. [ Patron Spell: Call of the Hounds | AOE Attack | Save: Yes, DC 30
| +6 Magic Dmg [4 NPCS ] ]
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 2 20-sided dice: 18 20
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 3 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: Brock fails, Dugall passes with a nat 20.
OnlineHost: suspicious hex rolled 2 70-sided dice: 15 52
Tesarik One: ~*~ suspicious hex scored 9 poynts damage ~*~
suspicious hex: [ +17, +6 = 32, Dugall dragged to Hell! ]
suspicious hex: Brock, sorry.
fionnadh na tine: Well how the fuck was he supposed to find his clothes now?
Fucking bitch.
Tesarik One: The halfling disappears through a crack in the earth in the
teeth of the hellhound, screaming bloody murder till his screams disappeared.
Dugall shit himself.
suspicious hex: He could go to the Hell too!~
cogthrottle: Well that was something you didn't see every day. Picking
herself back up, she'd dust her clothes down.
Tesarik One: Well their camp had all the stuff they'd stolen, which wasn't
all that much since they'd recently sold a lot of it but Finn would find his
pack with most of his belongings.
fionnadh na tine: He stared, then just threw his hands up in the air. "Fuck
it, I give up. Goin' back to fuckin' Shalott." Off he went.
suspicious hex: " I'll get you too.. " She pointed at Dugall; she probably
wouldn't, but he didn't know that.
Tesarik One: She felt the heat and ducked down, hands over her head as
something very wicked was going down. Then she saw the halfling sucked into
the earth by fuckin hellhounds of which she was quite superstitious about,
and she trembled with
The Lunar Beacon: This was neither the time nor the place, but Brendan took
careful note of Cassandra. He'd nod once to himself, moving off with Finn as
he headed off. "Indeed, many places other than here sound good right about
OnlineHost: Mighty Gar thog has left the room.
Tesarik One: fear and rage, and rose screaming, "He fucking surrendered you
no good wicked bitch!"
The Bronze Stag: ::A nod towards Finn and he simply removed Dugall's sword
belt and would give the rapier over to Maria for the vault. Turning he
narrowed his eyes,::idiot,:;he grunted and just growled moving over adn was
going to grasp the reigns
The Bronze Stag: of the horses and began leading them now. Prod of the
glaive to Dugall's back,::move,:;probably didn't have to tell him to move and
all.::Lets get the horses back and out of,..distasteful company.
The Bronze Stag: *D
suspicious hex: " They just don't appreciate the artistry. " This was spoken
to Maereth, who she knew would appreciate what had just happened. She wasn't
going to respond to all the people calling her names - she'd lived with that
for centuries!
Tesarik One: "They didn't need to fuckin die, they surrendered. They both
surrendered. Dishonorable...." she frowned, and would head into town with at
least Dugall to hand over to the authorities even if he smelled like shit at
the moment.
Tesarik One: ^v^ 5/29/2014 3:22:46 AM ^v^
fionnadh na tine: Yeah he'd grab his pack and then help Maka get the
prisoner back, and probably start plotting to skewer that evil bitch the
first chance he got.
Tesarik One: Log Off!
Tesarik One: Log On
Tesarik One: If you absolutely want to bring a higher level char for
whatever reason, I will allow it ONLY if you come along for roleplay.
Tesarik One: Which means you can join in the combat, but you aren't allow to
roll dice. You can just make a roleplay only attack. So if you agree with
that, that's fine.
Tesarik One: ^v^ 5/29/2014 1:09:44 AM ^v^
OnlineHost: Mighty Gar thog has entered the room.
Tesarik One: Gar mun I just said in the chat that if you really want to
bring a higher level char for whatever reason, such as the challenge, that's
fine but you cannot roll your dice or anything, you can just roleplay.
Tesarik One: You can roleplay out your attack just no dice.
Tesarik One: --start quest state--
Tesarik One: OH Mission: "Horse Thieves!"
Tesarik One: Your leader is Pamela.
Tesarik One: If you have questions please IM me or one of the Moderators.
Tesarik One: Estimated time is 1.5 hours from when we actually begin
Tesarik One: You can die on our adventures and there are consequences if you
Tesarik One: Make sure your dossier is updated! If it's not on your dossier
you do not have it and this includes mundane gear.
Tesarik One: Remember when you first use something to tell me how you are
able to use it - after that you can merely state the numbers.
Tesarik One: Now state your info: Rank - Name - Class/Profession - Dice -
Hit Points - Defense DC - Healing Points if applicable AND FLAWS. You will
need to keep up with your own self-healing points as they are
Tesarik One: used.
Tesarik One: ---end state---
suspicious hex: Sapphire Champion Cassandra Reive [ 2d64 | 44HP | DEF DC: 16
| Flaws: Rough Demeanor, Feeble, Distinctive ]
fionnadh na tine: Finn Declan, Topaz Defender, 2d44, 17hp, ddc 15, Mr. Nice
Guy, Young Pup, Strange Luck
The Bronze Stag: Conall Dalcassian , Amber Adept , 2d50, HP 44, Def DC 22,
Devout/Druid, Healing Points: 14, Intolerance Green Dragons/Traitors/Orcs
(Grandfathered in Intolerance x 3)
The Lunar Beacon: (Brendan Pearce, Devout/Paladin, 2d52, hp = 31(36 with
Diehard) , dc = 18, Healing = 14 points, Rezz, Flaws: Chivalrous Courtesy,
Compulsive Honesty, Grudge Keeper(Cherith d'Avilon)
Mighty Gar thog: (Emerald Shield, GarThog support healer, 2d78 hp 55 w
Amulet ddc 22 heal 44 Flaws - love of Nature, Ponderous, Technophilia)
Tesarik One: Makarigru Derry, Amber Champion, 2d54, 22hp (flaw), DDC17,
Young Pup, Technophilia, Fear the Reaper
The Lunar Beacon: (Amber Adempt)
cogthrottle: [ Arcabelle Pepperboom Cogthrottle the Third; Topaz Adept;
2d32; 11ddc; Arcane/Mage; 27hp (mind over body); Impatient; Loudmouth;
Technophilia ]
lurkerinshade: [ Emerald Champion | Maereth Selakir | 2d74 - 57hp - 16 ddc |
Arcane - Black Mage/ Devout | Flaws: Intolerance (elves), Distinctive, &
Haunted ]
Tesarik One: Roll init. Give final #.
suspicious hex: [ Oh yeah. Arcane / Mage / Arcane! ]*
OnlineHost: The Bronze Stag rolled 1 20-sided die: 14
OnlineHost: suspicious hex rolled 1 20-sided die: 12
OnlineHost: Mighty Gar thog rolled 1 20-sided die: 2
OnlineHost: cogthrottle rolled 1 20-sided die: 15
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 8
Mighty Gar thog: (4)
suspicious hex: [ +6 qck = 18 ]
OnlineHost: lurkerinshade rolled 1 20-sided die: 6
OnlineHost: fionnadh na tine rolled 1 20-sided die: 5
cogthrottle: (( 15! ))
fionnadh na tine: 10
The Bronze Stag: (14 + 12 Qck = 26)
Tesarik One: 15
lurkerinshade: [+6 qck, +10 Lightning Init = 22 ]
The Lunar Beacon: (Tired, Amber Defender)
OnlineHost: The Lunar Beacon rolled 1 20-sided die: 8
The Lunar Beacon: (+8quick, no armor penalty due to Paladin Blessed Armor =
Tesarik One: Hold for SB.
OnlineHost: england252525 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: *** You have ejected england252525 from this room ***
OnlineHost: england252525 has left the room.
cogthrottle: (( tch, giving the rest of us a bad name .. *shakes fist* ))
suspicious hex: ( Indeed. )
fionnadh na tine: (Maybe he's French and it's his whole purpose in life.)
cogthrottle: (( seriously ))
suspicious hex: ( Bloody mainlanders! )
Tesarik One: Conall 0/44 [22] (0/14) || >Maereth 0/57 [16] || Cassandra 0/44
[16] || Brendan 0/36 [18] (0/14) || Arcabelle 0/27 [11] || Maka 0/22 [17] ||
Finn 0/17 [15] || >Gar 0/55 [22] (0/44)
Tesarik One: Mistakes? IM me.
Tesarik One: Guess it's good to go!
Tesarik One: ^v^ 5/29/2014 1:21:20 AM ^v^
Tesarik One: Sometimes the adventures that the Heart is called upon to
perform are life changing, world changing even! Terrible creatures pulled
into this world to wreak havoc and it is on our faithful and loyal Heart to
protect the world while
Tesarik One: looting and getting rich in the process! But sometimes....
sometimes it's just very mundane things the Heart is called upon to do, no
less important of course, but tonight is one of those nights. Maria has been
asked by a local
Tesarik One: livery stable to hunt down horse thieves. It seems that a
halfling male took upon himself during a slow part of the day to stand in
front of the large stables taking horses off people's hands and telling them
to just head 'round
Tesarik One: back to pay, the owner's taking care of a horse that threw a
shoe! The halfling managed to get three horses from a family before the staff
was alerted by the family wandering about behind their stables.... so....
Tesarik One: it is up to you to locate the horse thieves, retrieve the
horses, and bring the thieves to justice! The team has been instructed to
meet at the main gate outside of Navahla, not far from the stables. (Begin
Mighty Gar thog: ~Having heard of Healers who never fought, the dragon
decided to try that, just once, for a change of pace. He would instead try to
just obsere, and aid with such things as healing, intercepting blows and
trying to find
Mighty Gar thog: things. He was drinking from a barrel of mead outside, when
Maria did an immediate call, so... there he was.~
fionnadh na tine: "Fuckin' horse thieves. I can understand takin' a man's
gold, or even his regular old belongings, but his horse? That's fucked." Who
was he speaking to? Probably Maka, as he pulled on a shirt. He'd spent most
of the day half naked
cogthrottle: All things considered, from what she had been informed it was
not something to tax the mind overmuch - but things were getting just a
little stressful down in the shop, and as she had narrowly avoided taking her
assistants head off
suspicious hex: Cassandra was moonlighting again, but that was because she
had been called upon to deal with horse thieves! How one could steal another
creature, a creature with a soul of its own boggled her mind. If someone
tried to steal Apex,
The Lunar Beacon: He'd taken special interest in this particular case. He
was always happy to help in the grander things, but due to his personal life,
this case just demanded his attention. He'd retrieved Andoriel, his mount,
and was waiting at
OnlineHost: murder rhythm has entered the room.
fionnadh na tine: again, but it was warm out and it got some admiration for
the tattoo running up his arm. He pulled on his dapper fucking vest as well,
and fully dressed once more, it was out and off towards the gate to try and
help! "And it's no
cogthrottle: with a well placed copper bolt she needed to get some air,
stretch her legs and probably kick something a few times. Of course, the leg
stretching was even stretchier than usual, after being given the details she
thought it prudent
fionnadh na tine: fuckin' surprise to hear it was a halfling either, now is
The Lunar Beacon: the gate while others arrived. He'd come early, not
wanting to be the main focus seen flying in, his mount a Celestial Steed.
suspicious hex: they would have had an eye out by now! The witch had made
her way to the meeting place with little action, it was quite a walk from her
cottage to the city but she enjoyed it none-the-less.
cogthrottle: to add a few feet to her height .. approximately three or four
[ Rapid Development / Effect Spell / Makes human sized! ] So she wouldn't be
mistaken for a halfling in the frenzy. Easy mistake to make, to the stupid.
And so a six
lurkerinshade: Maereth spent only a handful of seconds mulling over why he'd
bothered to join in on this venture. A momentary lapse in his self-interested
personality in favor of a more generous one.. Well that proved terribly
short-lived by all
OnlineHost: murder rhythm has left the room.
Tesarik One: Maka was excited to actually be sent on a mission! She listened
to Finn, nodding a bit, while checking and double checking that her guns were
in place and the slightly uncomfortable studded leather fit just perfectly.
Her cloak was
cogthrottle: foot blue haired .. humanoid .. would stroll down the streets
towards the main gate, hand stuffed in the pockets of her long buttoned up
coat as bright eyes flicked over every little detail on the offchance she
cogthrottle: something interesting.
Tesarik One: pushed over her shoulders, it was warm outside after all.
"Nobody likes a fuckin' horse thief, no matter where you go in the world.
Them's the dregs of society there." She moved on along to the gate, and
shuffled her feet a bit as
Tesarik One: she waited for others to show up.
lurkerinshade: appearances! The presence of Cassandra made the lapse
somewhat more tolerable.. experimenting how she and others of potential worth
to his plans reacted when empowered by his spells? Well that was worth his
attention for a time! "
The Bronze Stag: ::Well now there he was making his way for the gate
himself, fingers clasped about the bronzewood glaive, fingers idly flicked at
some lint that could be on the front of the simple linen shirt, well it was
more of just concealing
The Bronze Stag: his own little preperation. Bronze tinted hair fell loosely
around his shoulders, green eyes raised towards the gathering.:: [Cat's Grace
(Quickness) - Target: Self - Spell Type: +1 stat boost - Duration:
fionnadh na tine: He had no weapons at all! And no armor, to boot. He'd just
plan on chasing the little bastard down and shaking him til he stopped
moving. Not stopped forever, of course, but stopped just the same. "Aye." He
grabbed Maka's sleeve and
lurkerinshade: Aiding the non-believers, Cassandra? How generous of you. " A
sarcasm-filled greeting for the Witch now that he'd arrived at the gates not
too far from the stables they would be investigating. -d
fionnadh na tine: gave it a tug, then pointed towards the blue haired person
wandering about. "Would ya look at that! Fuckin' blue hair, and isn't she a
tall drink of water?" Not said as quietly as it probably should have been!
Mighty Gar thog: ~He was just happy they did not steal the horses he had
been training for a local stables. Imagine having the problem of having his
trained beasts taken and the owners demanding compensation. Horses were
suspicious hex: " Everyone believes in something, Maereth even if it is that
horse thievery proves the lowest form of scum. " Her shoulders were lifted in
a shrug, before she cast her gaze out towards all those that had gathered.
Apex had opted to
Tesarik One: "Oooo, she's amazing! I love blue hair!" She snickered and gave
him a nudge.
The Lunar Beacon: He'd greet each arrival with a nod, sitting calmly in his
saddle as Andoriel busied himself with grazing in the idle time. He wore no
helm, but was encased in full plate, weaponry and shields placed evenly about
the saddle.
Tesarik One: Once everyone arrived, it wouldn't be far to Frandal's Livery
Stables right outside of town. The long, rambling stable has four wings
radiating out from a central hub, which causes it to resemble a
Tesarik One: temple or some other public building rather than a mere horse
barn. Stately trees shade the courtyard and stable. The building has a slate
roof, bright red walls, and neat white trim. Several dogs, and
Tesarik One: even some cats prowl around, and an older man with a shock of
grey hair stands out in the courtyard, wringing his hands while stableboys
move about taking care of the business they still have.
suspicious hex: stay at home today.
Tesarik One: Conall 0/44 [23] (0/14) || >Maereth 0/57 [16] || Cassandra 0/44
[16] || Brendan 0/36 [18] (0/14) || Arcabelle 0/27 [11] || Maka 0/22 [17] ||
Finn 0/17 [15] || >Gar 0/55 [22] (0/44)
fionnadh na tine: "Well it's not exactly fuckin' common now is it?" He
realized too late that the blue haired one was heading the same way they
were! Hopefully she hadn't heard him. Not like he wasn't withiout his own
distinctive feature! Though
Mighty Gar thog: ~Family horses were often more like family than just work
beasts. He could just imagine a small child crying over the loss of the
horse. These thiees would be stopped.~
cogthrottle: Fingertip was lifted and turned in the air briefly, "Nolem.",
with a vague mutter leaving her lips as she twirled it in a circle [ clarity
of mind, +1 intelligence buff! 3 hours ] She had heard the particular
statement but at this
lurkerinshade: " Now you just sound like a Rumerian.. " Maereth spoke with a
level of disdian.. not for the human Rumerians.. but the elves among them and
their bloody horses as well. After that though.. Maereth set to watching the
other Adventur-
fionnadh na tine: having eyes that were different colors was a lot harder to
notice than blue hair! Anyhow, to the stables it was. If one of those dogs
got close enough he'd give it a good pet and a scratch behind the ears.
fionnadh na tine: (brb)
Tesarik One: Spells noted.
cogthrottle: present juncture wasn't sure how to respond to it. So she just
ignored it, save for a quick flash of teeth in the redheads direction. Yup,
good thing for the developmental boost .. she'd hate to have been short right
about now!
lurkerinshade: erers.. Cassandra included for potential targets of his
demonically inclined spells of empowerment. He would begin his spellcasting
eventually.. a little closer to the stables perhaps. -d
Tesarik One: "Thank you for coming, Maria said you'd be straight away." He
unfolded a piece of parchment upon which one of his more artistic workers had
drawn a sketch of a halfling male's face. He handed it outwards, to whoever
wanted to take
The Lunar Beacon: Seeing that none others were riding, he dismounted and
walked his steed, choosing his broadsword and a light shield, equipping them
to his person as they headed to the stables. He opted for staying quiet for
the time being, feeling
The Lunar Beacon: out the group as they spoke, getting used to each one's
suspicious hex: " I am a witch. " As if that explained everything, while the
old man was muttering about the thief, Cassandra was offering a blessing to
her Patron. It was in Infernal though, so not many would understand that.
There seemed to be
Tesarik One: it! Then pointed towards the right side of the stable. "They
says that the halferling was standing over there, and took all three horses
from 'em and told 'em to head around back. I found 'em behind the barn
wandering about and told
cogthrottle: Paper! She readily took the drawing, turning it end over end as
she studied it .. huh .. made sense. Before lifting a hand up with the
parchment produced in case anyone else wanted a looky loo.
Tesarik One: them I had no halferlings hired here. I got nothing against 'em
mind you but none's ever asked to work here. They're waiting inside, so
hopefully it won't take you long to find them. There's tracks that-a-way."
suspicious hex: no visible trace of what her spell did but something
happened, because Cassandra smiled to herself. [ Spell: Polymorph Self. No
effects. ] " One has to wonder how a Halfling managed to corral three horses
alone.. "
Mighty Gar thog: ~His neck extended up and out towards the man, overhead of
the others, to catch a glimpse of the sketch~
Tesarik One: "I got horses ready for you all if you wish to move on
horseback." He nodded to Brendan since he had a horse already. The
stablehands were bringing out various horses all ready for riding if they
were needed, though they might want
Tesarik One: to check out the tracks first!
The Lunar Beacon: He cast a glance over the image as it was passed about,
taking note of the blessing that was uttered. He'd been schooled to
recongize the language as part of his training, more as a defensive measure,
nodding to the man. "If they
The Lunar Beacon: wish to walk, Andoriel will safely find his way home, I
assure you."
cogthrottle: "..Horses?" She stared unconvinced. "I .. " A brief frown. Like
she was going to admit not knowing how to ride aloud!
Tesarik One: She peeked over at the parchment so she could get an idea of
what the halfling looked like, and nodded to the blue haired woman with a
wink, before turning her attention back to the man Frandal. Once he said his
peace, she moved on
The Bronze Stag: ::He moved over taking a glance at the sketch, head tipped
some before he looked over to the man listening.then moved over to the spot
the male had motioned the halfling had been.::Can someone carry this for me
for the moment? ::He
The Bronze Stag: held the glaive up before archign an eyebrow.::
Tesarik One: over to where the crime apparently happened and began looking
around, trying not to step all over any footprints that might be there.
fionnadh na tine: He moved over, getting right up in the blue haired one's
personal space to have a look at the picture and scowled. "Hey, I think I
know this little fucker." He snatched the sketch out of her hands and studied
it a moment longer,
fionnadh na tine: then nodded. "Aye, this one's the one that led me into
that punchin I got when I got into town."
Mighty Gar thog: ~Hereached out to grasp the glaie and hold it for the
fourlegged ally~
Mighty Gar thog: *glaive
Tesarik One: "Fuckin' hell, is it really? Two birds, one stone then." She
grinned a little at that, and then knelt down and searched the area as
quickly as she could.
lurkerinshade: Maereth balked at the idea of horse-riding.. paired with that
un-natural aura he gave off.. such beasts just would not be overly happy with
him seated on their back. The listening part of this matter left the Magus
watching his
cogthrottle: Tongue clucked against the roof of her mouth in rapid
succession and took a step back, grabby hands indeed!
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 18
Tesarik One: +3 PER = 21
The Lunar Beacon: "Well, I'll admit, I am not much for following tracks."
He just gave a slight shrug of his shoulders, looking around those gathered.
He wouldn't presume to know any of them did, for he really didn't know any of
them at all.
lurkerinshade: allies of convience still. Least he'd settled on whom among
them would be his vic... yes victims.. that would do fine. Whether they were
happy about it didn't matter a bit in the long run. Considering it left
Maereth grinning in his
fionnadh na tine: "Well it looks like him anyway. Perhaps they've got a
whole family of little shits all stealin' from people." He handed the picture
off to someone else, not really caring who took it! He scratched at his chin
then and had a look
suspicious hex: Cass wasn't much of a tracker, she had Apex for that, but
she took a glance around the 'scene of the crime', it was so casual that she
doubted she would see anything out of the ordinary. It all looked like a
muddy stable.
lurkerinshade: silence.. as if the 'elf' wasn't creepy enough. -d
fionnadh na tine: around, doing his own bit of searching.
OnlineHost: suspicious hex rolled 1 20-sided die: 3
OnlineHost: fionnadh na tine rolled 1 20-sided die: 15
Tesarik One: Maka would notice the small footprints of the halfling, heading
along a path through the trees with the tracks of three horses. Wasn't too
hard to figure that out.
suspicious hex: [ 3.. ]
fionnadh na tine: (+2 perception = 17)
Tesarik One: Finn notices it as well.
The Lunar Beacon: (Swapping)
cogthrottle: She had a quick scan .. while she had great attention to
detail, that really only came into effect in the workshop. Out here? In the
wild? With animals? Yeah, not so much.
OnlineHost: cogthrottle rolled 1 20-sided die: 17
cogthrottle: (( 17 ))
The Bronze Stag: ::Well with the female catching the track he simply took
the glaive back for the time being, the glaive resting across his shoulders
moving along the tracks while they were easy to see.::
The Bronze Stag: *D
Tesarik One: So does Arcabelle! Cassandra, though, can't quite make out the
tracks and what they mean.
fionnadh na tine: "Aha, onto you now you little shit." He took off following
the tracks. His ire was up now that he thought this might be the same fellow
that'd gotten him robbed!
Tesarik One: "I don't really think a halfling could ride a horse and pull
two more horses along could he? He's probably walking them.... or has help."
Mighty Gar thog: ~The dragon was too busy watching two of the cats playing
to look for the tracks~
suspicious hex: " Are you in pain? " Cass asked of Maereth, since he was
grinning and it looked like his face was all screwed up and contorted. " I
said as much earlier. " Cassandra noted to Maka.
lurkerinshade: While others were looking for clues as to the where-abouts of
the halfling culprit.. Maereth began to move among them. First was a hand
settling briefly atop Cassandra's shoulder to fulfill the touch component of
his spell. [ Skill:
The Lunar Beacon: He patted Andoriel on the snout, removing his crossbow and
quiver of bolts as well, securing them about his person. He slapped
Andoriels rump, whistling sharply and the horse took off, heading to the
skies, flying out of sight. He
Tesarik One: Once the tracks disappeared down the path where no one from the
stables could see.... Finn would note another set of tracks. This one more
cogthrottle: Well knock her down with an electromagnetic arm reshuffler.
That was unexpected! Kneeling down she poked at the tracks, wondering if they
were illusions .. seemed to hold up to scrutiny though!
The Lunar Beacon: turned and started off to keep up with those who were
following the tracks.
lurkerinshade: Delay Spell (15 minutes max before spell is activated) -
Spell: Embrace the Dark Chaos - Strengthen - +6 dice sides throughout combat
cogthrottle: And followed them they were, wherever they might lead. This was
almost fascinating.
Tesarik One: Noted.
fionnadh na tine: "Oh he probably won't be alone. He'll probably have some
human fucker with him too. He'd be the one doin the hittin, the little
bastard just stood there and laughed."
fionnadh na tine: And then he found the next tracks which seemed to confirm
at least someone human sized!
Tesarik One: Seeing Finn take off, Maka took off as well, following along
behind him with her eyes on the tracks and the path around them to see if
anything changed. She glanced behind her to see if the others were keeping
up, and then kept on
Mighty Gar thog: ~Noticingone of the group take off alone, he began to
follow~ Looks like someone is onto something...
The Lunar Beacon: Having caught wind of Finn's conversation, he moved to
closer range to speak with him. "You say you were assaulted on the way into
the city?"
Tesarik One: moving. "Well, sounds logical to me."
lurkerinshade: Moving away from Cassandra left him watching the rest once
more.. until his gaze settled upon the blue-haired one. Directing himself to
the engineer-filled-with naught but chaos incarnate she as well received a
hand to her shoulder.
Tesarik One: (Everyone roll a Spot)
OnlineHost: The Lunar Beacon rolled 1 20-sided die: 18
OnlineHost: cogthrottle rolled 1 20-sided die: 10
The Lunar Beacon: (18)
cogthrottle: (( 10 ))
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 11
fionnadh na tine: "Well it was just inside the city. 'round thereabouts."
Said with a vage motion of his hand back towards the city. Mismatched eyes
were set on those tracks so he didn't lose them though. Probably wouldn't
help his spot check any!
OnlineHost: fionnadh na tine rolled 1 20-sided die: 4
suspicious hex: Cass flinched when Maereth touched her shoulder, and she
glanced over to him with a narrowed eye. " What did you just do? " She had
been following Maka and her friend, happy in the fact that she'd been right,
even if no one listened
suspicious hex: to her.
fionnadh na tine: (6)
fionnadh na tine: (Er Alert also so 11)
OnlineHost: suspicious hex rolled 1 20-sided die: 3
lurkerinshade: " Find anything of interest? " [ Skill: Delay Spell -
Embrace the Dark Chaos (again) +6 dice sides ]
OnlineHost: The Bronze Stag rolled 1 20-sided die: 9
OnlineHost: lurkerinshade rolled 1 20-sided die: 8
OnlineHost: Mighty Gar thog rolled 1 20-sided die: 10
Tesarik One: 14
suspicious hex: Really.
Mighty Gar thog: (12)
lurkerinshade: [ Skill: Alert +5 = 14 ]
The Bronze Stag: (Bleh 9)
The Lunar Beacon: "Well, when we find the ones that did this to you, I'll be
sure to have a hand in helping you claim retribution upon them. Brendan
Pearce, and happy to be along to help in this endeavor." He gave a genuine
smile to Finn, clapping
Tesarik One: 10+ notice as you move along the path that while there are
footprints and even horse prints moving forward, that the halfling prints
veer off to the left, off the main path.
The Lunar Beacon: him gently on his left shoulder.
cogthrottle: She jumped when a hand suddenly dropped onto her shoulder.
"Watch where you lay your hands sparky!" Shuffling to one side, she stared at
him with narrow eyes .. tall, white, pointy eared .. humm. Well. At least he
hadn't dropped his
fionnadh na tine: "Well I'm not interested in vengeance. I just want my
stuff back, and maybe rough 'em up a bit. They didn't kill me when they had
the chance, so I don't think killin them would be in line. Maybe just turn
'em into the dungeon."
Mighty Gar thog: hmm... seems da small one went left... ~stated as if he
were just commenting to himself~
cogthrottle: hand onto anything inappropriate .. but oh look, some weird
tracky things! Attention diverted.
Tesarik One: "Does seem like the halfling veered off here to the left, and
the horses kept going forward, probably with the partner." She said softly
now, just in case there were people watching and listening! She eyed the
vegetation around them
fionnadh na tine: More tracks! He stopped when he noticed that the little
ones veered off and the rest went forward, then wrinkled his nose. "Well,
shit. Which one should we follow?" He got quiet too, since Maka set that
Tesarik One: and then nodded when she heard Finn, "Though in some cultures,
horse thieves by their very nature can be murdered without retribution from
the authorities."
OnlineHost: x Silver Heat x has entered the room.
lurkerinshade: A brief chuckle came in answer to that reaction. " Aversion
to touch, hm? Understandable, yes quite. " Maereth provided an apologetic
smile and even a slight bow before turning himself and his attention
elsewhere.. towards whatever
lurkerinshade: the rest were doing. -d
The Bronze Stag: ::He halted looking around and well yeah silence was a
virtue right now and he rocked the glaive back and forth some while looking
the direction the halfling went. Hearing the speaking of killing the horse
thieves he gave a single
Mighty Gar thog: The small onewould have the most information...
Tesarik One: "Rumeria, probably." She shrugged. "Should we split up?" Dun
dun dun.
fionnadh na tine: "Well if they get tossed in the dungeon and then hanged
that's all well and good. I just don't see any reason to slaughter 'em where
they stand." He considered the options, then shrugged. "Fuck it, I'm goin
after the little shit."
fionnadh na tine: He started left! If the others wanted to follow the horses
that was just fine, maybe they'd meet up somewhere further along.
cogthrottle: Was that smile apologetic? Seemed to catch her off guard; the
woman just nodding slightly beofre turning her attention back to the current
suspicious hex: Well, apparently, no one could hear her speaking.. since
Maereth had outright ignored her also. She was considering siding with the
horse thieves, at that moment in time!
The Lunar Beacon: "More importantly, how should we divide ourselves if we
choose to?" He spoke up, although it seemed like it was a bit too late.
He'd already pledged to help Finn. To divert from his path would be akin to
lying in the Paladin's
The Lunar Beacon: book, so off he went to follow Finn.
Tesarik One: (Your posts all coming through Becca? I don't see anything for
a while since that one you just posted. -.-)
suspicious hex: ( Well, they are for me. )
Tesarik One: (Hmm. Ok)
The Bronze Stag: nod.::True but the small one does not have what we seek.
::He glanced over as the paladin and fellow Shalott fellow headed for the
halfling. Shrug of shoulders given and he turned moving for the path the
horse wranger had taken and
Tesarik One: Finn didn't have any damn weapons on him, so she decided she'd
just follow along behind him as well. One of her pistols was tugged from her
hip, and she crept along trying to be all quiet as she moved along though it
wasn't hard to
The Bronze Stag: was following the equine tracks.::
Tesarik One: see that big fluffy red hair as she moved.
Tesarik One: Both would move along, the horse tracks and human tracks moving
forward, and the halfling tracks moving around in a half circle it seemed,
culminating on the very same spot! (Listen Check!)
OnlineHost: Mighty Gar thog rolled 1 20-sided die: 3
Mighty Gar thog: (5)
OnlineHost: fionnadh na tine rolled 1 20-sided die: 20
fionnadh na tine: (27!)
OnlineHost: The Bronze Stag rolled 1 20-sided die: 14
OnlineHost: The Lunar Beacon rolled 1 20-sided die: 20
The Bronze Stag: (14)
cogthrottle: She had eventually decided to follow the group, purely out of
self preservation.
The Lunar Beacon: (20)
OnlineHost: cogthrottle rolled 1 20-sided die: 17
OnlineHost: suspicious hex rolled 1 20-sided die: 2
cogthrottle: (( 17 ))
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 20
OnlineHost: lurkerinshade rolled 1 20-sided die: 2
Tesarik One: 23!
lurkerinshade: [-2 Haunted Flaw = 0 ]
Tesarik One: 15+, no matter what trail you took, hear talking and the sound
of horses ahead of you.
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 2 20-sided dice: 16 7
fionnadh na tine: Well then! He took off towards them at a pace that was
somehow brisker and more stealthy! (Stealth check!)
lurkerinshade: Now why was there the sound of distant whispering filling his
ears for!? A harsh curse from the Infernal tongue came to the air without
much disguise. The instant marked by his reaching for one of those tapered
ears to rub his palm
OnlineHost: fionnadh na tine rolled 1 20-sided die: 20
Tesarik One: You are super stealthy!
lurkerinshade: against it. -d
The Lunar Beacon: He wasn't equipped for stealth, and sneaking really
wasn't his way, either. He would wait for everyone to get into place, moving
just a bit closer towards the voices, keeping them out of his line of sight,
hoping the same would
fionnadh na tine: (+3 thief bonus, +5 stealth +5 quickness = 33)
Tesarik One: Mega super stealthy!
The Lunar Beacon: apply for them. His was going to be more of a direct
approach, when the time called for it.
cogthrottle: And in the background, Cogs would be having a small discussion
with herself underneath her breath .. something about the properties and uses
of arcanite - it seemed quite subconscious really! (( -2 to groups move
cogthrottle: checks while she's near :( ))
fionnadh na tine: Yeah he just vanished into the aether apparently!
Tesarik One: But in a group, even if one person is quiet and the others
aren't that doesn't do a lot of help does it? So, everyone roll stealth.
OnlineHost: cogthrottle rolled 1 20-sided die: 10
cogthrottle: (( 10 ¬.¬ ))
OnlineHost: The Bronze Stag rolled 1 20-sided die: 18
OnlineHost: The Lunar Beacon rolled 1 20-sided die: 2
OnlineHost: suspicious hex rolled 1 20-sided die: 4
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 6
The Lunar Beacon: (+ 8 quick = 10)
The Bronze Stag: (18 + 13 = 31)
OnlineHost: lurkerinshade rolled 1 20-sided die: 7
Tesarik One: 13
suspicious hex: [ +6 = 10 ]
The Bronze Stag: ::Was in nature,..he was a druid he was sneaky, sneaky!::
lurkerinshade: [+6 qck = 13 ]
OnlineHost: Mighty Gar thog rolled 1 20-sided die: 9
Mighty Gar thog: (21)
Tesarik One: "What's that?" the halfling rose from where he'd been sitting,
and drew "his" shortsword and brandished it a bit. "I heard something." The
human on the other hand was busy checking the horses over and not paying a
bit of mind. "It's
Tesarik One: the wind, now shut the hell up." "No, there's something out
there!" said the halfling, and he began to creep towards where Arcabelle's
group was located!
fionnadh na tine: Bunch of noisy fuckers behind him, apparently! He was
going to duck into the trees, but then he saw that little shit with his
weapon and narrowed his eyes, then darted towards him from wherever he'd
blended into to give the halfling
fionnadh na tine: a solid kick in the groin. "You get yer little thieving
hands off that weapon!"
OnlineHost: fionnadh na tine rolled 1 20-sided die: 13
Tesarik One: ~*~ fionnadh na tine scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
fionnadh na tine: (+5 quickness = 18)
OnlineHost: Mighty Gar thog has left the room.
Tesarik One: Hit
OnlineHost: fionnadh na tine rolled 2 44-sided dice: 11 23
Tesarik One: ~*~ fionnadh na tine scored 2 poynts damage ~*~
fionnadh na tine: (0 strength = 2)
The Lunar Beacon: He'd been just about to stand up and draw attention to
himself as Finn charged in, seizing the upper hand. He popped up from his
position, shield strapped to his left arm, broadsword in hand, ready to
Tesarik One: +3 DEF - Studded Leather
Tesarik One: Thankfully for the halfling's sake he had some leather covering
him, but he stumbled back surprised as hell, with an off, then eyes widened
as he saw Finn, "You!"
Tesarik One: Brock 0/?? [15] || Conall 0/44 [23] (0/14) || >Maereth 0/57
[16] || Dugall 0/?? [16] || Cassandra 0/44 [16] || Brendan 0/36 [18] (0/14)
|| Arcabelle 0/27 [11] || Maka 0/22 [17] || Finn 0/17 [15] ||
Tesarik One: >Gar 0/55 [22] (0/44) || (????)
Tesarik One: Brock-
fionnadh na tine: "Who the fuck even makes a codpiece that tiny!" Said as he
hopped back, having felt his foot thwack solidly against armor.
fionnadh na tine: back*
Tesarik One: "Come in handy for me too, pretty thing it is!" He hefted the
shortsword he'd stolen from Finn and stepped right in with a slash across
Finn's thighs. "It's not THAT tiny!"
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 7
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: 12 - Miss
Tesarik One: Brock 0/?? [15] || Conall 0/44 [23] (0/14) || >Maereth 0/57
[16] || Dugall 0/?? [16] || Cassandra 0/44 [16] || Brendan 0/36 [18] (0/14)
|| Arcabelle 0/28 [11] || Maka 0/22 [17] || Finn 0/17 [15] ||
Tesarik One: >Gar 0/55 [22] (0/44) || (????)
Tesarik One: Conall-
fionnadh na tine: He moved back as the little bastard had the gall to swing
at him with his own weapon. "Oh now you're not afraid to kill me, hm? Well
I'm not alone this time, either." Said as hopefully someone came in and did
something horrid to the
fionnadh na tine: wee one.
The Bronze Stag: ::Well while that human probably got distracted he moved in
swiftly, the knotted end of that glaive snapped down to the side of the knee
with a solid crack. Probably a halfling who does not want is raisins to be
OnlineHost: The Bronze Stag rolled 1 20-sided die: 2
Tesarik One: ~*~ The Bronze Stag scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
OnlineHost: Mighty Gar thog has entered the room.
The Bronze Stag: (2 + 13 qck = 15)
Tesarik One: Miss
Tesarik One: Maereth-
lurkerinshade: With spells delayed needing to be set off Maereth kept away
from the melee in order to finish the casting of the currently 'hanged'
spells. " Diemrey. " The word of abyssal spoken with no obvious follow up to
confirm it as a spell
OnlineHost: Mighty Gar thog has left the room.
lurkerinshade: caster's verbal component or the like! This wouldn't stop
Arcabelle and Cassandra from showing signs of the infusion of demonic energy
he'd subjected them to.. well unless they could conviently hide it of course!
[ Skill: Concealed
lurkerinshade: Spellcasting - activating the two uses of Embrace the Dark
Chaos (+6 dice sides throughout combat) on Cogs and Cassy ]
Tesarik One: Noted.
Tesarik One: Brock 0/?? [15] || Conall 0/44 [23] (0/14) || >Maereth 0/57
[16] || Dugall 0/?? [16] || Cassandra 0/44 [16] || Brendan 0/36 [18] (0/14)
|| Arcabelle 0/28 [11] || Maka 0/22 [17] || Finn 0/17 [15] ||
Tesarik One: >Gar 0/55 [22] (0/44) || (????)
Tesarik One: Dugall-
fionnadh na tine: "And it is tiny. Tiniest damned thing I think I've ever
seen." May as well poke at the halfling some more, right?
Tesarik One: The human reacted quickly when Conall came at him, spinning and
drawing a basket hilted rapier from his hip. He looked quite dashing in fact,
with silken armor, and a black coat with buttons all the way down the front.
He stepped in
Tesarik One: towards Conall and attempted to skewer it through one shoulder.
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 8
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: +6 QCK, +3 Fighter = 17
Tesarik One: Miss
Tesarik One: Brock- (Free attack for making fun of his halflinghood!)
OnlineHost: Coolguy1john has entered the room.
Tesarik One: That pissed off the halfling so much that his face got red and
he moved in quickly towards Finn brandishing the shortsword, and attempted to
strike him right across the groin with the flat of the blade, WHAP!
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 17
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 1 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: 22 - Hit
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 2 50-sided dice: 31 29
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 7 poynts damage ~*~
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 4-sided die: 4
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: (small -1 from wpn dmg)
Tesarik One: (it's normally 1d5)
OnlineHost: Coolguy1john has left the room.
Tesarik One: +3 = 14 dmg
fionnadh na tine: He snickered at the red face on the halfling, so much so
that he was not expecting that blade to come right in. Boom! He grunted,
coughed, then dropped like a sack of bricks. "You...fucker." (Armored Ink +8
at least!)
The Bronze Stag: ::Side glance while catching the rapier in the tines of
that glaives antler fashioned head. Glance over from the corner of his eye
watching that smack and winced,::wow,..ow I do believe if that had been
angled differently you would
Tesarik One: 6 dmg
The Bronze Stag: have been playing for the other side my friend.
OnlineHost: Mighty Gar thog has entered the room.
Tesarik One: Brock 0/?? [15] || Conall 0/44 [23] (0/14) || >Maereth 0/57
[16] || Dugall 0/?? [16] || Cassandra 0/44 [16] || Brendan 0/36 [18] (0/14)
|| Arcabelle 0/28 [11] || Maka 0/22 [17] || Finn 6/17 [15] ||
Tesarik One: >Gar 0/55 [22] (0/44) || (????)
Tesarik One: Cassandra-
suspicious hex: Cassandra had grown bored at some point in their journey, so
she was disinclined to help those she had come along with. So, she took out a
potion from her satchel and moved over to Brock and held out a Full Health
suspicious hex: Potion to the halfling. Little did he, or her comrades for
that matter know, that it was actually a hexxed potion. [ Skill: Homegrown. ]
OnlineHost: suspicious hex rolled 1 20-sided die: 1
Tesarik One: ~*~ suspicious hex scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
suspicious hex: [ Hex: Fatigued Hex (Topaz) - This puts the target under the
effects of "Fatigued". ]
Tesarik One: The halfling grinned and snatched the potion.
Tesarik One: Brendan-
fionnadh na tine: "Betrayal!" Said with a glare to Cassandra as the potion
was handed over! He still hadn't gotten up though.
The Lunar Beacon: Well, he'd seen enough. He moved in, closing the distance
between himself and the halfling. He would test the fellow's capabilities,
swinging in with a broad slash with his broadsword, following up by stepping
in and slamming his
The Lunar Beacon: shield right into Brock's face.(Dual Wield, Shield Weapon,
Sword and Board)
OnlineHost: The Lunar Beacon rolled 1 20-sided die: 19
Tesarik One: ~*~ The Lunar Beacon scored 1 poynts damage ~*~
The Lunar Beacon: (+8 quick == 27)
Tesarik One: Hit
OnlineHost: Coolguy1john has entered the room.
OnlineHost: The Lunar Beacon rolled 2 52-sided dice: 22 10
Tesarik One: ~*~ The Lunar Beacon scored 2 poynts damage ~*~
OnlineHost: The Lunar Beacon rolled 1 8-sided die: 8
Tesarik One: ~*~ The Lunar Beacon scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
OnlineHost: The Lunar Beacon rolled 1 5-sided die: 1
Tesarik One: ~*~ The Lunar Beacon scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
The Lunar Beacon: (+8 quick via Dex Fighter, +7 via sword and board = 23)
Tesarik One: +3 DEF = 20 dmg
Tesarik One: Well that hurt bad and it dropped the halfing for the moment as
he rolled about on the ground, one hand clinging to the sword and the other
hand clutching his poor face.
Tesarik One: Brock 20/?? [15] || Conall 0/44 [23] (0/14) || >Maereth 0/57
[16] || Dugall 0/?? [16] || Cassandra 0/44 [16] || Brendan 0/36 [18] (0/14)
|| Arcabelle 0/28 [11] || Maka 0/22 [17] || Finn 6/17 [15] ||
Tesarik One: >Gar 0/55 [22] (0/44) || (????)
suspicious hex: Cassy winked to the fellow on the ground, before moving out
of the way of the over zealous Paladin.
Tesarik One: Arcabelle-
cogthrottle: Well she never. Everything just seemed to be happening all at
once! But this was exactly why she broke out of her workshop, she'd almost
forgotten the feeling .. the arcane energies racing through her bloodstream
interacting with
Tesarik One: "Dugall, they've gone and killllled me!" he howled.
cogthrottle: the as yet unknown abyssal taint .. the power rolling from her
fingertips .. the heady air of destruction soon to overcome all .. it .. was
.. GLORIOUS! Manic cackle broke free from her lips, the woman stretching out
her arms over
cogthrottle: her head. Nothing to see here, just your typical gnomish
megalomaniac. "You give all smallfolk a bad name!" Not that it seemed to
affect her in her current six foot something glory: but nevertheless she put
her hands together and
fionnadh na tine: Well at least she winked! That actually made him want the
halfling to drink whatever had been handed to him. "Stop cryin' and drink the
potion, bastard. You're not dead if you can still be annoyin."
cogthrottle: once the large paladin had split off from the little howling
man: she'd follow up with a wave of water that sliced across the distance
and impacted with him fully like the edge of a blade. (( arcane finger
sleeves 3, +5 magic
cogthrottle: damage ))
OnlineHost: cogthrottle rolled 1 20-sided die: 4
Tesarik One: ~*~ cogthrottle scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
cogthrottle: (( +12 ¬.¬ ))
cogthrottle: (( 16 ))
Tesarik One: Hit
OnlineHost: cogthrottle rolled 2 42-sided dice: 32 8
Tesarik One: ~*~ cogthrottle scored 4 poynts damage ~*~
cogthrottle: (( +5 finger sleeves, +12 int, = 21 ))
Tesarik One: He was rolling about, so upset.... that half the water blade
didn't even hit him. (Advantageous Avoidance - half dmg)
Tesarik One: +3 DEF as well = 9dmg
Tesarik One: Brock 29/30 [15] || Conall 0/44 [23] (0/14) || >Maereth 0/57
[16] || Dugall 0/?? [16] || Cassandra 0/44 [16] || Brendan 0/36 [18] (0/14)
|| Arcabelle 0/28 [11] || Maka 0/22 [17] || Finn 6/17 [15] ||
Tesarik One: >Gar 0/55 [22] (0/44) || (????)
Tesarik One: "Oh, yeah...." the potion was popped open and gulped! (Full
Heal ...+ Fatigued!)
fionnadh na tine: He could roll around upset all he wanted. Finn was
starting to get back to his feet now! Glare of doom directed at Brock.
Tesarik One: -2 to QCK
Tesarik One: Brock 0/30 [13] || Conall 0/44 [23] (0/14) || >Maereth 0/57
[16] || Dugall 0/?? [16] || Cassandra 0/44 [16] || Brendan 0/36 [18] (0/14)
|| Arcabelle 0/28 [11] || Maka 0/22 [17] || Finn 6/17 [15] ||
Tesarik One: >Gar 0/55 [22] (0/44) || (????)
Tesarik One: Maka-
suspicious hex: Cassy cackled from her spot, and actually bounced up and
down on the heels of her boots in excitement. " How wonderful. " She watched
afterwards, to make sure the hex took!
Tesarik One: She frowned watching the halfling and Finn, grunting a bit when
the hit came to poor Finn, even she could appreciate the pain of that at
least a little bit. "Stupid fucker..." She ran in towards him once he'd taken
the potion, and
Tesarik One: slammed her pistol upside his head. (Pistol Whip)
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 8
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: 15 - Hit
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 2 54-sided dice: 50 32
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 12 poynts damage ~*~
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 6-sided die: 4
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: (Dex Fighter) +7 = 23 dmg
Tesarik One: +3 DEF - 20dmg
Tesarik One: Healed....just in time to have the hell knocked outta his
skull.... while feeling his entire body sloooooooow down after that blasted
potion! "Fucking....what.....did that... huh?" WHACK.
Tesarik One: Brock 20/30 [13] || Conall 0/44 [23] (0/14) || >Maereth 0/57
[16] || Dugall 0/?? [16] || Cassandra 0/44 [16] || Brendan 0/36 [18] (0/14)
|| Arcabelle 0/28 [11] || Maka 0/22 [17] || Finn 6/17 [15] ||
Tesarik One: >Gar 0/55 [22] (0/44) || (????)
Tesarik One: Finn-
fionnadh na tine: He walked slowly and uncomfortably over towards Maka and
Brock, eyeing that pistol in her hand. "Can I borrow that for a second, my
dear?" Oh wait, she had another! He just snatched it off of her belt.
"Nevermind." And then he
fionnadh na tine: pointed it at Brock. "You, little man. Drop that fuckin'
sword and give up already."
Tesarik One: "Screw you, ya redheaded bastard!" He hissed out, holding his
head with one hand and still clutching that sword. He held it up though when
Finn got the pistol pointed at him. "You don't even know how to use that I
bet." He spit on
Tesarik One: the ground.
fionnadh na tine: "Suit yerself." He dropped his aim and squeezed the
trigger, attempting to send a bullet right into the wee man's leg, tempting
though it was to put it in the groin.
OnlineHost: fionnadh na tine rolled 1 20-sided die: 6
Tesarik One: ~*~ fionnadh na tine scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
fionnadh na tine: (Bah. +5 = 11)
Tesarik One: It missed, but it was so close that the halfling pissed his
Tesarik One: Gar-
Mighty Gar thog: ~The dragon loomed up, looking rather menacing, coming
forward.... but stopped, placed a hand down upon Finns wounds, sending a
bright white light around that hand, healing the injured of (6 points) all
cogthrottle: She wrinkled her nose. "....."
fionnadh na tine: "I make these fuckin' things, you blathering idiot. The
hell would I not know how to use one?" Sure, he'd make it seem like he'd
missed on purpose.
Tesarik One: Brock 20/30 [13] || Conall 0/44 [23] (0/14) || >Maereth 0/57
[16] || Dugall 0/?? [16] || Cassandra 0/44 [16] || Brendan 0/36 [18] (0/14)
|| Arcabelle 0/28 [11] || Maka 0/22 [17] || Finn 0/17 [15] ||
Tesarik One: >Gar 0/55 [22] (6/44) || (????)
Tesarik One: Brock-
Tesarik One: Being that he'd missed, it was far closer to his groin than
Finn intended and no horses were worth losing that over. He threw the sword
down on the ground and put his hands up, "I give! I give! Don't shoot again!"
Tesarik One: "Brock you idiot!" yelled the human Dugall.
Tesarik One: Conall-
Tesarik One: "I'm bleeding my life out from a vicious head wound!" Brock
shouted back.
fionnadh na tine: He raised the weapon as if to pistol whip the halfling
anyway, then shrugged instead and tucked it back into Maka's belt.
The Bronze Stag: ::As Dugall yelled that he would spin that glave around, a
smack delivered to the mans ribs.::I would take the course your friend is
OnlineHost: The Bronze Stag rolled 1 20-sided die: 20
Tesarik One: ~*~ The Bronze Stag scored 2 poynts damage ~*~
The Bronze Stag: (32)
Tesarik One: Crit!
OnlineHost: The Bronze Stag rolled 2 50-sided dice: 13 25
Tesarik One: ~*~ The Bronze Stag scored 3 poynts damage ~*~
The Bronze Stag: (Glaive)
OnlineHost: The Bronze Stag rolled 2 8-sided dice: 4 5
Tesarik One: ~*~ The Bronze Stag scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
The Bronze Stag: (3 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 12 Dex Fighter, +2 One with Wood= 29)
The Bronze Stag: ::And that glaive snapped up and around so the tines of
that antler tipping the glaive was resting angled for Dugall's throat,::last
chance. *D
Tesarik One: (Battle Sense - Reflect)
Tesarik One: He was good with that damn rapier in his hand, and as the
glaive came for him, he slid the blade along the pole of the weapon pushing
it aside, and kept on moving forward to strike Conall.
The Bronze Stag: ( Sidestep- Evade)
Tesarik One: Noted.
Tesarik One: *Brock 20/30 [13] || Conall 0/44 [23] (0/14) || >Maereth 0/57
[16] || Dugall 0/?? [16] || Cassandra 0/44 [16] || Brendan 0/36 [18] (0/14)
|| Arcabelle 0/28 [11] || Maka 0/22 [17] || Finn 0/17 [15] ||
Tesarik One: >Gar 0/55 [22] (6/44) || (????)
Tesarik One: Maereth-
The Bronze Stag: ::As it slid along the glaive heading for the strike he
whipped the polearm around, the haft rolling over the back of his hand
knocking the blade up and off course while he angled his body so it went over
his shoulder instead of
The Bronze Stag: catching flesh. Yeah he was decent with that glaive as well
giving a smirk.::Close,..came close but just didn't make it. *D
lurkerinshade: A man quite taken with the concept of deception.. or in this
case.. seeking to cause a betrayal.. Maereth commited to a little chatting
over melting someone's face off. That meant a walk over to Dugall and the
exercise of all his
lurkerinshade: elven charms for a very simple task. " Well you must know the
halfling is going to die. We are only after the halfling.. its not too much
to ask that you kill your corwardice peer. A small price to pay for us to
pretend we never saw
lurkerinshade: you, do you not agree? " [ Diplomacy check - Skill: Elven
Beauty +10 diplomacy ]
OnlineHost: lurkerinshade rolled 1 20-sided die: 12
Tesarik One: ~*~ lurkerinshade scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
lurkerinshade: [22]
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 18
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 1 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: Fail.
Tesarik One: "What the fuck are you doing, asshole?" Maka yelled over to the
man she didn't know trying to get him to kill the halfling that just
surrendered. That would not do at all.
Tesarik One: *Brock 20/30 [13] || Conall 0/44 [23] (0/14) || >Maereth 0/57
[16] || Dugall 0/?? [16] || Cassandra 0/44 [16] || Brendan 0/36 [18] (0/14)
|| Arcabelle 0/28 [11] || Maka 0/22 [17] || Finn 0/17 [15] ||
Tesarik One: >Gar 0/55 [22] (6/44) || (????)
Tesarik One: Dugall-
fionnadh na tine: It really would not. Oh well, he didn't like Dugall much
either, he'd like to punch him in the head for some payback!
fionnadh na tine: Oh hey! His groin didn't hurt anymore. He'd have to thank
whoever was responsible later. He'd been so fired up he hadn't noticed.
Tesarik One: "Yeah.... yeah.... I see what you mean, he's just trouble,
little bastard." He stalked over towards Brock and went to stab him right in
the back.
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 8
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
OnlineHost: Coolguy1john has left the room.
Tesarik One: 17 - Hit
Tesarik One: The shot from the pistol had scared the horses, and they were
presently attempting to stomp and pull away from the trees where they'd been
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 2 60-sided dice: 11 27
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 3 poynts damage ~*~
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 5-sided die: 2
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: +10 = 15 dmg
fionnadh na tine: "Fuck me.." He grabbed the halfling and yanked him out of
the way, shifting in to take that stabbing, relying on his tattoo to protect
him! (Taking the hit.)
fionnadh na tine: (+8 def)
Tesarik One: 7 dmg
Tesarik One: Cassandra-
suspicious hex: There was not enough death or mayhem for Cassandra, so her
sights were set upon Dugall. He had been warned to throw down his weapon and
had ignored someone.. well, she didn't care about all that anyway. Lightning
crackled between
Mighty Gar thog: ~Wondered if Maer was quite sane. If the human struck the
halfling, the halfling would likely be dead. If that small one took one of
ours gear, that gear would then be lost. Insane... or just eil.~
suspicious hex: her finger tips and when she could no longer contain the orb
of magic, she sent it flying towards Dugall. [ Invocation: Hexing Orb, 1d8 ]
OnlineHost: suspicious hex rolled 1 20-sided die: 5
Tesarik One: ~*~ suspicious hex scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
suspicious hex: [ +12 = 17 ]
Tesarik One: hit
OnlineHost: suspicious hex rolled 2 70-sided dice: 26 52
Tesarik One: ~*~ suspicious hex scored 11 poynts damage ~*~
OnlineHost: suspicious hex rolled 1 8-sided die: 4
Tesarik One: ~*~ suspicious hex scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
suspicious hex: [ +12 Int, +5 Mage = 32 ]
fionnadh na tine: He cringed when he got himself stabbed, which was a hell
of a lot worse than getting kicked in the groin in a lot of ways! He gave the
halfling a shove after that yanking. "You better remember I did that." At
least he'd been able to
Tesarik One: Dugall was not able to match a magical attack like that and
took it fully.
fionnadh na tine: somewhat control it so it wasn't lethal! Hand pressed to
his wound just the same.
Tesarik One: *Brock 20/30 [13] || Conall 0/44 [23] (0/14) || >Maereth 0/57
[16] || Dugall 32/?? [16] || Cassandra 0/44 [16] || Brendan 0/36 [18] (0/14)
|| Arcabelle 0/28 [11] || Maka 0/22 [17] || Finn 7/17 [15] ||
Tesarik One: >Gar 0/55 [22] (6/44)
Tesarik One: Brendan-
The Lunar Beacon: He moved to stand up next to Finn. The halfling had
surrendered, he'd do what he could to ensure they honored that fact. He
sheathed his broadsword, laying his right hand on Finn's shoulder, a blessing
uttered in the Celestial
The Lunar Beacon: Tongue to bring Finn back up to health a bit(7/14 healing
used on Finn).
Tesarik One: "Thank you, thank you! I owe you! Bastard turncoat!" he hissed
that last part over to Dugall.
Tesarik One: *Brock 20/30 [13] || Conall 0/44 [23] (0/14) || >Maereth 0/57
[16] || Dugall 32/?? [16] || Cassandra 0/44 [16] || Brendan 0/36 [18] (7/14)
|| Arcabelle 0/28 [11] || Maka 0/22 [17] || Finn 0/17 [15] ||
Tesarik One: >Gar 0/55 [22] (6/44)
Tesarik One: Arcabelle-
fionnadh na tine: Well! Damaged, then healed, then damaged, then healed, hsi
body didn't know quite what to make of all this.
suspicious hex: " You should kill him, Halfling.. for his betrayal. "
lurkerinshade: Maereth was quite content with the results of his actions..
and no amount of complaining humans would cause that to be easily dismissed
by the elf. Whatever they thought of his actions.. if the halfling turned out
to be truly thank
Tesarik One: "I would, but I'm dying here." He said sadly, pointing to his
bloody head with a sigh.
cogthrottle: Well! She didn't know much about horses, but after briefly
calling her Omnilexicon into existence she learned that .. stampeding horses
were bad! If they broke free of the ropes, that too would be bad. So. She
would do her level
Tesarik One: "How about you do it?"
lurkerinshade: ful.. well he'd be useful for the redheaded bra.. oh.. wait..
was the youth not a child? He couldn't tell.. all humans looked alike. -d
fionnadh na tine: "Shut the fuck up, alll you crazy fuckers going on about
cogthrottle: best to calm down the horses .. and considering that the other
members of the party were capable of handling the human: she'd find the
nearest carrot and try to stop them from being all horse insane and rope
suspicious hex: " Only a small man, would let that get in the way. " She
sniffed, then there was a flicker of a grin before she lifted her shoulders
in a shrug. " I might, if you pay enough. "
Tesarik One: Horses and carrots, yay!
Tesarik One: Maka-
Tesarik One: She was getting confused, and she was also wondering about
many, many things that she didn't have time to discuss. She moved in for
Dugall, thinking she'd better just knock him out, (Non lethal hit - Pistol
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 1 20-sided die: 6
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: 13 - Miss!
Tesarik One: *Brock 20/30 [13] || Conall 0/44 [23] (0/14) || >Maereth 0/57
[16] || Dugall 32/?? [16] || Cassandra 0/44 [16] || Brendan 0/36 [18] (7/14)
|| Arcabelle 0/28 [11] || Maka 0/22 [17] || Finn 0/17 [15] ||
Tesarik One: >Gar 0/55 [22] (6/44)
Tesarik One: Finn-
Tesarik One: He moved out of the way and frowned at the whole lot of them.
Dugall that is. He was feeling very poorly though, that damn magic. He was
eyeing Cassandra, "Shut your mouth, bitch."
suspicious hex: Cassy tilted her head a little, before blowing him a kiss
and replying with: " Come over here and make me. " Her fingers were crackling
again with the magic he so detested!
fionnadh na tine: He picked up that shortsword from the ground and moved
towards Dugall, flipping the weapon around into a reverse grip, and then
attemped to just smash him in the jaw with the hilt! Everyone just need to
shut up.
OnlineHost: fionnadh na tine rolled 1 20-sided die: 18
Tesarik One: ~*~ fionnadh na tine scored 1 poynts damage ~*~
fionnadh na tine: (23)
Tesarik One: Hit
OnlineHost: fionnadh na tine rolled 2 44-sided dice: 26 2
Tesarik One: ~*~ fionnadh na tine scored 3 poynts damage ~*~
OnlineHost: fionnadh na tine rolled 1 5-sided die: 1
Tesarik One: ~*~ fionnadh na tine scored 0 poynts damage ~*~
fionnadh na tine: (God damn dice. 4)
Tesarik One: *Brock 20/30 [13] || Conall 0/44 [23] (0/14) || >Maereth 0/57
[16] || Dugall 36/40 [16] || Cassandra 0/44 [16] || Brendan 0/36 [18] (7/14)
|| Arcabelle 0/28 [11] || Maka 0/22 [17] || Finn 0/17 [15] ||
Tesarik One: >Gar 0/55 [22] (6/44)
Tesarik One: Well it broke some teeth regardless, which he spat out with
blood as he stumbled back.
Tesarik One: Gar-
Mighty Gar thog: ~The poor horses! The dragonmoved infast, then attempted to
calm them, and settle them down, trying to keep those pretty animals safe
from any harm (Animal Affinity)~
OnlineHost: Mighty Gar thog rolled 1 20-sided die: 15
Tesarik One: ~*~ Mighty Gar thog scored 1 poynts damage ~*~
Mighty Gar thog: (16)
fionnadh na tine: "Are you done yet? Or do I have to knock more of your
teeth out?" Said as he flipped that sword around in a regular grip now,
which'd be easier to defend with.
Tesarik One: Between carrots... and Arcabelle's work, and now Gar the horses
were perfectly settled.
cogthrottle: "The fuck?!" A fast moving black dragon? Yeah, it'd startle her
so much she dropped her carrot even if the horses saw through the size and
scales and carnivorous nature.
Tesarik One: Apparently, the dragon had some sort of knack that the horses
didn't think he'd eat them.... odd!
Mighty Gar thog: ~Had no carniorous nature, actually~
Tesarik One: Conall-
cogthrottle: Is a big dragon: natrually automatically assumed unless
verbally stated otherwise! Kinda like if a lion suddenly pops up.
fionnadh na tine: Would've been more intimidating if he didn't sound so
affable all the time. Not to mention the fact that he was pretty ineffective
in a fight!
The Bronze Stag: ::Well as Finn rushed in and smacked the guy he just gave a
faint smirk leaning to rest on the glaive.;: You are highly outnumbered,
outclassed and outmatched I suggest you drop the blade and play nice before
one of the magic users
The Bronze Stag: melts your brain.
Tesarik One: Well Dugall was a smart ass, and hot headed.... but he was near
dead and outnumbered. "Fuck!" he said with a lot of blood added to the
letters as they left his mouth. He threw down his rapier and held his hands
up. "Take the damn
Tesarik One: horses back, this is not worth it. Fucking halfling!" Blamed it
allllll on the halfling.
The Bronze Stag: ::A spin and he snapped the glaive around and down, the
tine of the antlered head catching the basket hilt and he brought the rapier
up and out of Dugall's reach.
The Bronze Stag: ::
Tesarik One: Mission Accomplished! Horses were brought back to the family,
and unless any of the team wishes to make another action, the two horse
thieves were tied up and led back into town as well and given to the
The Lunar Beacon: He spent the remainder of his healing closing the wounds
of Brock and Dugall, not wanting them to bleed out on the road back. "You'll
face the punishment for your crimes . . . he certainly didn't drag you into
this." (4 to Brock,
The Lunar Beacon: 3 to Dugall)
The Bronze Stag: ::And without another word he simply caught the blade,
unlocked the basket and held the rapier over to Finn, hilt first.::
suspicious hex: [ I do! ]
Tesarik One: Go for it.
Tesarik One: *Brock 16/30 [13] || Conall 0/44 [23] (0/14) || >Maereth 0/57
[16] || Dugall 33/40 [16] || Cassandra 0/44 [16] || Brendan 0/36 [18] (14/14)
|| Arcabelle 0/28 [11] || Maka 0/22 [17] || Finn 0/17 [15]
Tesarik One: || >Gar 0/55 [22] (6/44)
fionnadh na tine: Did that damn halfling have his sheath or did he just have
the sword?
Tesarik One: He had the sheath.
suspicious hex: Cassandra didn't care whether they had given up or not, she
wasn't going to let them face a human lead trial of what they considered
justice. So, the witch called upon the power and blessing of her patron,
Antaia. The whole group
Mighty Gar thog: Remember... da Obsidian Heart hath stopped thee this eve...
So speaketh GarThog!
suspicious hex: would suddenly feel the touch of flame, as if it was licking
against their flesh and then suddenly, there was howling. Four hellhounds, as
big and as vicious as the horses themselves rose from the ground and sank
their teeth into
fionnadh na tine: He turned down the rapier with a shake of his head. "That
one's not mine, but thank you." He moved and yanked the sheath away from the
halfling, sheathing the blade and sticking the weapon on his own belt.
suspicious hex: Brock and Dougall, to drag them down to the pits where they
belonged. [ Patron Spell: Call of the Hounds | AOE Attack | Save: Yes, DC 30
| +6 Magic Dmg [4 NPCS ] ]
OnlineHost: Tesarik One rolled 2 20-sided dice: 18 20
Tesarik One: ~*~ Tesarik One scored 3 poynts damage ~*~
Tesarik One: Brock fails, Dugall passes with a nat 20.
OnlineHost: suspicious hex rolled 2 70-sided dice: 15 52
Tesarik One: ~*~ suspicious hex scored 9 poynts damage ~*~
suspicious hex: [ +17, +6 = 32, Dugall dragged to Hell! ]
suspicious hex: Brock, sorry.
fionnadh na tine: Well how the fuck was he supposed to find his clothes now?
Fucking bitch.
Tesarik One: The halfling disappears through a crack in the earth in the
teeth of the hellhound, screaming bloody murder till his screams disappeared.
Dugall shit himself.
suspicious hex: He could go to the Hell too!~
cogthrottle: Well that was something you didn't see every day. Picking
herself back up, she'd dust her clothes down.
Tesarik One: Well their camp had all the stuff they'd stolen, which wasn't
all that much since they'd recently sold a lot of it but Finn would find his
pack with most of his belongings.
fionnadh na tine: He stared, then just threw his hands up in the air. "Fuck
it, I give up. Goin' back to fuckin' Shalott." Off he went.
suspicious hex: " I'll get you too.. " She pointed at Dugall; she probably
wouldn't, but he didn't know that.
Tesarik One: She felt the heat and ducked down, hands over her head as
something very wicked was going down. Then she saw the halfling sucked into
the earth by fuckin hellhounds of which she was quite superstitious about,
and she trembled with
The Lunar Beacon: This was neither the time nor the place, but Brendan took
careful note of Cassandra. He'd nod once to himself, moving off with Finn as
he headed off. "Indeed, many places other than here sound good right about
OnlineHost: Mighty Gar thog has left the room.
Tesarik One: fear and rage, and rose screaming, "He fucking surrendered you
no good wicked bitch!"
The Bronze Stag: ::A nod towards Finn and he simply removed Dugall's sword
belt and would give the rapier over to Maria for the vault. Turning he
narrowed his eyes,::idiot,:;he grunted and just growled moving over adn was
going to grasp the reigns
The Bronze Stag: of the horses and began leading them now. Prod of the
glaive to Dugall's back,::move,:;probably didn't have to tell him to move and
all.::Lets get the horses back and out of,..distasteful company.
The Bronze Stag: *D
suspicious hex: " They just don't appreciate the artistry. " This was spoken
to Maereth, who she knew would appreciate what had just happened. She wasn't
going to respond to all the people calling her names - she'd lived with that
for centuries!
Tesarik One: "They didn't need to fuckin die, they surrendered. They both
surrendered. Dishonorable...." she frowned, and would head into town with at
least Dugall to hand over to the authorities even if he smelled like shit at
the moment.
Tesarik One: ^v^ 5/29/2014 3:22:46 AM ^v^
fionnadh na tine: Yeah he'd grab his pack and then help Maka get the
prisoner back, and probably start plotting to skewer that evil bitch the
first chance he got.
Tesarik One: Log Off!